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Date:      Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:23:36 -0700
From:      John-David Childs <>
Subject:   Re: BIND 8.1.1
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.95.971125204643.13531A-100000@unicorn>; from Gordon Henderson on Tue, Nov 25, 1997 at 08:50:06PM %2B0000
References:  <> <Pine.LNX.3.95.971125204643.13531A-100000@unicorn>

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On Tuesday November 25, 1997, Gordon Henderson <>
 had this to say about "Re: BIND 8.1.1":

> On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Stephen Roome wrote:
> Converting the zone files from 4.X format to 8.x format might not be a
> trivial task for some people. True, there is a little perl script which
> will do the bulk of the work, but for an ISP who acts as secondary for
> 1000's of their customers zones, they also have to make sure that they can
> get the information in the right format from their customer! 

That is a big issue for I have quite a few secondaries who are
running NT 4.9.whatever and I always come up with "record too short" when
I do a named-xfer from Bind 8.1.1 (2.2.5-RELEASE) but works flawlessly
when I retrieve the zone info from any of several 4.9.6 versions of
Unix BIND.

Other than that, 8.1.1 has a few goodies under the hood which convinced me
to install it on my main DNS boxes last May.  I wrote a csh script (my
perl still sucks but I'm getting there :), to convert my *.boot, primary
and secondary zone files to the 8.X format in about 30 minutes.
> 8.1.1 compiles and installs out of the box on all FreeBSD's I've tried it
> on and it seems to work well, so I'm sure it will happen, but not right
> away... 
> Gordon

John-David Childs (JC612)       Enterprise Internet Solutions
System Administrator  
  & Network Engineer            1031 S. Parker Rd. #I-8 Denver, CO 80231
As of this^H^H^H^H next week, passwords will be entered in Morse code.

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