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To: "John R. Levine" <>, 
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Subject: Re: Pkg says php 5.6, ports says php5.4
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On 2015-03-29 14:03, John R. Levine wrote:
>> which ports are you comparing? There's php5 and php56 (both in binary pkg
>> and ports): one is 5.4, one is 5.6.
> php5.  Now I'm extremely confused, since /usr/ports/UPDATING says the
> default version is now 5.6, but it looks like it's not.

Yes, there was a change this time around where 5.6 was *added* to the 
tree as php56-* and php5-* was left at 5.4.  In the past, it's been the 
other way around and the expected change was to php5-* to 5.6 and add 
php54-* to the tree.

It definitely caught me out on one machine where I updated php5 to php56 
using pkg, then had to add the pgsql extension back in and `pkg install 
php5-pgsql` tried to install the 5.4 extension.