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Date:      Thu, 11 Jan 2007 19:08:59 -0500
From:      John Merryweather Cooper <>
To:        Martin Wilke <>
Subject:   Re: ports/107403: [NEW PORT] devel/aunit -- an Ada implementation of JUnit
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <>

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Martin Wilke wrote:
> Synopsis: [NEW PORT] devel/aunit -- an Ada implementation of JUnit
> State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
> State-Changed-By: miwi
> State-Changed-When: Thu Jan 11 11:22:58 UTC 2007
> State-Changed-Why: 
> Hi,
> Can you please install devel/portlint and check with portlint -A.
> Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->miwi
> Responsible-Changed-By: miwi
> Responsible-Changed-When: Thu Jan 11 11:22:58 UTC 2007
> Responsible-Changed-Why: 
> Take
Here is a patch that makes it through portlint -A.  I've also observed 
that devel/aunit already existed, so the patch is against that port.


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# update aunit-1.03 to aunit-1.05
# To apply this patch:
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# STEP 2: Run the 'applypatch' program with this patch file as input.
# If you do not have 'applypatch', it is part of the 'makepatch' package
# that you can fetch from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:
# In the above URL, 'x' should be 2 or higher.
# To apply this patch without the use of 'applypatch':
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# STEP 2: Run the 'patch' program with this file as input.
#### End of Preamble ####

#### Patch data follows ####
diff -u '/usr/ports/devel/aunit/Makefile' 'aunit/Makefile'
Index: ./Makefile
--- ./Makefile	Tue Sep  5 10:41:55 2006
+++ ./Makefile	Thu Jan 11 08:55:36 2007
@@ -1,38 +1,51 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for:	AUnit
-# Date created:				20 Jan 2002
-# Whom:					Aidan Skinner <>
+# New ports collection makefile for: aunit
+# Date created:		31 Dec 2006
+# Whom:			John Merryweather Cooper
-# $FreeBSD: ports/devel/aunit/Makefile,v 1.5 2006/09/05 14:41:55 danfe Exp $
+# $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	aunit
-COMMENT=	A unit testing framework for the Ada '95 programming language
-NO_BUILD=	yes
-	@${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type d -name CVS -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${RM} -rf
-	@${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/include/aunit
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/aunit/framework/* ${PREFIX}/include/aunit
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/aunit/text_reporter/* ${PREFIX}/include/aunit
-	@${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/template ${DATADIR}/test
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/template/* ${DATADIR}/template
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/test/* ${DATADIR}/test
+EXTRACT_SUFX=	-src.tgz
+COMMENT=	AUnit is an adaption of the Java JUnit unit test framework
+BUILD_DEPENDS=	gnatmake:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gnat
+RUN_DEPENDS=	gnatgcc:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gnat
+# Check for GNAT sources.
+.if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${DISTFILE}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
+IGNORE=Because of licensing and registration restrictions, you must fetch\n \
+	the source distribution manually.  Please access\n \
+\ with a web browser, register\n \
+	(It's free!) and log in.  Download the source files:\n\n \
+	\t${DISTFILE}\n\n \
+	and place them in ${DISTDIR}\n
+	@${MV} ${WRKSRC}/makefile ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
+# install-info is being called directly because does not have an
+# entry field
 .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+	${CD} ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} install_doc
+	@install-info --entry "AUnit" ${DOCSDIR}/ \
+		${DOCSDIR}/dir
+	@${CD} ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} test
 .include <>
diff -u '/usr/ports/devel/aunit/distinfo' 'aunit/distinfo'
Index: ./distinfo
--- ./distinfo	Mon Sep  4 14:38:58 2006
+++ ./distinfo	Mon Jan  1 13:24:35 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (aunit-1.03p-src.tgz) = 24e6e78f199b732aa6a21293968e32cc
-SHA256 (aunit-1.03p-src.tgz) = cdc6b076253d9cb9fab5227c789ac178bf12bcdecbc85ef36d4b9f51fb30d365
-SIZE (aunit-1.03p-src.tgz) = 29737
+MD5 (aunit-1.05-src.tgz) = bff181b9854d03e81cdf2874d0e4d154
+SHA256 (aunit-1.05-src.tgz) = f395f0ff8388a004efe5709fb1ab32bfdd460c9fcfa0f85355225bba5beedfa1
+SIZE (aunit-1.05-src.tgz) = 112619
diff -u '/usr/ports/devel/aunit/files/patch-makefile' 'aunit/files/patch-makefile'
Index: ./files/patch-makefile
Prereq:  1.1 
--- ./files/patch-makefile	Mon Jan  1 14:41:27 2007
+++ ./files/patch-makefile	Thu Jan 11 09:03:05 2007
@@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
 --- makefile.orig	Fri Nov  4 14:23:52 2005
-+++ makefile	Mon Jan  1 13:16:52 2007
++++ makefile	Thu Jan 11 08:47:07 2007
 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- # $Id: patch-makefile,v 1.1 2007/01/01 18:25:35 jcooper Exp $
+ # $Id: patch-makefile,v 1.2 2007/01/11 14:03:05 jcooper Exp $
 -INSTALL	= /opt
  # Install directories
-@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@
+@@ -27,25 +27,28 @@
+ install_clean:
+ 	$(RM) -fr $(I_INC)
+ 	$(RM) -fr $(I_LIB)
+-	$(RM) -fr $(INSTALL)/share/examples/aunit
++	$(RM) -fr $(I_TPL)
+ 	$(RM) -fr $(I_DOC)
+ 	$(RM) -f $(I_GPR)/aunit.gpr
+ install_dirs: install_clean
+ 	$(MKDIR) $(I_INC)
+ 	$(MKDIR) $(I_LIB)
+-	$(MKDIR) $(I_DOC)
+ 	$(MKDIR) $(I_GPR)
+ 	$(MKDIR) $(I_TPL)
  	$(MKDIR) $(I_PLG)
++	$(MKDIR) $(I_DOC)
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) docs/*.html docs/*.info docs/*.pdf docs/*.txt $(I_DOC)
  install: install_dirs
 -	$(CP) aunit/framework/*.ad* aunit/text_reporter/*.ad* $(I_INC)
 -	$(CP) aunit/lib/* $(I_LIB)
@@ -23,13 +41,12 @@
 +		$(I_INC)
 +	$(INSTALL_DATA) aunit/lib/* $(I_LIB)
 +	$(INSTALL_DATA) template/*.ad* template/*.gpr $(I_TPL)
-+	$(INSTALL_DATA) docs/*.html docs/*.info docs/*.pdf docs/*.txt $(I_DOC)
 +	$(INSTALL_DATA) support/aunit.gpr $(I_GPR)
 +	$(INSTALL_DATA) support/aunit.xml $(I_PLG)
  	${MAKE} -C docs
-@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
+@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@
  	gnatmake -Paunit_tests
diff -u '/usr/ports/devel/aunit/pkg-descr' 'aunit/pkg-descr'
Index: ./pkg-descr
--- ./pkg-descr	Mon Sep  4 14:38:58 2006
+++ ./pkg-descr	Mon Jan  1 13:47:52 2007
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
-AUnit is a set of Ada packages based on the xUnit family of unit test
-frameworks. It's intended as a developer's tool to facilitate
-confident writing and evolution of Ada software. It is purposely
-lightweight, as one of its main goals is to make it easy to develop
-and run unit tests, rather than to generate artifacts for process
-management. The framework supports easy composition of sets of unit
-tests to provide flexibility in determining what tests to run for a
-given purpose.
+AUnit is an adaptation of the Java JUnit (Kent Beck, Erich Gamma) unit
+test framework for Ada code. 
diff -u '/usr/ports/devel/aunit/pkg-plist' 'aunit/pkg-plist'
Index: ./pkg-plist
--- ./pkg-plist	Tue Sep  5 10:41:55 2006
+++ ./pkg-plist	Thu Jan 11 09:00:37 2007
@@ -18,38 +18,35 @@
-@dirrm include/aunit
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/template
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%
+@dirrm share/gps/plug-ins
+@dirrm share/gps
+@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
 %%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+@dirrm lib/gnat
+@dirrm lib/aunit
+@dirrm include/aunit
#### End of Patch data ####

#### ApplyPatch data follows ####
# Data version        : 1.0
# Date generated      : Thu Jan 11 18:57:33 2007
# Generated by        : makepatch 2.03
# Recurse directories : Yes
# Excluded files      : (\A|/).*\~\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.a\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.bak\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.BAK\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.elc\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.exe\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.gz\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.ln\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.o\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.obj\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.olb\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.old\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.orig\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.rej\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.so\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.Z\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.del\-.*\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.make\.state\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.nse_depinfo\Z
#                       (\A|/)core\Z
#                       (\A|/)tags\Z
#                       (\A|/)TAGS\Z
# p 'Makefile' 1137 1168523736 0100644
# p 'distinfo' 192 1167675875 0100644
# p 'files/patch-makefile' 1136 1168524185 0100644
# p 'pkg-descr' 522 1167677272 0100644
# p 'pkg-plist' 1946 1168524037 0100644
#### End of ApplyPatch data ####

#### End of Patch kit [created: Thu Jan 11 18:57:33 2007] ####
#### Patch checksum: 285 9488 58175 ####
#### Checksum: 303 10144 46777 ####


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