Date: Wed, 08 May 1996 17:24:17 -0500 From: Randy Terbush <> To: Cc:,, Subject: Continued MBUF problem with ET V.35 card Message-ID: <>
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As some of you may remember, I reported a problem with MBUF leakage on a FreeBSD-stable system running an Emerging Technologies ET5025 card. After Dennis' indication that the problem was FreeBSD-stable and rather strong suggestion that I need to be running 2.1.0, I have reinstalled this system running stock FreeBSD-2.1.0. The problem still exists and can be directly related to activity over the 56K connection. A much busier system of same kernel vintage without the ET drivers hovers at around '75 mbufs in use' after several days of uptime. The system will reach it's max of 4096K after about 48 hours of uptime and eventually reboot. I'm at a loss for how to track this down and would heartily welcome more productive suggestions. After: 5:12PM up 3:24, 1 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 => netstat -m 792 mbufs in use: 788 mbufs allocated to data 2 mbufs allocated to packet headers 1 mbufs allocated to protocol control blocks 1 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses 349/354 mbuf clusters in use 807 Kbytes allocated to network (98% in use) 0 requests for memory denied 0 requests for memory delayed 0 calls to protocol drain routines => dmesg FreeBSD 2.1.0-RELEASE #1: Tue May 7 20:32:31 CDT 1996 kroot@sierra:/disks/sd2/FreeBSD-2.1.0/src/sys/compile/Z_ROUTER CPU: 75-MHz Pentium 735\\90 or 815\\100 (Pentium-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x525 Stepping=5 Features=0x1bf<FPU,VME,PSE,MCE,CX8,APIC> real memory = 16777216 (16384K bytes) avail memory = 15007744 (14656K bytes) Probing for devices on the ISA bus: scprobe: keyboard RESET failed fe sc0 at 0x60-0x6f irq 1 on motherboard sc0: VGA color <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x0> eth0 at 0x240 irq 7 maddr 0xd0000 on isa ET/5025(-16) HDLC Driver v2.4beta8 sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa sio0: type 16550A sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa sio1: type 16550A sio2 not found at 0x3e8 sio3 not found at 0x2e8 fdc0 at 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa fdc0: NEC 72065B fd0: 1.44MB 3.5in wdc0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14 on isa wdc0: unit 0 (wd0): <Conner Peripherals 540MB - CFS541A> wd0: 515MB (1056384 sectors), 1048 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S 1 3C5x9 board(s) on ISA found at 0x300 ep0 at 0x300-0x30f irq 10 on isa ep0: aui/bnc/utp[*UTP*] address 00:a0:24:6f:c6:6e irq 10 npx0 on motherboard npx0: INT 16 interface Probing for devices on the PCI bus: chip0 <Intel 82437 (Triton)> rev 1 on pci0:0 chip1 <Intel 82371 (Triton)> rev 2 on pci0:7 Warning: Can't set local address...may be duplicate # # $Id: ROUTER # machine "i386" cpu "I386_CPU" cpu "I486_CPU" cpu "I586_CPU" ident ROUTER maxusers 64 options GATEWAY options INET #InterNETworking options NMBCLUSTERS=4096 #Increase MBUFS options FFS #Berkeley Fast Filesystem options "CD9660" #ISO 9660 Filesystem options PROCFS #Process filesystem options "COMPAT_43" #Compatible with BSD 4.3 options "SCSI_DELAY=15" #Be pessimistic about Joe SCSI device options COMCONSOLE #prefer serial console options IPFIREWALL options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE options IPACCT options SYSVSHM options SYSVSEM options SYSVMSG config kernel root on wd0 controller isa0 controller pci0 controller fdc0 at isa? port "IO_FD1" bio irq 6 drq 2 vector fdintr disk fd0 at fdc0 drive 0 controller wdc0 at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 vector wdintr disk wd0 at wdc0 drive 0 disk wd1 at wdc0 drive 1 device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr device npx0 at isa? port "IO_NPX" irq 13 vector npxintr device sio0 at isa? port "IO_COM1" tty irq 4 vector siointr device sio1 at isa? port "IO_COM2" tty irq 3 vector siointr device sio2 at isa? port "IO_COM3" tty irq 5 vector siointr device sio3 at isa? port "IO_COM4" tty irq 9 vector siointr device ep0 at isa? port 0x300 net irq 10 vector epintr device eth0 at isa? port 0x240 net irq 7 iomem 0xd0000 vector ethintr pseudo-device loop pseudo-device ether pseudo-device log pseudo-device sl 1 pseudo-device tun 1 pseudo-device pty 16 pseudo-device gzip # Exec gzipped a.out's
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