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Date:      Fri, 3 May 2019 08:45:27 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Piotr Kubaj <>
Subject:   svn commit: r500708 - in head/games/openrct2: . files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: pkubaj
Date: Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019
New Revision: 500708

  games/openrct2: move title-sequence and objects to the port, update to 0.2.2, fix build with big-endian architectures, change maintainer
  Patch for big-endian compatibility taken from upstream at
  PR:		226897
  Approved by:	mat (mentor)
  Differential Revision:

  head/games/openrct2/files/patch-bigendian   (contents, props changed)
     - copied, changed from r500707, head/games/openrct2/files/

Modified: head/games/openrct2/Makefile
--- head/games/openrct2/Makefile	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707)
+++ head/games/openrct2/Makefile	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	openrct2
@@ -19,28 +18,40 @@ LIB_DEPENDS= \ \ \ \
+ \
-USES=		compiler:c++14-lang cmake desktop-file-utils iconv localbase:ldflags pkgconfig shared-mime-info ssl
+USES=		cmake compiler:c++17-lang desktop-file-utils gnome gl iconv \
+		localbase:ldflags pkgconfig sdl shared-mime-info ssl
+GH_TUPLE=	OpenRCT2:objects:v1.0.10:objects \
+		OpenRCT2:title-sequences:v0.1.2a:title_sequences
 USE_GL=		gl
 USE_SDL=	sdl2
-SUB_FILES=	pkg-message
 PORTDOCS=	changelog.txt licence.txt readme.txt
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%DATADIR%%|${DATADIR}|' \
+	(cd ${WRKDIR}/title-sequences-0.1.2a; \
+	(cd ${WRKDIR}/objects-1.0.10; \
 .include <>

Modified: head/games/openrct2/distinfo
--- head/games/openrct2/distinfo	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707)
+++ head/games/openrct2/distinfo	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1521471656
-SHA256 (OpenRCT2-OpenRCT2-v0.1.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 358fc0ceff848734b399dc63c1d7a0c096a54a793afe4522d6f0dd00ba9328c7
-SIZE (OpenRCT2-OpenRCT2-v0.1.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 6769785
+TIMESTAMP = 1556126577
+SHA256 (OpenRCT2-OpenRCT2-v0.2.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 4b7b003fc0cf365be8a43d8784827415dbba3335de59cb948ab720ec1ebcaa7b
+SIZE (OpenRCT2-OpenRCT2-v0.2.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 8064579
+SHA256 (OpenRCT2-objects-v1.0.10_GH0.tar.gz) = a79e3a40b59a79e024f76dd1eae70b6e5009a53c11fe3909609e4564fafdcf6c
+SIZE (OpenRCT2-objects-v1.0.10_GH0.tar.gz) = 637654
+SHA256 (OpenRCT2-title-sequences-v0.1.2a_GH0.tar.gz) = 83e935186435116d6ea79e48daeea99c1158800a3fa92069100cfb8dbd80c9d7
+SIZE (OpenRCT2-title-sequences-v0.1.2a_GH0.tar.gz) = 21298525

Added: head/games/openrct2/files/patch-bigendian
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/games/openrct2/files/patch-bigendian	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+--- src/openrct2-ui/input/KeyboardShortcuts.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2-ui/input/KeyboardShortcuts.cpp
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <openrct2/core/Path.hpp>
+ #include <openrct2/core/String.hpp>
+ #include <openrct2/localisation/Localisation.h>
++#include <openrct2/util/Endian.h>
+ using namespace OpenRCT2;
+ using namespace OpenRCT2::Input;
+@@ -55,14 +56,14 @@ bool KeyboardShortcuts::Load()
+         if (File::Exists(path))
+         {
+             auto fs = FileStream(path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+-            uint16_t version = fs.ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++            uint16_t version = ORCT_SwapLEu16(fs.ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+             if (version == KeyboardShortcuts::CURRENT_FILE_VERSION)
+             {
+                 int32_t numShortcutsInFile = (fs.GetLength() - sizeof(uint16_t)) / sizeof(uint16_t);
+                 int32_t numShortcutsToRead = std::min<int32_t>(SHORTCUT_COUNT, numShortcutsInFile);
+                 for (int32_t i = 0; i < numShortcutsToRead; i++)
+                 {
+-                    _keys[i] = fs.ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++                    _keys[i] = ORCT_SwapLEu16(fs.ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+                 }
+                 result = true;
+             }
+--- src/openrct2/audio/Audio.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/audio/Audio.cpp
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include "../peep/Peep.h"
+ #include "../ride/Ride.h"
+ #include "../ui/UiContext.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../util/Util.h"
+ #include "AudioContext.h"
+ #include "AudioMixer.h"
+@@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ void audio_init_ride_sounds_and_info()
+             try
+             {
+                 auto fs = FileStream(path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+-                uint32_t head = fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++                uint32_t head = ORCT_SwapLEu32(fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+                 if (head == 0x78787878)
+                 {
+                     rideMusicInfo.length = 0;
+--- src/openrct2/common.h.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/common.h
+@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ const constexpr auto ror64 = ror<uint64_
+ #        define LOBYTE(w) ((uint8_t)(w))
+ #        define HIBYTE(w) ((uint8_t)(((uint16_t)(w) >> 8) & 0xFF))
++#    else
++#        define RCT2_ENDIANESS __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__
++#        define HIBYTE(w) ((uint8_t)(w))
++#        define LOBYTE(w) ((uint8_t)(((uint16_t)(w) >> 8) & 0xFF))
+ #    endif // __BYTE_ORDER__
+ #    ifndef RCT2_ENDIANESS
+--- src/openrct2/core/FileIndex.hpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/core/FileIndex.hpp
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #pragma once
+ #include "../common.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "Console.hpp"
+ #include "File.h"
+ #include "FileScanner.h"
+@@ -265,6 +266,14 @@ private:
+                 // Read header, check if we need to re-scan
+                 auto header = fs.ReadValue<FileIndexHeader>();
++                header.HeaderSize = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.HeaderSize);
++                header.MagicNumber = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.MagicNumber);
++                header.LanguageId = ORCT_SwapLEu16(header.LanguageId);
++                header.NumItems = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.NumItems);
++                header.Stats.TotalFiles = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.Stats.TotalFiles);
++                header.Stats.TotalFileSize = ORCT_SwapLEu64(header.Stats.TotalFileSize);
++                header.Stats.FileDateModifiedChecksum = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.Stats.FileDateModifiedChecksum);
++                header.Stats.PathChecksum = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.Stats.PathChecksum);
+                 if (header.HeaderSize == sizeof(FileIndexHeader) && header.MagicNumber == _magicNumber
+                     && header.VersionA == FILE_INDEX_VERSION && header.VersionB == _version && header.LanguageId == language
+                     && header.Stats.TotalFiles == stats.TotalFiles && header.Stats.TotalFileSize == stats.TotalFileSize
+--- src/openrct2/drawing/Drawing.Sprite.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/drawing/Drawing.Sprite.cpp
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include "../platform/platform.h"
+ #include "../sprites.h"
+ #include "../ui/UiContext.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../util/Util.h"
+ #include "Drawing.h"
+@@ -237,6 +238,8 @@ bool gfx_load_g1(const IPlatformEnvironm
+         auto path = Path::Combine(env.GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::RCT2, DIRID::DATA), "g1.dat");
+         auto fs = FileStream(path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+         _g1.header = fs.ReadValue<rct_g1_header>();
++        _g1.header.num_entries = ORCT_SwapLEu32(_g1.header.num_entries);
++        _g1.header.total_size = ORCT_SwapLEu32(_g1.header.total_size);
+         log_verbose("g1.dat, number of entries: %u", _g1.header.num_entries);
+@@ -309,6 +312,8 @@ bool gfx_load_g2()
+     {
+         auto fs = FileStream(path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+         _g2.header = fs.ReadValue<rct_g1_header>();
++        _g2.header.num_entries = ORCT_SwapLEu32(_g2.header.num_entries);
++        _g2.header.total_size = ORCT_SwapLEu32(_g2.header.total_size);
+         // Read element headers
+         _g2.elements.resize(_g2.header.num_entries);
+--- src/openrct2/object/BannerObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/BannerObject.cpp
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
+ #include "../object/Object.h"
+ #include "../object/ObjectRepository.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+ #include "ObjectList.h"
+@@ -22,13 +23,14 @@ void BannerObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjec
+     stream->Seek(6, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     _legacyType.banner.scrolling_mode = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.banner.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.banner.price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
++    _legacyType.banner.price = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
+     _legacyType.banner.scenery_tab_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     stream->Seek(1, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     rct_object_entry sgEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++    sgEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(sgEntry.flags);
+     SetPrimarySceneryGroup(&sgEntry);
+     GetImageTable().Read(context, stream);
+--- src/openrct2/object/FootpathItemObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/FootpathItemObject.cpp
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include "../localisation/Localisation.h"
+ #include "../object/Object.h"
+ #include "../object/ObjectRepository.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+ #include "ObjectList.h"
+@@ -23,16 +24,17 @@
+ void FootpathItemObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectContext* context, IStream* stream)
+ {
+     stream->Seek(6, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    _legacyType.path_bit.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    _legacyType.path_bit.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     _legacyType.path_bit.draw_type = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.path_bit.tool_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.path_bit.price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
++    _legacyType.path_bit.price = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
+     _legacyType.path_bit.scenery_tab_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     stream->Seek(1, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     rct_object_entry sgEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++    sgEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(sgEntry.flags);
+     SetPrimarySceneryGroup(&sgEntry);
+     GetImageTable().Read(context, stream);
+--- src/openrct2/object/ImageTable.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/ImageTable.cpp
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ #include "../OpenRCT2.h"
+ #include "../core/IStream.hpp"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "Object.h"
+ #include <algorithm>
+@@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ void ImageTable::Read(IReadObjectContext
+     try
+     {
+-        uint32_t numImages = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
+-        uint32_t imageDataSize = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++        uint32_t numImages = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
++        uint32_t imageDataSize = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+         uint64_t headerTableSize = numImages * 16;
+         uint64_t remainingBytes = stream->GetLength() - stream->GetPosition() - headerTableSize;
+@@ -63,15 +64,15 @@ void ImageTable::Read(IReadObjectContext
+         {
+             rct_g1_element g1Element;
+-            uintptr_t imageDataOffset = (uintptr_t)stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++            uintptr_t imageDataOffset = ORCT_SwapLEu32((uintptr_t)stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+             g1Element.offset = (uint8_t*)(imageDataBase + imageDataOffset);
+-            g1Element.width = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-            g1Element.height = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-            g1Element.x_offset = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-            g1Element.y_offset = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-            g1Element.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
+-            g1Element.zoomed_offset = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++            g1Element.width = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++            g1Element.height = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++            g1Element.x_offset = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++            g1Element.y_offset = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++            g1Element.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
++            g1Element.zoomed_offset = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+             newEntries.push_back(g1Element);
+         }
+--- src/openrct2/object/LargeSceneryObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/LargeSceneryObject.cpp
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
+ #include "../interface/Cursors.h"
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../world/Banner.h"
+ #include "../world/Location.hpp"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+@@ -28,8 +29,8 @@ void LargeSceneryObject::ReadLegacy(IRea
+     stream->Seek(6, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     _legacyType.large_scenery.tool_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.large_scenery.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.large_scenery.price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-    _legacyType.large_scenery.removal_price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
++    _legacyType.large_scenery.price = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++    _legacyType.large_scenery.removal_price = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
+     stream->Seek(5, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     _legacyType.large_scenery.scenery_tab_id = 0xFF;
+     _legacyType.large_scenery.scrolling_mode = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ void LargeSceneryObject::ReadLegacy(IRea
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     rct_object_entry sgEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++    sgEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(sgEntry.flags);
+     SetPrimarySceneryGroup(&sgEntry);
+     if (_legacyType.large_scenery.flags & LARGE_SCENERY_FLAG_3D_TEXT)
+@@ -112,10 +114,17 @@ void LargeSceneryObject::DrawPreview(rct
+ std::vector<rct_large_scenery_tile> LargeSceneryObject::ReadTiles(IStream* stream)
+ {
+     auto tiles = std::vector<rct_large_scenery_tile>();
++    // Note: no need to swap the value here...
+     while (stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>() != 0xFFFF)
+     {
+         stream->Seek(-2, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+         auto tile = stream->ReadValue<rct_large_scenery_tile>();
++        tile.x_offset = ORCT_SwapLEi16(tile.x_offset);
++        tile.y_offset = ORCT_SwapLEi16(tile.y_offset);
++        tile.z_offset = ORCT_SwapLEi16(tile.z_offset);
++        tile.z_clearance = ORCT_SwapLEi16(tile.z_clearance);
++        tile.flags = ORCT_SwapLEi16(tile.flags);
+         tiles.push_back(tile);
+     }
+     tiles.push_back({ -1, -1, -1, 255, 0xFFFF });
+--- src/openrct2/object/ObjectFactory.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/ObjectFactory.cpp
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ #include "../core/String.hpp"
+ #include "../core/Zip.h"
+ #include "../rct12/SawyerChunkReader.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "BannerObject.h"
+ #include "EntranceObject.h"
+ #include "FootpathItemObject.h"
+--- src/openrct2/object/ObjectRepository.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/ObjectRepository.cpp
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include "../rct12/SawyerChunkReader.h"
+ #include "../rct12/SawyerChunkWriter.h"
+ #include "../scenario/ScenarioRepository.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../util/SawyerCoding.h"
+ #include "../util/Util.h"
+ #include "Object.h"
+@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ protected:
+         ObjectRepositoryItem item;
+         item.ObjectEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++        item.ObjectEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(item.ObjectEntry.flags);
+         item.Path = stream->ReadStdString();
+         item.Name = stream->ReadStdString();
+         auto sourceLength = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+@@ -186,11 +188,12 @@ protected:
+                 break;
+             case OBJECT_TYPE_SCENERY_GROUP:
+             {
+-                auto numEntries = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++                auto numEntries = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+                 item.SceneryGroupInfo.Entries = std::vector<rct_object_entry>(numEntries);
+                 for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
+                 {
+                     item.SceneryGroupInfo.Entries[i] = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++                    item.SceneryGroupInfo.Entries[i].flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(item.SceneryGroupInfo.Entries[i].flags);
+                 }
+                 break;
+             }
+@@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ public:
+         // Check if we already have this object
+         rct_object_entry entry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++        entry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(entry.flags);
+         if (FindObject(&entry) != nullptr)
+         {
+             chunkReader.SkipChunk();
+@@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ private:
+         // Read object data from file
+         auto fs = FileStream(item->Path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+         auto fileEntry = fs.ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++        fileEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(fileEntry.flags);
+         if (!object_entry_compare(entry, &fileEntry))
+         {
+             throw std::runtime_error("Header found in object file does not match object to pack.");
+--- src/openrct2/object/RideObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/RideObject.cpp
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include "../ride/RideGroupManager.h"
+ #include "../ride/ShopItem.h"
+ #include "../ride/Track.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+ #include "ObjectRepository.h"
+@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ using namespace OpenRCT2;
+ void RideObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectContext* context, IStream* stream)
+ {
+     stream->Seek(8, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    _legacyType.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++    _legacyType.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+     for (auto& rideType : _legacyType.ride_type)
+     {
+         rideType = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ void RideObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectC
+     _legacyType.intensity_multiplier = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+     _legacyType.nausea_multiplier = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+     _legacyType.max_height = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.enabledTrackPieces = stream->ReadValue<uint64_t>();
++    _legacyType.enabledTrackPieces = ORCT_SwapLEu64(stream->ReadValue<uint64_t>());
+     _legacyType.category[0] = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.category[1] = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.shop_item = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ void RideObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectC
+         uint16_t numPeepLoadingPositions = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+         if (numPeepLoadingPositions == 255)
+         {
+-            numPeepLoadingPositions = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++            numPeepLoadingPositions = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+         }
+         if (_legacyType.vehicles[i].flags & VEHICLE_ENTRY_FLAG_LOADING_WAYPOINTS)
+@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ void RideObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectC
+                 entry[1].y = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+                 entry[2].x = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+                 entry[2].y = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+-                stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>(); // Skip blanks
++                stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>(); // Skip blanks, no need to swap endianess
+                 _peepLoadingWaypoints[i].push_back(entry);
+             }
+@@ -412,19 +413,19 @@ void RideObject::SetRepositoryItem(Objec
+ void RideObject::ReadLegacyVehicle(
+     [[maybe_unused]] IReadObjectContext* context, IStream* stream, rct_ride_entry_vehicle* vehicle)
+ {
+-    vehicle->rotation_frame_mask = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    vehicle->rotation_frame_mask = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     stream->Seek(2 * 1, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    vehicle->spacing = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
+-    vehicle->car_mass = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    vehicle->spacing = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
++    vehicle->car_mass = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     vehicle->tab_height = stream->ReadValue<int8_t>();
+     vehicle->num_seats = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    vehicle->sprite_flags = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    vehicle->sprite_flags = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     vehicle->sprite_width = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     vehicle->sprite_height_negative = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     vehicle->sprite_height_positive = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     vehicle->animation = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    vehicle->flags = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
+-    vehicle->base_num_frames = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    vehicle->flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
++    vehicle->base_num_frames = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     stream->Seek(15 * 4, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     vehicle->no_seating_rows = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     vehicle->spinning_inertia = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+--- src/openrct2/object/SceneryGroupObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/SceneryGroupObject.cpp
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
+ #include "../peep/Staff.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+ #include "ObjectManager.h"
+ #include "ObjectRepository.h"
+@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ void SceneryGroupObject::ReadLegacy(IRea
+     _legacyType.pad_107 = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.priority = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.pad_109 = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.entertainer_costumes = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++    _legacyType.entertainer_costumes = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     _items = ReadItems(stream);
+@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ std::vector<rct_object_entry> SceneryGro
+     {
+         stream->Seek(-1, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+         auto entry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++        entry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(entry.flags);
+         items.push_back(entry);
+     }
+     return items;
+--- src/openrct2/object/SmallSceneryObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/SmallSceneryObject.cpp
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ #include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
+ #include "../interface/Cursors.h"
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../world/Scenery.h"
+ #include "../world/SmallScenery.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+@@ -26,20 +27,21 @@
+ void SmallSceneryObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectContext* context, IStream* stream)
+ {
+     stream->Seek(6, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+     _legacyType.small_scenery.height = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.small_scenery.tool_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.removal_price = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.price = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.removal_price = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
+     stream->Seek(4, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.animation_delay = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.animation_mask = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
+-    _legacyType.small_scenery.num_frames = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.animation_delay = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.animation_mask = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
++    _legacyType.small_scenery.num_frames = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     _legacyType.small_scenery.scenery_tab_id = 0xFF;
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     rct_object_entry sgEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++    sgEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(sgEntry.flags);
+     SetPrimarySceneryGroup(&sgEntry);
+     if (scenery_small_entry_has_flag(&_legacyType, SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_HAS_FRAME_OFFSETS))
+--- src/openrct2/object/WallObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/WallObject.cpp
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
+ #include "../interface/Cursors.h"
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "../world/Banner.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+@@ -23,13 +24,14 @@ void WallObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectC
+     _legacyType.wall.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.wall.height = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.wall.flags2 = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-    _legacyType.wall.price = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    _legacyType.wall.price = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     _legacyType.wall.scenery_tab_id = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     _legacyType.wall.scrolling_mode = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     rct_object_entry sgEntry = stream->ReadValue<rct_object_entry>();
++    sgEntry.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu16(sgEntry.flags);
+     SetPrimarySceneryGroup(&sgEntry);
+     GetImageTable().Read(context, stream);
+--- src/openrct2/object/WaterObject.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/object/WaterObject.cpp
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ #include "../core/IStream.hpp"
+ #include "../localisation/Language.h"
+ #include "../localisation/StringIds.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "ObjectJsonHelpers.h"
+ #include <memory>
+@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
+ void WaterObject::ReadLegacy(IReadObjectContext* context, IStream* stream)
+ {
+     stream->Seek(14, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+-    _legacyType.flags = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++    _legacyType.flags = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+     GetStringTable().Read(context, stream, OBJ_STRING_ID_NAME);
+     GetImageTable().Read(context, stream);
+--- src/openrct2/rct12/SawyerChunkReader.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/rct12/SawyerChunkReader.cpp
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include "SawyerChunkReader.h"
+ #include "../core/IStream.hpp"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ // malloc is very slow for large allocations in MSVC debug builds as it allocates
+ // memory on a special debug heap and then initialises all the memory to 0xCC.
+@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ void SawyerChunkReader::SkipChunk()
+     try
+     {
+         auto header = _stream->ReadValue<sawyercoding_chunk_header>();
++        header.length = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.length);
+         _stream->Seek(header.length, STREAM_SEEK_CURRENT);
+     }
+     catch (const std::exception&)
+@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<SawyerChunk> SawyerChunk
+     try
+     {
+         auto header = _stream->ReadValue<sawyercoding_chunk_header>();
++        header.length = ORCT_SwapLEu32(header.length);
+         switch (header.encoding)
+         {
+             case CHUNK_ENCODING_NONE:
+--- src/openrct2/rct12/SawyerEncoding.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/rct12/SawyerEncoding.cpp
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include "SawyerEncoding.h"
+ #include "../core/IStream.hpp"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include <algorithm>
+@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ namespace SawyerEncoding
+             } while (dataSize != 0);
+             // Read file checksum
+-            uint32_t fileChecksum = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++            uint32_t fileChecksum = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+             // Rewind back to original position
+             stream->SetPosition(initialPosition);
+--- src/openrct2/ride/TrackDesignRepository.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/ride/TrackDesignRepository.cpp
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include "../localisation/LocalisationService.h"
+ #include "../object/ObjectRepository.h"
+ #include "../object/RideObject.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "RideGroupManager.h"
+ #include "TrackDesign.h"
+@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ protected:
+         item.Path = stream->ReadStdString();
+         item.RideType = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+         item.ObjectEntry = stream->ReadStdString();
+-        item.Flags = stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++        item.Flags = ORCT_SwapLEu32(stream->ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+         return item;
+     }
+--- src/openrct2/scenario/ScenarioRepository.cpp.orig	2019-03-13 20:51:10 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/scenario/ScenarioRepository.cpp
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include "../localisation/LocalisationService.h"
+ #include "../platform/platform.h"
+ #include "../rct12/SawyerChunkReader.h"
++#include "../util/Endian.h"
+ #include "Scenario.h"
+ #include "ScenarioSources.h"
+@@ -182,17 +183,17 @@ protected:
+         scenario_index_entry item;
+         stream->Read(item.path, sizeof(item.path));
+-        item.timestamp = stream->ReadValue<uint64_t>();
++        item.timestamp = ORCT_SwapLEu64(stream->ReadValue<uint64_t>());
+         item.category = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+         item.source_game = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-        item.source_index = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
+-        item.sc_id = stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>();
++        item.source_index = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
++        item.sc_id = ORCT_SwapLEu16(stream->ReadValue<uint16_t>());
+         item.objective_type = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+         item.objective_arg_1 = stream->ReadValue<uint8_t>();
+-        item.objective_arg_2 = stream->ReadValue<int32_t>();
+-        item.objective_arg_3 = stream->ReadValue<int16_t>();
++        item.objective_arg_2 = ORCT_SwapLEi32(stream->ReadValue<int32_t>());
++        item.objective_arg_3 = ORCT_SwapLEi16(stream->ReadValue<int16_t>());
+         item.highscore = nullptr;
+         stream->Read(item.internal_name, sizeof(item.internal_name));
+@@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ private:
+         try
+         {
+             auto fs = FileStream(path, FILE_MODE_OPEN);
+-            uint32_t fileVersion = fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++            uint32_t fileVersion = ORCT_SwapLEu32(fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+             if (fileVersion != 1)
+             {
+                 Console::Error::WriteLine("Invalid or incompatible highscores file.");
+@@ -596,14 +597,14 @@ private:
+             ClearHighscores();
+-            uint32_t numHighscores = fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>();
++            uint32_t numHighscores = ORCT_SwapLEu32(fs.ReadValue<uint32_t>());
+             for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numHighscores; i++)
+             {
+                 scenario_highscore_entry* highscore = InsertHighscore();
+                 highscore->fileName = fs.ReadString();
+                 highscore->name = fs.ReadString();
+-                highscore->company_value = fs.ReadValue<money32>();
+-                highscore->timestamp = fs.ReadValue<datetime64>();
++                highscore->company_value = ORCT_SwapLEi32(fs.ReadValue<money32>());
++                highscore->timestamp = ORCT_SwapLEu64(fs.ReadValue<datetime64>());
+             }
+         }
+         catch (const std::exception&)
+@@ -647,6 +648,10 @@ private:
+             {
+                 // Read legacy entry
+                 auto scBasic = fs.ReadValue<rct_scores_entry>();
++                scBasic.objectiveArg2 = ORCT_SwapLEi32(scBasic.objectiveArg2);
++                scBasic.objectiveArg3 = ORCT_SwapLEi16(scBasic.objectiveArg3);
++                scBasic.Flags = ORCT_SwapLEi32(scBasic.Flags);
++                scBasic.CompanyValue = ORCT_SwapLEi32(scBasic.CompanyValue);
+                 // Ignore non-completed scenarios
+                 if (scBasic.Flags & SCENARIO_FLAGS_COMPLETED)
+--- src/openrct2/util/Endian.h.orig	2019-04-04 08:21:55 UTC
++++ src/openrct2/util/Endian.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++#include <cstdint>
++#pragma once
++// Based on SDL2
++static inline uint16_t ORCT_Swapu16(uint16_t x)
++    return static_cast<uint16_t>((x << 8) | (x >> 8));
++static inline uint32_t ORCT_Swapu32(uint32_t x)
++    return static_cast<uint32_t>(((x << 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x >> 24)));
++static inline uint64_t ORCT_Swapu64(uint64_t x)
++    uint32_t hi, lo;
++    /* Separate into high and low 32-bit values and swap them */
++    lo = static_cast<uint32_t>(x & 0xFFFFFFFF);
++    x >>= 32;
++    hi = static_cast<uint32_t>(x & 0xFFFFFFFF);
++    x = ORCT_Swapu32(lo);
++    x <<= 32;
++    x |= ORCT_Swapu32(hi);
++    return (x);
++static inline int16_t ORCT_Swapi16(int16_t x)
++    return static_cast<uint16_t>((x << 8) | (x >> 8));
++static inline int32_t ORCT_Swapi32(int32_t x)
++    return static_cast<uint32_t>(((x << 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x >> 24)));
++static inline int64_t ORCT_Swapi64(int64_t x)
++    uint32_t hi, lo;
++    /* Separate into high and low 32-bit values and swap them */
++    lo = static_cast<uint32_t>(x & 0xFFFFFFFF);
++    x >>= 32;
++    hi = static_cast<uint32_t>(x & 0xFFFFFFFF);
++    x = ORCT_Swapu32(lo);
++    x <<= 32;
++    x |= ORCT_Swapu32(hi);
++    return (x);
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi16(X) ORCT_Swapi16(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi32(X) ORCT_Swapi32(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi64(X) ORCT_Swapi64(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu16(X) ORCT_Swapu16(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu32(X) ORCT_Swapu32(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu64(X) ORCT_Swapu64(X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi16(X) (X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi32(X) (X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEi64(X) (X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu16(X) (X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu32(X) (X)
++#    define ORCT_SwapLEu64(X) (X)

Modified: head/games/openrct2/files/patch-src_openrct2_config_Config.cpp
--- head/games/openrct2/files/patch-src_openrct2_config_Config.cpp	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707)
+++ head/games/openrct2/files/patch-src_openrct2_config_Config.cpp	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---- src/openrct2/config/Config.cpp.orig	2018-03-18 20:26:14 UTC
+--- src/openrct2/config/Config.cpp.orig	2018-08-26 20:20:13 UTC
 +++ src/openrct2/config/Config.cpp
-@@ -602,6 +602,9 @@ namespace Config
+@@ -650,6 +650,9 @@ namespace Config
      static std::string FindRCT2Path()
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
-         static constexpr const utf8 * searchLocations[] =
+         static constexpr const utf8* searchLocations[] = {

Modified: head/games/openrct2/pkg-descr
--- head/games/openrct2/pkg-descr	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707)
+++ head/games/openrct2/pkg-descr	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 An open-source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. A construction and
 management simulation video game that simulates amusement park management.

Copied and modified: head/games/openrct2/pkg-message (from r500707, head/games/openrct2/files/
--- head/games/openrct2/files/	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707, copy source)
+++ head/games/openrct2/pkg-message	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-To complete the installation of this port, you need to download the file
-and unpack it to %%PREFIX%%/share/%%PORTNAME%%/title.
-You need to follow
-to finish installation.
+You need to follow to finish

Modified: head/games/openrct2/pkg-plist
--- head/games/openrct2/pkg-plist	Fri May  3 08:40:08 2019	(r500707)
+++ head/games/openrct2/pkg-plist	Fri May  3 08:45:27 2019	(r500708)
@@ -17,33 +17,3 @@ share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/openrct2.png

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