From owner-freebsd-bugs Wed Apr 2 15:50:06 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id PAA07016 for bugs-outgoing; Wed, 2 Apr 1997 15:50:06 -0800 (PST) Received: (from gnats@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id PAA06997; Wed, 2 Apr 1997 15:50:02 -0800 (PST) Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 15:50:02 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <> To: freebsd-bugs Cc: From: "Gary Palmer" Subject: Re: conf/3167: Wierd CGI Behavior on heavily loaded webserver. Reply-To: "Gary Palmer" Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk The following reply was made to PR conf/3167; it has been noted by GNATS. From: "Gary Palmer" To: Cc: Subject: Re: conf/3167: Wierd CGI Behavior on heavily loaded webserver. Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 18:44:07 -0500 wrote in message ID <>: > Having set up the server following all of the settings for Extremely > busy FreeBSD servers, and compiling with the suggestions on the > FIN_WAIT_2 problem , I am still experiencing CGI scripts failing > within SECONDS of restarting the Web Server, The error is the same, > "Internal Misconfiguration, please contact webmaster" error that > would occur if something was wrong in the script. Howev er, If I HUP > the web server, the scripts will work properly for about 15 Secs, th > en the error will reappear. The server is a Dual Pentium Pro 200 w/ > 256 MB Ram, and 4GB SCSI HDD. Try recompiling the kernel with higher per-user process limits or start the apache server from a command prompt which has had the limits raised. Alternatively, use apache 1.2b7 which has the ability to change the resource limits to values specified in its configuration file. Or, if you are nuts, like me, hack the apache startup code to do the appropriate calls to increase the limits :) Gary -- Gary Palmer FreeBSD Core Team Member FreeBSD: Turning PC's into workstations. See http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/ for info