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Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 08:19:52 +0200 (CEST)
From: Micke Josefsson <>
Subject: Re: BSD Magazine (Advertiser Responses)
Cc: freebsd-advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG,
	"Ambrose, Christian" <>
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On 04-Oct-00 Larry Wells wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I, for one, would be a lot less interested in a magazine that catered
> exclusively to newbies. That's what books like the Complete FreeBSD
> book are for. (Not to mention many websites. FreeBSDDiary, Daemon
> News, etc..) I can see a column or article being focused on
> newcomers, but having a BSD magazine solely catering to that
> demographic would be demeaning to those of us who have been advocates
> for years.

I agree. A purely newbie oriented rag would not attract me. I would like to see
both newbie AND not-so newbie articles, but also columns for the other wonderful
thing you can do with the OS. Let there be colums/tutorials for device driver
writing, hardware interfacing, picoBSD, etc. I recently had great fun with
/dev/ppi interfacing a HD44780 LCD display and modifying the code and see what
actually happened on an attached logic analyzer.

Michael Josefsson, MSEE

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