From owner-freebsd-bugs  Sat Mar 22 23:10:05 1997
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Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 23:10:02 -0800 (PST)
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To: freebsd-bugs
From: Peter Wemm <peter@spinner.DIALix.COM>
Subject: Re: kern/3064: nfs server link() handler panics with non-recursive lock reentry 
Reply-To: Peter Wemm <peter@spinner.DIALix.COM>
Sender: owner-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG
Precedence: bulk

The following reply was made to PR kern/3064; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Peter Wemm <peter@spinner.DIALix.COM>
Cc:  Subject: Re: kern/3064: nfs server link() handler panics with non-recursive lock reentry 
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 15:07:32 +0800

 > >Fix:
 > Not known.. I don't understand vnode locking under lite2 well enough.
 It seems the panic is happening within VOP_LINK(), so nfsrv_link() doesn't 
 appear to be setting up the locking properly when the target file exists.  
 panic: lockmgr: locking against myself: pid %d
 #0  0xf01152f7 in boot ()
 (kgdb) where
 #0  0xf01152f7 in boot ()
 #1  0xf010162e in db_fncall ()
 #2  0xf0101365 in db_command ()
 #3  0xf01014e2 in db_command_loop ()
 #4  0xf0103cc8 in db_trap ()
 #5  0xf01b9b0b in kdb_trap ()
 #6  0xf01c2654 in trap ()
 #7  0xf01b9d09 in Debugger ()
 #8  0xf01155ca in panic ()
 #9  0xf0110922 in lockmgr ()
 #10 0xf01a4e2b in ufs_lock ()
 #11 0xf013a7d3 in vn_lock ()
 #12 0xf01a37cb in ufs_link ()
 #13 0xf0167f30 in nfsrv_link ()
 #14 0xf0178538 in nfssvc_nfsd ()
 #15 0xf0177d58 in nfssvc ()
 #16 0xf01c3097 in syscall ()
 Interestingly, it looks like nfsrv_link() is supposed to be checking for 
 the existance of the target file, but that's not clear.