From owner-freebsd-questions Mon Sep 8 16:35:16 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id QAA14820 for questions-outgoing; Mon, 8 Sep 1997 16:35:16 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA14814 for ; Mon, 8 Sep 1997 16:35:12 -0700 (PDT) Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.6/8.8.6/2.5) id TAA00876 for freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG; Mon, 8 Sep 1997 19:34:40 -0400 (EDT) Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 19:34:17 -0400 From: Joaquin Roig <> Subject: cannot install To: "freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG" Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id QAA14815 Sender: owner-freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk Hi, My machine is a custom-made iP6-200MHz, 32MB RAM, Tekram 390U SCSI controller, Micropolis Tomahawk 4.5GB SCSI hard disk, Plextor Plex12 SCSI CD-ROM and Tseng LAbs ET6000 based 128-bit graphics card. I currently have Win95 and WinNT installed and runing and want to install FreeBSD. I downloaded the floppy image and the fix-it image along with a boot image with the drivers for my SCSI controller and began installing FreeBSD with a "Novice Installation" option, but when I get the warning about continuing installing the installation process aborts and it tells me it couldn't create the partitions. I created one 180MB partition for FreeBSD (although it is not formatted I specified the system to create a new file system) and within this partition I created one 30MB swap and 150MB root and usr, etc. slices with the label editor. What can I do to install FreeBSD on my system? Thanks. Jose,