From owner-freebsd-current  Mon Aug 30 15:27:29 1999
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Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:29:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Systems Administrator <>
To: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <>
Cc: Steve Kargl <>,
	"Matthew N. Dodd" <>, current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Make World failure 
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cc -O -pipe -DSHELL -I. -I/usr/src/bin/sh -Wall -Wformat
p/usr/include  -static -o sh alias.o arith.o arith_lex.o cd.o echo.o
error.o eva
l.o exec.o expand.o histedit.o input.o jobs.o mail.o main.o memalloc.o
.o mystring.o options.o output.o parser.o printf.o redir.o show.o trap.o
var.o b
uiltins.o init.o nodes.o syntax.o  -ll -ledit -ltermcap
/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/lib/libedit.a(editline.o): In function `el_gets':
editline.o(.text+0x5eec): undefined reference to `tgoto'
editline.o(.text+0x5ef5): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x5f2a): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x607f): undefined reference to `tgoto'
editline.o(.text+0x6088): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x618d): undefined reference to `tgoto'
editline.o(.text+0x61b4): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x61e2): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x620a): undefined reference to `tputs'
editline.o(.text+0x627e): undefined reference to `tgoto'

Jason DiCioccio                              |
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve                 |

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> > Thats not where it dies :)..
> Be more specific.  Just saying "it dies" does not help anyone here.
> - Jordan

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