From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun May  4 10:53:08 1997
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Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 10:52:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Devil Himself <>
cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: modem config
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On Sun, 4 May 1997, Flame wrote:

> Hi,
> This might sounds like stupid questions, but if don't ask i will 
> never learn :)
>  Iam having trouble configuring my modem. US Robotics 
> on COM3. I managed to activate COM3 and fix IRQ to 7 but i can't get 
> my modem to respond.
> 1- how i can make \dev\cuaa0 points to COM3 ?
You don't.
> 2- is cuaa0 the only device concerned with the modem?
No: for COM3 you'll want cuaa2/ttyd2; cuaa2 for control, and ttyd2 for the
dialin.  You'll probably also have to enable sio2 in the bootup by using
the -c option.

> 3- How i can determind the correct settings for drq, iomem, iosize, 
> unit and flags?
I don't think you'll need to set any of those...

> FREEBSD: 2-2-1
> Thanks for your help,
>     v
>   vv   v
>  v vvvv v
>  //FLAME\\

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