From owner-freebsd-ports Tue Sep 26 00:14:51 1995 Return-Path: owner-ports Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id AAA19869 for ports-outgoing; Tue, 26 Sep 1995 00:14:51 -0700 Received: from silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU (silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU []) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) with ESMTP id AAA19813 ; Tue, 26 Sep 1995 00:14:34 -0700 Received: (from asami@localhost) by silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.12/8.6.9) id AAA01088; Tue, 26 Sep 1995 00:14:25 -0700 Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 00:14:25 -0700 Message-Id: <199509260714.AAA01088@silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU> To: CC:, In-reply-to: <> (pst) Subject: Re: cvs commit: ports/net/cern_linemode/pkg COMMENT DESCR PLIST From: (Satoshi Asami) Sender: Precedence: bulk * Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 11:17:10 -0700 * From: Paul Traina * * pst 95/09/23 11:17:09 * * Removed: net/cern_linemode Makefile * net/cern_linemode/files md5 * net/cern_linemode/patches patch-aa * net/cern_linemode/pkg COMMENT DESCR PLIST * Log: * program no longer maintained by author or porter ^^^^^^ Paul, as much as I appreciate your help on the ports area, I will have to question this one. You are not the porter of this one, I got it from another person (Satoshi Niimi) and committed it. All the commits to this port so far has been by me. Don't you think at least it's common courtesy to contact us first before removing the port from our tree? Satoshi (Asami) P.S. Sorry if you asked the original porter directly....