From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Apr 23 03:50:50 1996
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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 06:29:58 -0400
From: Thomas David Rivers <ponds!>
Message-Id: <199604231029.GAA19370@lakes>
Subject: Re: Further sound problems (OPTi chipset, mss0, etc...)
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I had sent this to freebsd-hackers, but I got no response,
so I'm trying freebsd-questions...

Basically, it comes down to two things:

	1) Just what, exactly, is the Microsoft Sound System and
	    how does it relate to the sb driver.

	2) I'm getting:  ad1848: Auto calibration timed out(3).
	    and lots of scratchy sound; does anyone have a clue?

	- Thanks -
	- Dave R. -

> OK -
>  At Sujal's excellent advice, I've tried another tack on getting
> my sound card to work.
>  For those who might know what's going on, this is something
> called a MediaMagic ISP-16, driven by the OPTi 82C929 "Multimedia
> Audio Controller".
>  This is one of those cards that requires an initialization program
> be run before anything works (and doesn't save the initialization
> anywhere...) i.e. I have to run a DOS program to set the card
> in SB-pro mode before booting FreeBSD; then the sb0 driver works
> just great!  (But, who want's to ..ugh.. boot DOS just to get
> FreeBSD working...)
>  Sujal indicated this is a MSS-compatible card; and I've
> been perusing the ad1848.c sources; examining the MOZART_PORT
> and OPTI_MAD16_PORT options to see what's going on.
>  From the source, it looks like the MOZART_PORT should be close
> to what's going on here... (at least the comments/variables there
> are close to what my chip specs from OPTi indicate.)
>  However, I've tried three permutations with the following
> kernel config lines:
>    controller      snd0
>    device mss0     at isa? port 0x530 irq 10 drq 1 vector adintr
>    device sb0      at isa? port 0x220 irq 7 conflicts drq 1 vector sbintr
>    device sbxvi0   at isa? drq 5
>    device sbmidi0  at isa? port 0x330
>    device opl0     at isa? port 0x388 conflicts
> (I should mention that I'm using IRQ 10, as I have an aha1542b on IRQ 11.)
>  If've tried it with no special options, with
>   and with
> in each of these, sound basically "works" except that it's got
> a lot of noise in it (popping/crackling) and I get:
> 	ad1848: Auto calibration timed out(3).
> on the console...  I also get this when the device is probed.
>   Can someone detail just what is the Microsoft Sound System,
> how it interacts with everything else?   I noticed that if
> I only had 'mss' and left off the soundblaster drivers I get:
>    SoundCard Error: The soundcard system has not been configured
> on the console - so, somehow, mss0 and sb0 interact...  (it's
> not at all obvious in sound.doc that you need anything other than
> mss0...)
>   Does anyone have any ideas, or do I just have another "XXXX_PORT"
> option to create to configure this myself?
> 	  - Thanks -
> 	- Dave Rivers -