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Date:      Tue, 14 Jul 2015 15:49:04 +0000
From:      Matt Churchyard <>
To:        Sean Chittenden <>, Adrian Gschwend <>
Cc:        FreeBSD Filesystems <>
Subject:   RE: FreeBSD 10.1 Memory Exhaustion
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <>

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Yes, I'm one of those and I suspect it's very common.
I generally just use official FreeBSD releases and let the devs decide what=
 patches are/aren't applied.
However, I limit max ARC on all my ZFS systems to leave a few GB or so (my =
latest system has limit of 28G with 32GB total)

Last time I didn't limit ARC was a new system about a year ago and it panic=
ed due to memory after a few days
I don't bother letting it near all my RAM anymore.

For me (and probably many other ZFS users that want their machines to stay =
up more than a few days) it's much easier to do this, than to run manually =
patched kernels that *might* fix it, but *might* also cause other problems.=
 Also allows me control over how much ZFS has, and how much I leave for my =
other applications.

Would be nice if it 'just worked', but I'll be very reluctant to take the l=
imits off.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On=
 Behalf Of Sean Chittenden
Sent: 14 July 2015 16:10
To: Adrian Gschwend
Cc: FreeBSD Filesystems
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 10.1 Memory Exhaustion

I think the reason this is not seen more often is because people frequently=
 throw limits on the arc in /boot/loader.conf:


ZFS ARC *should* not require those settings, but does currently for mixed w=
orkloads (i.e. databases) in order to be "stable".  By setting fixed sizes =
on the ARC, UMA and ARC are much more cooperative in that they have their o=
wn memory regions to manage so this behavior is not seen as often.

To be clear, however, it should not be necessary to set parameters like the=
se in /boot/loader.conf in order to obtain consistent operational behavior.=
  I'd be curious to know if someone running 10.2 BETA without patches is ab=
le to trigger this behavior or not.  There was work done that reported help=
ed with this between 10.1 and now.  To what extent it helped, however, I do=
n't have any advice yet.


On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 3:34 AM, Adrian Gschwend <> wrote=

> On 14.07.15 11:26, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> > On 07/13/15 12:58, Karl Denninger wrote:
> >> Put this on your box and see if the problem goes away.... :-)
> [...]
> > I know that you, Karl, and a number of others have been advocating=20
> > to get this patch set committed.  Having now personally run into the=20
> > sort of problems that this addresses I can say that I would very=20
> > much like to see this go in.  Conditional of course on this actually=20
> > solving the problems I and others have been experiencing without=20
> > introducing significant regressions elsewhere. It's only had a day's=20
> > testing from me so far, but it's looking good.  If it survives a=20
> > week without the system locking up, I'll be convinced.
> I was the one which posted the message last year which triggered Karl=20
> to analyze it as he saw similar issues:
> Since then I run on Karls patch and never had any issue anymore. Not=20
> that my boxes were basically unusable without the patch.
> So I'm basically hoping since then that the patch will be committed soon.
> >    * The memory exhaustion effect or equivalent memory pressures can be
> >      triggered at will
> >    * The test doesn't require unfeasibly large resources to run
> >    * The behaviour provides a good model for real-world deployments
> >
> > Maybe these tests would be too large-scale to run every day in=20
> > Jenkins, but having them available as part of, say, the release=20
> > process, seems like a no-brainer to me.
> I wouldn't consider my setup as "unfeasibly large resources", in fact=20
> I triggered it with a bunch of jails running on a machine and=20
> providing various Internet-services for a small Open Source community.=20
> I was always surprised that not more people ran into this issue as I=20
> had it since 8.x.
> regards
> Adrian
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