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Date:      Wed, 3 Aug 2016 12:30:08 +0100
From:      Elena Ivanova<>
Subject:   Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Market 2016-2026
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Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Market 2016-2026
Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P), Vehicle to Home (V2H), In Vehicle (IN-V), (Embedded, Integrated, Tethered) By Service Provider (OEM, Aftermarket, Telematics, Connectivity) & Technologies: Sensors, Telematics Control Units (TCU), OBU, RSU, DSRC, LTE & GPS For Car-to-X, Connected Car & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)


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We break down the most important sector of the automotive industry but also segment it by the key connectivity types, service providers, countries and companies and examine the characteristics that will allow them to lead the V2X market.

Now: “NXP V2X Technology Looks To Make Self-Driving Cars A Reality”. This is an example of the business critical headline that you need to know about - and more importantly, you need to read visiongain’s objective analysis of how this will impact your company and the industry more broadly. How are you and your company reacting to this news? Are you sufficiently informed?

In this brand new report you find 167 in-depth tables, charts and graphs, and trends – all unavailable elsewhere.

The 188 page report provides clear detailed insight into the global V2X communication market. Discover the key drivers and challenges affecting the market.

Report Scope
• 167 tables, charts and graphs analysing the V2X market
• Overview of the global V2X Communications market status in 2016: the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communications markets
• Analysis of the technologies and applications for V2V, V2I, V2P, V2H, and IN-V communications
• Overview of the role of DSRC, LTE, GPS and sensors in the V2X market
• Analysis of the penetration of V2V and V2I in new passenger cars from 2016 to 2026 coupled with their drivers and restraints
• Global Forecast of the global Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Market (in million cars equipped with V2X modules) and its 5 submarkets:
- Global Forecast of the passenger cars equipped with V2V modules throughout 2016-2026 and analysis of drivers and restraints. Further segmentation forecast of the V2V Submarket into OEM and Aftermarket V2V Communications submarkets
- Forecast of the revenues coming from DSRC-V2V modules for 2016-2026
- Global Forecast of cars equipped with V2I-modules (V2I-Connected Vehicles) for the period 2016-2026
- Global Forecast of DSRC-equipped smartphones which enable Vehicle-to-Pedestrians (V2P) communication
- Global Forecast of cars connected with Vehicle-to-Home modules for 2016-2026
- Global Forecast of passenger cars connected with IN-V modules for 2016-2026. Further segmentation of the IN-V submarket into Type of Connectivity (Embedded, Integrated, Tethered) and by Service Provider (OEM, Aftermarket, Telematics, Connectivity)
• Regional forecasts of the V2V, V2I, and IN-V Communications Submarket for 2016 to 2026, coupled with regional penetration level forecasts in further detail for the US, UK and japan.
• SWOT analysis of the major strengths and weaknesses of the V2V and V2I markets, together with the opportunities available and the key threats faced
• Expert opinion from a key-opinion leader in the market, QNX Software Systems
• Profiles of 5 leading auto OEMs and 7 leading Tier-1s operating within the V2V-V2I market together with analysis of their role and products
- Daimler
- General Motors
- Toyota
- Volkswagen

- Arada
- Autotalks
- Cohda
- Delphi
- Denso
- eTrans
- Kapsch
- Qualcomm
- Savari
• Conclusions & recommendations

How will you benefit from this report?
• Keep your V2X knowledge base up to speed. Don’t get left behind
• Reinforce your strategic decision-making with definitive and reliable V2X market data
• Learn how to exploit new V2X Communications technological trends
• Realise your company’s full potential within the V2X market
• Understand the V2X competitive landscape and identify potential new business opportunities & partnerships

Who should read this report?
• Anyone within the automotive value chain.
• Automotive Manufacturers (OEMs)
• Aftermarket Companies for Connected Vehicles
• Automotive Safety Systems Companies
• Connectivity Solution Companies
• Data Transfer & IT Companies
• Telematics Solution Companies
• Infotainment Companies
• Diagnostics Companies
• V2X Safety and Security Companies
• Road Safety Authorities
• Telecommunication Companies
• Collision Research Institutes
• CEO’s
• COO’s
• CIO’s
• Business Development Managers
• Marketing Managers
• Technologists
• Suppliers
• Investors
• Banks
• Government Agencies
• Contractors

Visiongain’s study is intended for anyone requiring commercial analyses for the automotive V2X market and leading companies. You find data, trends and predictions.

Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications Market 2016-2026
Table of Contents

1. Report Overview
1.1.V2X Communications Market 2016-2026: V2V, V2I, V2P, V2H, IN-V
1.2.V2X Market Segmentation Overview
1.3.Why You Should Read This Report
1.4.How This Report Delivers
1.5.Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report
1.6.Who is This Report For?
1.8.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1.9.Associated Visiongain Reports
1.10.About Visiongain

2. Introduction to the V2X Communications Market
2.1.Overview of the Global V2V-V2I Market Status in 2016
2.1.1.The NHTSA Aims to Mandate V2V in All New Cars
2.1.2.The European Commission Announces Europe’s New Connected Car Standards
2.1.3.OEMs & Tier-1s Showcase V2V and V2I Technology
2.2.The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications Market
2.3.Learn Which Wireless Communication Technologies Enable V2X
2.3.1.Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) for V2V and V2I
2.3.2.Cellular: LTE-4G for V2V-V2I Communication
2.3.3.GPS for V2V-V2I Communication
2.4.Sensors for V2V-V2I Communication
2.4.1.Overview of the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Applications
2.4.2.V2V Communications Market Segmentation Overview Communication by type Communication by Service Provider
2.5.Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication
2.5.1.Overview of the V2I Applications
2.5.2.V2I Segmentation Overview Communication Services
2.6.Vehicle-to-Pedestrians (V2P) Communication
2.7.Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) Communication
2.8.In-Vehicle (IN-V) Communication
2.9.Market Definition-The V2X & V2V-V2I Markets
2.10.V2X, V2V & V2I Market Segmentation Overview

3. Global V2X Communications Market Forecast 2016-2026
3.1.Global V2V Communication Market Forecast 2016-2026
3.1.1.Global V2V Market Segmentation Forecast 2016-2026: OEM vs. Aftermarket from Aftermarket & OEM DSRC Modules 2016-2026
3.1.2.Global V2V Communications Market Status in 2016 vendors dominate the V2V Marketplace showcase V2V pilot programmes with Daimler’s Car-to-X lose to production testing, initiatives and the NHTSA mandate
3.1.3.Global V2V Penetration in New Car Sales Forecast 2016-2026 Why V2V Penetration in New Car Sales is Low in 2016 of OEM-based Solutions and Low Consumer Awareness Lead to Low Demand for V2V in 2016 cost could disrupt sales
3.1.4.DSRC for Global V2V Communications
3.2.Global V2I Communications Market Forecast 2016-2026
3.2.1.Global V2I Penetration in New Car Sales Forecast 2016-2026 What Are the Reasons for a Low V2I Penetration in 2016 and the potentials for growth in US and European Market penetration requires a substantial number of V2V-Connected Vehicles installation needs substantial investment in new infrastructure
3.2.2.Road Side Units (RSU) Installations Forecast 2016-2026
3.3.Global Vehicle-to-Pedestrians (V2P) Market Forecast 2016-2026
3.3.1.Revenues from DSRC-Enabled Smartphones Forecast 2016-2026
3.3.2.Smartphone Shipments Forecast 2016-2026
3.3.3.DSRC Penetration in New Smartphone Sales Forecast 2016-2026
3.3.4.Drivers & Restraints of the V2P Communications Submarket
3.4.Global V2H Communications Submarket Forecast 2016-2026
3.4.1.Global V2H Penetration in New Vehicle Sales Forecast 2016-2026
3.4.2.Drivers & Restraints of the V2H Communications Submarket
3.5.Global IN-V Communications Submarket Forecast 2016-2026
3.5.1.Revenues Forecast from Cars with IN-V Modules 2016-2026
3.5.2.IN-V Communications Submarket Segmentation Forecast 2016-26 Submarket Forecast 2016-26 by Type of Connectivity of Embedded Solutions of Integrated Solutions of Tethered Solutions Submarket Forecast 2015-25 by Service Provider of OEM Hardware Solutions of Aftermarket Hardware Solutions of Telematics Hardware Solutions of Connectivity Hardware Solutions
3.6.Global V2V Material, Commodity and Other Costs and the influence on Consumers’ Demand (modelling approach)
3.6.1.Cost components in Vehicle Manufacture per Category of costs
3.6.2.Cost Components for Each Country and Car Manufacturer Individually
3.7.Global V2V Communication and ADAS Systems
3.7.1.Most Innovative Car Manufacturers in Communication and ADAS Systems and the Number of Suppliers per region
3.8.Global V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
3.9.Global V2X Legal Framework Analysis
3.10.Ventures Capitals investing in the Connected Car industry

4.Regional V2X Market Forecast 2016-2026
4.1.Passenger Car Sales Data: Historical 2005-15 & Forecast 2016-26
4.1.1.Historical Regional Passenger Car Sales 2005-2015
4.1.2.Historical Regional Passenger Car Sales Market Shares 2005, 2010, 2015
4.1.3.Regional Passenger Car Sales Forecast 2016-2026
4.1.4.Regional Market Shares Forecast of Passenger Car Sales 2016, 2021, 2026
4.2.Regional V2V Communications Submarket Forecast 2016-2026
4.2.1.Regional V2V Market Share Forecast Summary 2016, 2021, 2026
4.2.2.How Different Motivations behind V2V Communications Will Lead to Different Regional Penetration of V2V
4.2.3.How Differences in Spectrum Allocation among Different Regions Affect the Global Standardization of V2V Communications
4.3.Regional V2I Communications Submarket Forecast 2016-2026
4.3.1.Regional V2I Market Share Forecast Summary 2016, 2021, 2026
4.4.Regional IN-V Connected Car Market Forecast 2016-2026
4.4.1.Regional IN-V Connected Car Market Share Forecast Summary
4.5.US V2V Equipment Cost in New and Old Car Forecast 2016-2026
4.5.1.V2V Data Transfer Cost for Consumers and Profit Margins for Communication Companies
4.6.V2V Market Forecast and Analysis for US Region
4.6.1.US V2V Forecasting In Three Scenarios
4.6.2.US V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
4.6.3.Model Approach for the Automotive and V2X Industry in USA Previous year’s car sales
4.7.Legal Framework Analysis for US and UK
4.7.1.US V2X Legal Framework and Standards
4.7.2.European V2X Legal Framework and Standards
4.8.UK V2V Forecasting in Different Levels of Automation
4.9.China V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers
4.10.Japan V2X Forecasting for Premium and Volume Manufacturers

5. SWOT Analysis of the V2X Market 2016-2026
5.1. SWOT Analysis of the V2V Communications Market 2016-2026
5.2. SWOT Analysis of the V2I Communications Market 2016-2026

6. Expert Opinion
6.1. Expert Opinion – QNX Software Systems, Emil Dautovic, Business Development Manager, EMEA, at QNX
6.1.1 QNX’s Involvement in the Automotive Sector
6.1.2.QNX Opinions of Major Trends in Safety, Autonomous and Connected Cars
6.1.3.What Are QNX’s Views on on Sensor Fusion, Algorithms and R&D?
6.1.4.QNX’s Outlook on Prominent Applications in the Autonomous and Connected Cars
6.1.5.QNX Overview of V2X and Autonomous Driving
6.1.6.What is QNX’s Attitude to Infotainment and Safety?
6.1.7.QNX on Connectivity and Cyber Security
6.1.8.What is QNX’s Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities in Safety, Autonomous and Connected Cars

7.Leading Companies in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1.Leading OEMs in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1.1.BMW AG Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1.2.Daimler AG Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1.3.General Motors (GM) Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.1.4.Toyota Motor Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market on the FCC’s Proposed Rulemaking To Open 5.9 GHz Band
7.1.5.Volkswagen Group AG Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.Leading Suppliers, Tier-1s in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.1.Arada Systems Company Overview Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.2.Autotalks Ltd. Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.3.Cohda Wireless Company Overview Wireless Role in the V2V & V2I Market Wireless Products in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.4.Delphi Automotive PLC Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market
7.2.5.Denso Corporation Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.2.6.eTrans Systems Company Overview Systems’ Role in the V2V & V2I Market Engineering Application Development & Simulation Vehicle Pilot Support
7.2.7.Kapsch TrafficCom Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market’s Acquisitions
7.2.8.Qualcomm Incorporated Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2I Market’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.2.9.Savari Inc. Company Overview’s Role in the V2V & V2X Market’s Products in the V2V & V2X Market
7.2.10.Other Leading Companies in the V2V & V2I Market

8. Conclusions
8.1.Key Findings from Our Research
8.2 V2V & V2I Penetration in New Vehicle Sales Forecast 2016-2026
8.3.What Will Drive Demand in the V2X Market from 2016 to 2026?
8.4.Learn Which Connectivity Technology is Most Suitable to Support V2V and V2I: DSRC, Wi-Fi, LTE, or LIDAR?

9. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Cost of Road Accidents and Congestion in Europe and the U.S. in 2014
Table 2.2 European Commission’s Action Plan for the Deployment of ITS in Europe
Table 2.3 Definition of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Table 2.4 Car-2-Car Consortium’s Related Projects and Task Forces
Table 2.5 Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Service At a Glance
Table 2.6 Benefits of Using DSRC for V2V and V2I Communications
Table 2.7 ADAS Sensors Usage in ADAS End-User Applications
Table 2.8 Automation Levels
Table 2.9 Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication Applications
Table 2.10 Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communications Applications
Table 2.1 Global Sales of New Passenger Cars Equipped with V2V, V2I, V2H, IN-V Modules Forecast 2016-2026 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.2 New Passenger Cars Equipped with V2V Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.3 Aftermarket & OEM DSRC Modules Revenue Forecast 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.4 Total DSRC Installations Forecast 2016-2026 (Million Units, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.5 Cost of DSRC Installations In New Vehicles for OEMs & Consumers 2016, 2021, 2026 ($)
Table 3.6 Passenger Cars Equipped With V2I Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.7 Road Side Units (RSU) Installations Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.8 Revenues Forecast From DSRC-Equipped Smartphones 2016-26 ($bn, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.9 Smartphone Shipments Forecast 2016-2026 (Billion Units, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.10 Drivers & Restraints of the V2P Communications Submarket
Table 3.11 Passenger Cars Equipped With V2H Modules Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.12 Drivers & Restraints of the V2H Communications Submarket
Table 3.13 Passenger Cars Equipped With IN-V Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.14 Revenue Forecast from Cars With IN-V Modules 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 3.15 Global IN-V Connected Vehicles Submarket Drivers & Restraints
Table 3.16 IN-V Communications Submarket Forecast by Type of Connectivity 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR)
Table 3.17 IN-V Submarket Forecast by Service Provider 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR)
Table 3.18 Number of ADAS suppliers across Japan, Europe, USA and new entrant countries
Table 4.1 Historical Regional Passenger Car Sales 2005-2015 (Million, AGR%)
Table 4.2 Regional Passenger Car Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Million, AGR%)
Table 4.3 Regional V2V Communication Submarket Forecast 2016-2026 (Million, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 4.4 Regional V2I Submarket Forecast 2016-2026 (Million, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 4.5 Regional IN-V Connected Car Markets Forecasts 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR %)
Table 4.6 Forecasting of Cost of V2V equipment Per Vehicle in two possible scenarios in US dollars
Table 4.7 Forecasting of Cost of V2V equipment Per Old Vehicle in two possible scenarios in US dollars 2020
Table 4.8 Forecasting of Cost of V2V equipment Per New Vehicle in two possible scenarios in US dollars 2020
Table 4.9 Forecasting of Total Cost of V2V equipment in two possible scenarios in billion US dollars 2020-2026
Table 4.10 Data transfer cost for V2V communication for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years, US$
Table 4.11 US Volume Car Sales and Year-to-Year change, 2015, 2016 (%) Change
Table 4.12 Comparative Analysis for Premium and Volume Cars
Table 4.13 US Demand Forecasting for Premium and Volume Cars Period 2016 - 2026
Table 4.14 Advantages of the Forecasting Model for USA V2X Market 2016-2026
Table 4.15 Advantages of the Forecasting Model for USA V2X Market 2016-2026
Table 4.16 NHTSA Cooperation with the FTC In the Setting of Safety Standards Against hacking for Connected Car and V2V Technology
Table 4.17 UK V2X Automation Level Share Forecast 2015-2030 (CCP, L3, L4/5)
Table 4.18 UK Total Vehicle Production with Automation Technology 2016-2026 (CCP, L3, L4/5 in ml units)
Table 4.19 Top Ten Luxury and Premium cars in China
Table 4.20 Three categories of connectivity in Chinese Automotive Industry 2012,2016,2026
Table 4.21 Technical Barriers for the Connected Car industry in China
Table 4.22 Japan’s Monthly Motor Vehicle Sales 2013-2015
Table 4.23 Japan’s Monthly Motor Vehicle Production 2013 – 2015
Table 4.24 Japan’s Monthly Vehicle exports globally 2013 – 2015
Table 4.25 Japan’s Volume Cars Automation Level Production Forecast 2016-2026 (L1/2, L3, L4/5 %)
Table 5.1 SWOT Analysis of the V2V Communications Market 2016-2026
Table 5.2 SWOT Analysis of the V2I Communications Market 2016-2026
Table 6.1 Overview of the Profiled Companies And their Products in the V2V-V2I Market
Table 7.2 BMW AG Overview (Revenue, Car Sales, Market Share in Car Sales, No. of Employees, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 7.3 Daimler AG Overview (Revenue, HQ, Car Sales 2014, No. of Employees, Ticker, IR, Website)
Table 7.4 Daimler’s Car-To-X Communications Technology
Table 7.5 General Motors Company Overview (Revenue, HQ, Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 7.6 Toyota Overview (Revenue, HQ, Market Cap, Ticker, No. of Employees, IR, Contact, Website)
Table 7.7 Strategic Alliances with Sumitomo and SPARX
Table 7.8 Volkswagen Company Overview (Revenue, Cars Sold, HQ, Global Car Sales Market Share, Ticker, Website)
Table 7.9 Arada Systems Overview 2016 (Products, Services, HQ, Website)
Table 7.10 Autotalks Overview 2016 (Products, Services, IR, HQ, Website)
Table 7.11 Autotalks Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Features)
Table 7.12 Cohda Wireless Overview 2016 (Revenue, Products, HQ, IR, Employees, Website)
Table 7.13 Cohda Wireless Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Features)
Table 7.14 Delphi Overview 2016 (Revenue, Products, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 7.15 Delphi Financials (5-year Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating Income, Net Income, Dilut. EPS) 2010-2015
Table 7.16 Denso Overview 2016 (Revenue, Products, Market Cap, Ticker, HQ, Employees, Website)
Table 7.17 Denso’s Financials 2011-2015 (5-year Revenue, Gross Profit, Op. Income, Net income, Diluted EPS), (In $Million Apart from EPS)
Table 7.18 Denso’s Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Features)
Table 7.19 eTrans Systems Overview 2015 (Products, Services, HQ, Website)
Table 7.20 Kapsch 2015 (Revenue, Products, HQ, Employees, Ticker, Website)
Table 7.21 Kapsch Financials (5-year Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating & Net Income, Diluted EPS) in million USD 2010-2015
Table 7.22 Kapsch’s Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Modes)
Table 7.23 Kapsch’s Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Features)
Table 7.24 Qualcomm Overview 2016 (Revenue, Product, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 7.25 Qualcomm Financials (5-year Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating Income, Net income, Diluted EPS) 2010-2015
Table 7.26 Qualcomm’s Products in the V2V-V2I Market (Description, Features)
Table 7.27 Savari Company 2015 (Revenue, Products, HQ, Contact, Website)
Table 7.28 Savari’s Applications for V2V-V2I Overview 2016
Table 7.29 Other Leading Companies in the V2V & V2I Market (Company, Country)
Table 8.1 Global Automotive V2X, V2V, V2I, V2P, V2H, IN-V Markets Forecast Summary 2016-2026 (Ml, CAGR%)
Table 8.2 Key Findings of Our Research
Table 8.3 Drivers & Restraints of the V2X Communications Market 2016-2026

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 The V2X Communications Market In the Automotive Sector
Figure 1.2 V2V, V2I & V2X Market Segmentation Overview
Figure 2.1 Megatrends in the Automotive Sector & the V2V-V2I Market
Figure 2.2 The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) & the V2V, V2I, V2P, V2H, IN-V Markets
Figure 2.3 Contribution of V2V & V2I to Safety, Traffic and Autonomous Driving
Figure 2.4 V2V Segmentation Overview: V2M, OEM, Aftermarket
Figure 2.5 V2I Segmentation Overview: ETC, EPP, V2G
Figure 2.6 Wired & Wireless Broadband Subscriptions by technology in 2015 (%)
Figure 2.7 IN-V Communications’ Segmentation
Figure 2.8 V2V, V2I & V2X Market Segmentation Overview
Figure 3.1 Global Sales of New Passenger Cars Equipped with V2V, V2I, V2H, IN-V Modules Forecast 2016-2026 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR%)
Figure 3.2 V2X Submarkets’ Share Forecast Summary 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 3.3 New Passenger Cars Equipped with V2V Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%)
Figure 3.4 Aftermarket & OEM DSRC Modules Revenue Forecast 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR%)
Figure 3.5 Market Share Forecast of OEM & Aftermarket DSRC-Installations Revenues 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 3.6 V2V Penetration in New Car Sales (%) & DSRC Installation Cost ($) Forecast 2016-26
Figure 3.7 Total DSRC Installations Forecasts 2016-2026 (Million Units, AGR%)
Figure 3.8 Passenger Cars Equipped With V2I Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%)
Figure 3.9 V2I & V2V Penetration in New Vehicles Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (%)
Figure 3.10 Road Side Units (RSU) Installations Forecast 2016-2026 (Millions, AGR%)
Figure 3.11 Revenues Forecast From DSRC-Equipped Smartphones 2016-26 ($bn, AGR%)
Figure 3.12 Smartphone Shipments Forecast 2016-2026 (Billion Units, AGR%)
Figure 3.13 Smartphone Shipments (Mi) & Penetration of DSRC in Smartphones (%) 2016-2026
Figure 3.14 Passenger Cars Equipped With V2H Modules Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%)
Figure 3.15 V2H Penetration In New Cars Forecast 2016-2026 (%)
Figure 3.16 Passenger Cars Equipped With IN-V Modules Sales Forecast 2016-2026 (Ml, AGR%)
Figure 3.17 Revenue Forecast from Cars With IN-V Modules 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR%)
Figure 3.18 IN-V Communications Submarket Share Forecast 2016, 2021, 2026 by Type of Connectivity (%)
Figure 3.19 Global IN-V Submarket Share Forecast 2016, 2026, 2026 by Service Provider (%)
Figure 3.20 US Labour Cost for Leading Automakers ($ / hour) 2016
Figure 3.21 Average Annual Change in wage from 2010 to 2015
Figure 3.22 The most innovative car manufacturers for communication systems, Innovation score capped at 100
Figure 3.23 Number of ADAS suppliers across Japan, Europe, USA and new entrant, 1990,1994,2004
Figure 3.24 Most innovative car manufacturers for ADAS, innovation score capped at 100
Figure 3.25 Most innovative manufacturers for R&D of Communications Systems, additive index of Figures 3.23 and 3.21, capped at 100
Figure 3.26 Premium and luxury car market in bn US $, 2010 – 2015
Figure 3.27 Global Luxury and Premium Car Market Sales April 2014 - April 2015
Figure 3.28 Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Purchase of Vehicles for Euro Area Forecast 1996-2024
Figure 3.29 Premium Car Manufacturer Vehicles Sold by Country, 2002 (‘000 Units)
Figure 3.30 Premium Car Manufacturer Vehicles Sold by Country, 2012 (‘000 Units)
Figure 3.31 Premium Car Manufacturer Vehicles Sold by Country, 2022 (‘000 Units)
Figure 3.32 Venture Capital Companies in the Automotive Industry
Figure 4.1 Historical Regional Market Shares in P. Car Sales 2005, 2010, 2015 (%)
Figure 4.2 Regional Market Share Forecast in Passenger Car Sales 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 4.3 Regional V2V Communication Submarket Forecast 2016-2026 (Million, AGR%)
Figure 4.4 Regional Market Share Forecast of the V2V Submarket 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 4.5 Regional V2I Submarket Forecast 2016-2026 by Region (Million Cars, AGR%)
Figure 4.6 Regional Market Share Forecast of the V2I Submarket 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 4.7 Regional IN-V Connected Car Markets Forecasts 2016-2026 ($bn, AGR %)
Figure 4.8 Regional Market Share Forecasts of the IN-V Connected Car Submarket 2016, 2021, 2026 (%)
Figure 4.9 Data transfer cost for V2V communication for 10,20,30 and 40 years
Figure 4.10 Number of sales of V2V equipment in new vehicles by model year 2016-2026 (Millions of Vehicles)
Figure 4.11 Share of Cars Connected on Web in USA 2012 – 2026 (% share)
Figure 4.12 Best US Luxury Car Brand Sales, First Half of 2015
Figure 4.13 Comparative Analysis for Premium and Volume Cars, 2015
Figure 4.14 US Total Car Sales/Demand, 1999-2026 (units)
Figure 4.15 UK V2X Automation Level Share Forecast 2015-2030 (%)
Figure 4.16 Decline Ratio of Level 3 to Level 4&5 2025-2030
Figure 4.17 UK Total Commercial Vehicle and Car Production 2000-2026 (units)
Figure 4.18 China’s Premium and Luxury Car Market Sales, first half of 2016
Figure 4.19 China’s Commercial and Passenger Vehicle Sales 2005-2015 (Millions)
Figure 4.20 Japan – Passenger Car Sales by Manufacturers 2013-2015 (units)
Figure 4.21 Japanese Production Penetration of Automated Technology Forecast 2016-2026 (%)
Figure 4.22 Japanese Total Vehicle Exports Forecast 2015-2050 (Billion Yen)
Figure 4.23 Japanese Car Exports forecast 2013 – 2021 (million units)
Figure 7.1 Ranking of the 16 leading Automotive OEMs by 2015 Revenue ($bn)
Figure 7.2 Ranking of the 10 leading Automotive OEMs by Sales (million vehicles) in 2015
Figure 7.3 Market Share in 2015 BMW Group’s Sales in Selected Regions (%)
Figure 7.4 BMW Group Car Sales Overview 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 (ml)
Figure 7.5 Mercedes-Benz Car Sales’ Share Distribution in Selected Regions in 2014 (%)
Figure 7.6 Mercedes-Benz Car Sales’ Share Distribution in Selected Regions in 2015 (%)
Figure 7.7 GM Car Sales Overview 2011-2015 (Million Units)
Figure 7.8 Toyota Car Sales Overview 2010-2015 (Thousand Units)
Figure 7.9 Toyota Car Market Share per Region %
Figure 7.10 Volkswagen group sales in billion Euros 2006-2015
Figure 7.11 Volkswagen Group Regional Market Share 2015 (%)
Figure 7.12 Delphi's Percentage of Net Sales to the Largest Customers 2015
Figure 7.13 Delphi’s 2015 Net Sales by Region (%)
Figure 7.14 Delphi’s 2015 Revenue by Segment (%)
Figure 8.1 V2V-V2I Penetration Into New Cars Forecast 2016-2026 (%)
Companies Mentioned in this report

Abalta Technologies, Inc.
Adam Opel AG
ADT Security Services
Alpine Electronics of Silicon Valley
Alpine Technology Fund
American Honda Motor Corp. Inc.
Amiti Ventures
Aptina LLC
Arada Systems
Audi AG
Autosense International
Autotalks Ltd.
Birds Eye Systems
BlackBerry Technology Solutions
BlackBerry IoT
BMW iVentures
Bosch Group
CarIQ Technologies
Cetecom GmbH
Chrysler Group LLC
Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group
Cohda Wireless
Connected Vehicles Test Bed
Continental AG
CyberAgent Ventures
Daimler Financial Services
Dash Labs
Delphi Automotive LLC
Delphi Automotive PLC
Denso Corporation
DENSO International America, Inc.
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Driverless Transportation
Elliott Management
escrypt GmbH
eTrans Systems
Fiat Chrysler (FCA)
Ford Motor Corporation
Gemini Israel Funds
General Motors (GM) Corporation
General Motors Financial Company
Google Inc
Hitachi Ltd
Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Ventures Investment Corporation
Innovative Defense Technologies
Intel Capital
Jaguar Land Rover
Jasper Wireless
Kapsch Group
Kapsch TrafficCom
Kia Motors
Kia Motors America Inc
Lesswire AG
Magma Venture Partners
MAN Group
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes-Benz R&D North America
Mitsubishi Motors of North America Inc.
Mitsui & Co Global Investment
Nissan Motor Co.
Nokia Oyj
NVIDIA Corporation
NXP Semiconductors
Panasonic Automotive Systems
Persistent Venture Fund
Prospect Silicon Valley
PSA Peugeot Citroen
QNX Software Systems
Qualcomm Atheros
Qualcomm Ventures
Renault S.A
Renesas Electronics America
Renesas Electronics Corporation
Robert Bosch GmbH
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH
Rsystems International
SAIC Motors
Savari Networks
Security Innovations
Siemens AG
Sierra Wireless
Silver Point Capital.
SPARX Group Co. Ltd
Spirent Communications plc
Subaru of America Inc.
Sugar OAK Holdings
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)
Swarco Traffic Ltd
Tass International
TATA Consultancy Services (TCS)
TE Connectivity
Texas Instruments (TI)
TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center USA
Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC)
Transdyn Inc.
Transportation Technology Ventures
UMC Capital
Vector Group
Verizon Communications
Verizon Enterprise Solutions
Verizon Ventures
Vidder Inc
Visteon Corporation
Volkswagen AG
Volvo AB

Government Agencies & Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Amsterdam Group
Car 2 Car Consortium (C2C-CC)
Center for Automotive Research (CAR)
Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR)
European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures (ASECAP)
European Commission
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America)
Intelligent Transportation Systems - Joint Programme Office (ITS JPO)
Japan Automobile Dealers Association (JAMA)
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA)
OmniAir Testing and Certification Consortium
Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles (OICA)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The Amsterdam Group
Tongji University
U.S. Department of Transportation
US Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration (US DoT RITA)
UCLA Network Research Lab
United Automobile Workers (UAW)
University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
Virginia Tech. Institute
World Health Organization (WHO)
PARC (Palo Alto Research Center)


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