Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:54:49 +0800 From: peter <> To: Subject: port install vim no gettext feature Message-ID: <>
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Hi, I install vim from port /usr/ports/editors/vim, In gvim, use :version command: Big version with GTK GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): +arabic +autocmd +balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent +clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments +cryptv +cscope +cursorshape +dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs +dnd -ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path +find_in_path +folding -footer +fork() -gettext -hangul_input +iconv +insert_expand +jumplist +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds +localmap +menu +mksession +modify_fname +mouse +mouseshape +mouse_dec -mouse_gpm -mouse_jsbterm +mouse_netterm +mouse_xterm +multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme +netbeans_intg -osfiletype +path_extra -perl +postscript +printer -profile -python +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs +smartindent -sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary +tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl +terminfo +termresponse +textobjects +title +toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo +vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup +X11 +xfontset +xim +xsmp_interact +xterm_clipboard -xterm_save How to modify Makefile to enable gettext? thanks peter
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