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Date:      Wed, 28 Apr 2004 15:39:05 +0200
From:      "Gunnarsson, Mikael" <>
To:        "Teguh Kurniawan " <>, <>
Subject:   RE: Inserting html/frame/banner to requested webpage by proxy/gateway
Message-ID:  <>

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Please don't crosspost.

I don't know of any proxy software that lets=
 you change the content it passes in such a way.. You'd probably have to =
hack something up yourself.

I question the point though. If it's outgo=
ing content you want to modify, it would probably be easier to let the we=
b server itself add a header/footer or whatever it is you want to add.

If it's incoming web pages you want to modify, I question the ethic of it=
. Would YOU like to use a web proxy that adds banners to every page you v=

Also, it would probably screw up the rendering of most non-simpl=
e pages, so there's technical issues as well..

> -----Original Mes=
> From:
> [mailto:owner-freebsd=]On Behalf Of Teguh Kurniawan 
> Sent: den 27 april 2004=
> To:;;
> freebs=
> Subject: Inserting html/frame/banner to requested we=
bpage by
> proxy/gateway
> Hi there,
> anybody here can told m=
e, how to insert html code to any 
> requested page by proxy/gateway.
> Teguh
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