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Date:      Thu, 22 Mar 2012 14:48:18 +0000
From:      "Lazarevic Komac, Mladen" <>
To:        MCVenner <>
Cc:        "" <>
Subject:   RE: Keyboard Curiosity
Message-ID:  <>
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Try to log into server via ILO port / web gui or via telnet/ then to use iL=
O to get on server when it is booting ...

User guide for iLO 2 you can find on location: http://bizsupport1.austin.hp=
.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02845760/c02845760.pdf (Page 95 of 224)

Text-based remote console overview

iLO and its predecessors support a true text-based remote console. Video in=
formation is obtained
from the server and the contents of the video memory are sent to the manage=
ment processor,
compressed, encrypted, and forwarded to the management client application. =
iLO uses a
screen-frame buffer, which detects changes in text information, encrypts th=
e changes, and sends
the characters (including screen positioning information) to text-based cli=
ent applications. This
method provides compatibility with standard text-based clients, good perfor=
mance, and simplicity.
However, you cannot display non-ASCII or graphical information, and screen =
positioning information
(displayed characters) might be sent out of order.

The Remote Console uses Virtual KVM and does not provide a true text-based =
console. iLO 2 uses
the video adapter DVO port to access video memory directly. This method sig=
nificantly increases
iLO 2 performance. However, the digital video stream does not contain usefu=
l text data. Data
obtained from the DVO port represents graphical data (non-character-based),=
 and is not
comprehensible ASCII or text data. This video data cannot be rendered by a =
text-based client
application such as Telnet or SSH.

Text-based console during POST

The standard iLO 2 text-based remote console remains available on iLO 2 unt=
il the operating system
POST is complete. iLO 2 standard firmware continues to use the virtualized =
serial-port functionality
of the management processor. On the iLO 2 firmware, the virtual serial port=
 was renamed Remote
Serial Console. iLO 2 uses the Remote Serial Console to access a pre-operat=
ing system, text-based
iLO 2 Remote Console 95
remote console. The iLO 2 Remote Serial Console applet appears as a text-ba=
sed console, but the
information is rendered using graphical video data. iLO 2 displays this inf=
ormation through the
remote console applet while in the server pre-operating system state, enabl=
ing a non-licensed iLO
2 to observe and interact with the server during POST activities.
For an iLO 2 blade (and an iLO blade running Linux in a graphical format), =
enter getty() on
the server's serial port, and then use iLO 2 Remote Serial Console or iLO V=
irtual Serial Port (CLP
command start /system1/oemhp_vsp1) to view a login session to the Linux ope=
rating system
through the serial port.
A non-licensed iLO 2 cannot use Remote Console access after the server comp=
letes POST and
begins to load the operating system. To use Remote Console and iLO Text Con=
sole after POST,
you must have an iLO 2 Advanced or iLO 2 Advanced for BladeSystem.

 Mladen ...

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-proliant@fre=] On Behalf Of MCVenner
Sent: 22. marec 2012 15:34
Subject: Keyboard Curiosity

I have an HP ProLiant ML110 G6 Server on which I've installed and configure=
d FreeBSD v7.4-RELEASE.

Though the computer auto-boots uneventfully, I have never been able to inte=
ract with the boot loader as no keyboard action is, while it's resident, re=

I have tried a number of different keyboards (101-key, 102-key, 104-key; PS=
/2, USB;  with and without interface adapters) without result.

I find that if I attempt, continuously while booting, to toggle (for
example) the CapsLock key that there is a period during the boot process wh=
ere the associated CapsLock LED ceases toggling in response.

The period begins at the moment the boot manager's boot-slice selection is =
satisfied (either via user action or timeout).

The period ends midway through the loading of the kernel;  perhaps as early=
 as status message
   ...  kernel: kbd2 at ukbd0
but, certainly, no later than status message
   ...  kernel: sc09: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0 though it's d=
ifficult to discern as they go by quickly.

Any suggestions as to how this might be resolved would be appreciated.

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