From owner-freebsd-current  Wed Apr 24 02:47:04 1996
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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 04:39:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Matthew N. Dodd" <>
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To: "Marc G. Fournier" <>
cc: current@FreeBSD.ORG, hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Intelligent Debugging Tools... 
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On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> FreeBSD 2.1-STABLE #0: Tue Apr 23 10:33:56 EDT 1996
> CPU: i486 DX4 (486-class CPU)
>   Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x480  Stepping=0
>   Features=0x3<FPU,VME>

This isn't an Asus SP3 or SP3G is it?

> chip0 <SiS 85c496> rev 49 on pci0:5
> ncr0 <ncr 53c810 scsi> rev 2 int a irq 12 on pci0:11

Same contoller here...

> ed0 at 0x280-0x29f irq 5 maddr 0xd8000 msize 16384 on isa
> ed0: address 00:00:c0:86:44:79, type WD8013EPC (16 bit) 

Heh, I've got an NE2000, but it uses the ed driver as well.

> 	Oh, the motherboard is an ACER AP43 with a 486DX4-100
> CPU, and sio[01] are both onboard serial.

Ah, ok...  But they both use the same SiS chipset.

I'm seeing something I've classified as 'slightly weird' but due to
the machine and the nature of problem, its a bit difficult to 
check the console for a panic.  In any event, the machine can't
stay up for more than 5 or 6 days.  I'm going to re-enable crash
dumps and make an up to date -stable kernel and see whats up.

Due to the similarities between your hardware and mine, this 
problem MIGHT be hardware related.  I've considered replacing
the SC-200 with an ah2940 to see if that makes a difference.

Have a good one.

| Matthew N. Dodd   |    |    |
| Technical Manager | |        |
| InterSurf Online  | "Welcome to the net Sir, would you like a handbasket?"|