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Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 23:02:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom <>
To: =?KOI8-R?B?4c7E0sXKIP7F0s7P1w==?= <>
cc: Chuck Robey <>,
Subject: Re: Pine strangeness
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On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, [KOI8-R] Андрей Чернов wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Chuck Robey wrote:
> > I am suddenly noticing, when using pine, that sometimes my outgoing
> > messages cause pine to hang.  I can no long use ^Z to suspend pine, and no
> > other keyboard keys work.  I can use kill procno -STOP to suspend it, but
> > no other signals seem to free it.  The state ps sees is "S+", the man page
> > on ps says thats "process sleeping for less than 20 seconds".  Believe me,
> > I've waited far longer than that.  Oh, my environment is -current, on an
> > SMP box.
> Pine needs lots of memory for big mailboxes. Try to increase your datasize
> limit via login.conf

  In this case he is sending e-mail, so I don't think that is it.

  I've have this exact same problem with pine.  My solution was to switch
it to SMTP.  By default, pine exec /usr/sbin/sendmail with a bunch of
options and pipes the message in.  You can set it to contact sendmail on
the localhost instead, and use SMPT (just set "mail-server" settting to
enable this feature).  I have never had it hang when doing this.

  I suspect a problem with the params that Pine execs sendmail with.  Or,
perhaps a big with pipes in Pine.

> -- 
> Andrey A. Chernov
> <>
