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Date:      Fri,  1 Dec 2006 01:26:53 -0800 (PST)
From:      Peter Johnson <>
Subject:   ports/106117: [PATCH] graphics/nurbs++: Fix BROKENness
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         106117
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [PATCH] graphics/nurbs++: Fix BROKENness
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Dec 01 09:30:15 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Peter Johnson
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE i386
System: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
Fix C++ compiler errors.  These errors have the port currently marked as
Port is marked BROKEN on >=5.x (gcc 3.4.2 or later).
Patch attached.  I have one patch file per file because that was easiest for
me to work with when fixing the errors, but feel free to consolidate if that's

--- nurbs-unbreak.patch begins here ---
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/graphics/nurbs++/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16 Makefile
--- Makefile	14 Aug 2006 23:06:37 -0000	1.16
+++ Makefile	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	nurbs++
 CATEGORIES=	graphics
@@ -21,14 +21,4 @@
 MAN1=	nurbs++-config.1
-.include <>
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 502126
-BROKEN=		"Does not compile with gcc 3.4.2"
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,<malloc.h>,<stdlib.h>,' \
-		${WRKSRC}/nurbs/nurbs.cpp ${WRKSRC}/nurbs/nurbsS.cpp
-.include <>
+.include <>
Index: files/patch-cvector.h
RCS file: files/patch-cvector.h
diff -N files/patch-cvector.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-cvector.h	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- matrix/cvector.h.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ matrix/cvector.h	Thu Nov 30 23:30:00 2006
+@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
+     CVector(const BasicArray<T>& v) : Vector<T>(v), index(0)  {;}
+     virtual ~CVector() {}
+-    T& operator[](const int i) { return x[i%sze]; }
+-    T  operator[](const int i) const   { return x[i%sze]; }
++    T& operator[](const int i) { return this->x[i%this->sze]; }
++    T  operator[](const int i) const   { return this->x[i%this->sze]; }
+-    void put(T v) { x[index] = v ; index = (index+1)%sze; }
++    void put(T v) { this->x[index] = v ; index = (index+1)%this->sze; }
+   protected:
+     int index ;
Index: files/patch-d_nurbsSub.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-d_nurbsSub.cpp
diff -N files/patch-d_nurbsSub.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-d_nurbsSub.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- nurbs/d_nurbsSub.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 13:11:57 2002
++++ nurbs/d_nurbsSub.cpp	Fri Dec  1 01:17:36 2006
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
+   template class RenderMeshPoints<double> ;
+-  double NurbSurface<double>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
+-  double SurfSample<double>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
++  template <> double NurbSurface<double>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
++  template <> double SurfSample<double>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
+   template void DrawSubdivision( NurbSurface<double> *, double tolerance );
+   template void DrawEvaluation( NurbSurface<double> * );
Index: files/patch-f_nurbsSub.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-f_nurbsSub.cpp
diff -N files/patch-f_nurbsSub.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-f_nurbsSub.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- nurbs/f_nurbsSub.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 13:11:57 2002
++++ nurbs/f_nurbsSub.cpp	Fri Dec  1 01:15:08 2006
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
+   template class RenderMeshPoints<float> ;
+-  float NurbSurface<float>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
+-  float SurfSample<float>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
++  template <> float NurbSurface<float>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
++  template <> float SurfSample<float>::epsilon = 1e-6 ;
+   template void DrawSubdivision( NurbSurface<float> *, float tolerance );
+   template void DrawEvaluation( NurbSurface<float> * );
Index: files/patch-hnurbsS.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-hnurbsS.cpp
diff -N files/patch-hnurbsS.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-hnurbsS.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+--- nurbs/hnurbsS.cpp.orig	Fri May 17 11:24:21 2002
++++ nurbs/hnurbsS.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:40:08 2006
+@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@
+   initBase() ;
+   offset.resize(baseSurf.ctrlPnts()) ;
+-  P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
+-  U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
+-  V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
+-  degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
+-  degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
++  this->P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
++  this->U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
++  this->V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
++  this->degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
++  this->degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
+   //updateSurface() ;
+@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@
+   baseUpdateN = baseLevel_->modifiedN()-1 ; // Set it so that initBase will run
+   initBase() ;
+   offset.resize(baseSurf.ctrlPnts()) ;
+-  P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
+-  U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
+-  V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
+-  degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
+-  degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
++  this->P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
++  this->U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
++  this->V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
++  this->degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
++  this->degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
+   //updateSurface() ;
+ }
+@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
+   rU.resize(0) ;
+   rV.resize(0) ;
+-  offset = P ;
++  offset = this->P ;
+ }
+ /*!
+@@ -334,11 +334,11 @@
+   }
+   if(baseLevel_){
+     if(initBase()){
+-      P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
+-      U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
+-      V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
+-      degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
+-      degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
++      this->P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
++      this->U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
++      this->V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
++      this->degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
++      this->degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
+     }
+     if(i0>=0 && j0>=0){
+       Point_nD<T,N> vecOffset ;
+@@ -352,13 +352,13 @@
+ 	  offset(i0,j0).y()*jvec(i0,j0) +
+ 	  offset(i0,j0).z()*kvec(i0,j0) ;
+       }
+-      P(i0,j0).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
+-      P(i0,j0).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
+-      P(i0,j0).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
+     }
+     else{
+-      for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-	for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
++      for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++	for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
+ 	  if(offset(i,j).x() != 0 || 
+ 	     offset(i,j).y() != 0 || offset(i,j).z() || 0){
+ 	    Point_nD<T,N> vecOffset ;
+@@ -372,20 +372,20 @@
+ 		offset(i,j).y()*jvec(i,j) +
+ 		offset(i,j).z()*kvec(i,j) ;
+ 	    }
+-	    P(i,j).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
+-	    P(i,j).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
+-	    P(i,j).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
++	    this->P(i,j).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
++	    this->P(i,j).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
++	    this->P(i,j).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+     }
+   }
+   else{
+     if(i0>=0 && j0>=0)
+-      P(i0,j0) = offset(i0,j0) ;
++      this->P(i0,j0) = offset(i0,j0) ;
+     else{
+-      for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-	for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
+-	  P(i,j) = offset(i,j) ;
++      for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++	for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
++	  this->P(i,j) = offset(i,j) ;
+ 	}
+     }
+   }
+@@ -554,17 +554,17 @@
+       return mod ;
+   }
+-  if(u<knotU()[0] || u>knotU()[knotU().n()-1])
++  if(u<this->knotU()[0] || u>this->knotU()[this->knotU().n()-1])
+     return -1 ;
+-  if(v<knotV()[0] || v>knotU()[knotV().n()-1])
++  if(v<this->knotV()[0] || v>this->knotU()[this->knotV().n()-1])
+     return -1 ;
+   int su = findSpanU(u) ;
+   int sv = findSpanV(v) ;
+-  for(int i=0;i<=degU;++i)
+-    for(int j=0;j<=degV;++j){
+-      if(offset(su-degU+i,sv+degV+j) != HPoint_nD<T,N>(0,0,0,0))
++  for(int i=0;i<=this->degU;++i)
++    for(int j=0;j<=this->degV;++j){
++      if(offset(su-this->degU+i,sv+this->degV+j) != HPoint_nD<T,N>(0,0,0,0))
+ 	return level_ ;
+     }
+@@ -742,16 +742,16 @@
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void HNurbsSurface<T,N>::splitUV(int nu, int nv, Vector<T> &nU, Vector<T> &nV){
+-  nU.resize(knotU().n()*nu) ;
+-  nV.resize(knotV().n()*nv) ;
++  nU.resize(this->knotU().n()*nu) ;
++  nV.resize(this->knotV().n()*nv) ;
+   int i,j,n ;
+   n = 0 ; 
+-  for(i=1;i<knotU().n();++i){
+-    if(knotU()[i] >knotU()[i-1]){
+-      T a = knotU()[i-1] ;
+-      T b = knotU()[i] ;
++  for(i=1;i<this->knotU().n();++i){
++    if(this->knotU()[i] >this->knotU()[i-1]){
++      T a = this->knotU()[i-1] ;
++      T b = this->knotU()[i] ;
+       for(j=0;j<nu;++j){
+@@ -763,10 +763,10 @@
+   nU.resize(n) ;
+   n = 0 ;
+-  for(i=1;i<knotV().n();++i){
+-    if(knotV()[i] > knotV()[i-1]){
+-      T a = knotV()[i-1] ;
+-      T b = knotV()[i] ;
++  for(i=1;i<this->knotV().n();++i){
++    if(this->knotV()[i] > this->knotV()[i-1]){
++      T a = this->knotV()[i-1] ;
++      T b = this->knotV()[i] ;
+       for(j=0;j<nv;++j){
+ 	nV[n] = a + (b-a)*T(j+1)/T(nv+1) ;
+@@ -805,22 +805,22 @@
+   int i,j,n ;
+   if(su<=0)
+-    su = degU  ;
++    su = this->degU  ;
+   if(sv<=0)
+-    sv = degV  ;
+-  if(su>degU+1)
+-    su = degU+1 ;
+-  if(sv>degV+1)
+-    sv = degV+1 ;
++    sv = this->degV  ;
++  if(su>this->degU+1)
++    su = this->degU+1 ;
++  if(sv>this->degV+1)
++    sv = this->degV+1 ;
+-  nU.resize(knotU().n()*nu*su) ;
+-  nV.resize(knotV().n()*nv*sv) ;
++  nU.resize(this->knotU().n()*nu*su) ;
++  nV.resize(this->knotV().n()*nv*sv) ;
+   n = 0 ; 
+-  for(i=1;i<knotU().n();++i){
+-    if(knotU()[i] >knotU()[i-1]){
+-      T a = knotU()[i-1] ;
+-      T b = knotU()[i] ;
++  for(i=1;i<this->knotU().n();++i){
++    if(this->knotU()[i] >this->knotU()[i-1]){
++      T a = this->knotU()[i-1] ;
++      T b = this->knotU()[i] ;
+       for(j=0;j<nu;++j){
+@@ -835,10 +835,10 @@
+   nU.resize(n) ;
+   n = 0 ;
+-  for(i=1;i<knotV().n();++i){
+-    if(knotV()[i] > knotV()[i-1]){
+-      T a = knotV()[i-1] ;
+-      T b = knotV()[i] ;
++  for(i=1;i<this->knotV().n();++i){
++    if(this->knotV()[i] > this->knotV()[i-1]){
++      T a = this->knotV()[i-1] ;
++      T b = this->knotV()[i] ;
+       for(j=0;j<nv;++j){
+ 	T v = a + (b-a)*T(j+1)/T(nv+1) ;
+@@ -1014,10 +1014,10 @@
+     if(!*)&du,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!*)&dv,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    resize(nu,nv,du,dv) ;
++    this->resize(nu,nv,du,dv) ;
+-    if(!*)U.memory(),sizeof(T)*U.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    if(!*)V.memory(),sizeof(T)*V.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    if(!*)this->U.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->U.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    if(!*)this->V.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->V.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!r1){
+       p = new T[3*nu*nv] ;
+@@ -1025,10 +1025,10 @@
+       p2 = p ;
+       for(int i=0;i<nu;i++)
+ 	for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){
+-	  P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).w() = 1.0 ;
++	  this->P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).w() = 1.0 ;
+ 	}
+       delete []p2 ;
+     }
+@@ -1038,14 +1038,14 @@
+       p2 = p ;
+       for(int i=0;i<nu;i++)
+ 	for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){
+-	  P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
+ 	}
+       delete []p2 ;
+     }
+-    offset = P ;
++    offset = this->P ;
+     this->updateSurface() ;
+   }
+   else { // reading the offset information
+@@ -1144,29 +1144,29 @@
+   if(!fout)
+     return 0 ;
+   if(!baseLevel_){
+-    int prows = P.rows();
+-    int pcols = P.cols();
++    int prows = this->P.rows();
++    int pcols = this->P.cols();
+     char st = '0' + sizeof(T) ; 
+     if(!fout.write((char*)&"hns4",sizeof(char)*4)) return 0 ;
+     if(!fout.write((char*)&st,sizeof(char))) return 0 ; 
+     if(!fout.write((char*)&prows,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+     if(!fout.write((char*)&pcols,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+-    if(!fout.write((char*)&degU,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+-    if(!fout.write((char*)&degV,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+-    if(!fout.write((char*)U.memory(),sizeof(T)*U.n())) return 0 ;
+-    if(!fout.write((char*)V.memory(),sizeof(T)*V.n())) return 0 ;
++    if(!fout.write((char*)&this->degU,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
++    if(!fout.write((char*)&this->degV,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
++    if(!fout.write((char*)this->U.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->U.n())) return 0 ;
++    if(!fout.write((char*)this->V.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->V.n())) return 0 ;
+     T *p,*p2 ;
+-    p = new T[P.rows()*P.cols()*4] ;
++    p = new T[this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()*4] ;
+     p2 = p ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.rows();i++) 
+-      for(int j=0;j<P.cols();j++){
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();i++) 
++      for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();j++){
+ 	*p = offset(i,j).x() ; p++ ;
+ 	*p = offset(i,j).y() ; p++ ;
+ 	*p = offset(i,j).z() ; p++ ;
+ 	*p = offset(i,j).w() ; p++ ;
+       }
+-    if(!fout.write((char*)p2,sizeof(T)*P.rows()*P.cols()*4)) return 0 ;
++    if(!fout.write((char*)p2,sizeof(T)*this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()*4)) return 0 ;
+     delete []p2 ;
+   }
+   else{
+@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@
+   int i,j ;
+   j = 0 ;
+   for(i=0;i<X.n();++i){
+-    if(X[i]>=U[0] && X[i]<=U[U.n()-1]){
++    if(X[i]>=this->U[0] && X[i]<=this->U[this->U.n()-1]){
+       Xu[j] = X[i] ;
+       ++j ;
+     }
+@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@
+       nextLevel_->refineKnotU(Xu) ;
+     }
+-    NurbsSurface<T,N> osurf(degU,degV,U,V,offset) ;
++    NurbsSurface<T,N> osurf(this->degU,this->degV,this->U,this->V,offset) ;
+     osurf.refineKnotU(Xu) ;
+@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@
+   int i,j ;
+   j = 0 ;
+   for(i=0;i<X.n();++i){
+-    if(X[i]>=V[0] && X[i]<=V[V.n()-1]){
++    if(X[i]>=this->V[0] && X[i]<=this->V[this->V.n()-1]){
+       Xv[j] = X[i] ;
+       ++j ;
+     }
+@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@
+       nextLevel_->refineKnotV(Xv) ;
+     }
+-    NurbsSurface<T,N> osurf(degU,degV,U,V,offset) ;
++    NurbsSurface<T,N> osurf(this->degU,this->degV,this->U,this->V,offset) ;
+     osurf.refineKnotV(Xv) ;
+@@ -1370,26 +1370,26 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ int HNurbsSurface<T,N>::movePointOffset(T u, T v, const Point_nD<T,N>& delta){
+-  P = offset ; 
++  this->P = offset ; 
+   // by definition the offset has w = 0 , but this isn't valid for
+   // the control points, increasing the w by 1, will generate a valid surface
+   if(baseLevel_)
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-      for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
+-	P(i,j).w() += T(1) ; 
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++      for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
++	this->P(i,j).w() += T(1) ; 
+       }
+   if(NurbsSurface<T,N>::movePoint(u,v,delta)){
+-    offset = P ;
++    offset = this->P ;
+     // need to reset the offset weights
+     if(baseLevel_)
+-      for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-	for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
+-	  P(i,j).w() -= T(1) ; 
++      for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++	for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
++	  this->P(i,j).w() -= T(1) ; 
+       }
+-    P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ; 
++    this->P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ; 
+     updateSurface() ; 
+     return 1 ;
+   }
Index: files/patch-hnurbsS_sp.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-hnurbsS_sp.cpp
diff -N files/patch-hnurbsS_sp.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-hnurbsS_sp.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+--- nurbs/hnurbsS_sp.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/hnurbsS_sp.cpp	Fri Dec  1 01:01:28 2006
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::updateMaxU() {
+-  if(degU>3){
++  if(this->degU>3){
+     throw NurbsError();
+ #else
+@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
+ #endif
+   }
+   else{
+-    maxU.resize(P.rows()) ;
+-    maxAtU_.resize(P.rows()) ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i){
+-      if(!maxInfluence(i,U,degU,maxAtU_[i]))
++    maxU.resize(this->P.rows()) ;
++    maxAtU_.resize(this->P.rows()) ;
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i){
++      if(!maxInfluence(i,this->U,this->degU,maxAtU_[i]))
+ 	cerr << "Problem in maxInfluence U!\n" ;
+-      maxU[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtU_[i],i,degU,U) ;
++      maxU[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtU_[i],i,this->degU,this->U) ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::updateMaxV() {
+-  if(degV>3){
++  if(this->degV>3){
+     throw NurbsError();
+ #else
+@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
+ #endif
+   }
+   else{
+-    maxV.resize(P.cols()) ;
+-    maxAtV_.resize(P.cols()) ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.cols();++i){
+-      if(!maxInfluence(i,V,degV,maxAtV_[i]))
++    maxV.resize(this->P.cols()) ;
++    maxAtV_.resize(this->P.cols()) ;
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.cols();++i){
++      if(!maxInfluence(i,this->V,this->degV,maxAtV_[i]))
+ 	cerr << "Problem in maxInfluence V!\n" ;
+-      maxV[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtV_[i],i,degV,V) ;
++      maxV[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtV_[i],i,this->degV,this->V) ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -113,18 +113,18 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::modSurfCPby(int i, int j, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a) {
+-  offset(i,j) +=  a / (maxU[i]*maxV[j]) ; 
+-  if(baseLevel_){
++  this->offset(i,j) +=  a / (maxU[i]*maxV[j]) ; 
++  if(this->baseLevel_){
+     Point_nD<T,N> vecOffset ; 
+-    vecOffset = offset(i,j).x()*ivec(i,j) +
+-      offset(i,j).y()*jvec(i,j) +
+-      offset(i,j).z()*kvec(i,j) ;
+-    P(i,j).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
+-    P(i,j).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
+-    P(i,j).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
++    vecOffset = this->offset(i,j).x()*this->ivec(i,j) +
++      this->offset(i,j).y()*this->jvec(i,j) +
++      this->offset(i,j).z()*this->kvec(i,j) ;
++    this->P(i,j).x() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
++    this->P(i,j).y() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
++    this->P(i,j).z() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
+   }
+   else
+-    P(i,j) = offset(i,j) ; 
++    this->P(i,j) = this->offset(i,j) ; 
+ }
+ /*!
+@@ -151,24 +151,24 @@
+ void HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::modOnlySurfCPby(int i, int j, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a){
+   int k ; 
+-  P = offset ; 
++  this->P = this->offset ; 
+   // by definition the offset has w = 0 , but this isn't valid for
+   // the control points, increasing the w by 1, will generate a valid surface
+-  if(baseLevel_)
+-    for(k=0;k<P.rows();++k)
+-      for(int l=0;l<P.cols();++l)
+-	P(k,l).w() += T(1) ; 
++  if(this->baseLevel_)
++    for(k=0;k<this->P.rows();++k)
++      for(int l=0;l<this->P.cols();++l)
++	this->P(k,l).w() += T(1) ; 
+   int sizeU, sizeV ;
+-  sizeU = 2*degU+3 ; 
+-  if(i-degU-1<0) sizeU += i-degU-1 ; 
+-  if(i+degU+1>=P.rows()) sizeU -= i+degU+1-P.rows() ;
+-  sizeV = 2*degV+3 ;
+-  if(j-degV-1<0) sizeV += j-degV-1 ; 
+-  if(j+degV+1>=P.cols()) sizeV -= j+degV+1-P.cols() ;
++  sizeU = 2*this->degU+3 ; 
++  if(i-this->degU-1<0) sizeU += i-this->degU-1 ; 
++  if(i+this->degU+1>=this->P.rows()) sizeU -= i+this->degU+1-this->P.rows() ;
++  sizeV = 2*this->degV+3 ;
++  if(j-this->degV-1<0) sizeV += j-this->degV-1 ; 
++  if(j+this->degV+1>=this->P.cols()) sizeV -= j+this->degV+1-this->P.cols() ;
+   Vector<T> u(sizeU) ;
+   Vector<T> v(sizeV) ;
+@@ -179,16 +179,16 @@
+   int n=0;
+   int nu = 0 ;
+   int nv = 0 ; 
+-  for(k=i-degU-1;k<=i+degU+1;++k){
++  for(k=i-this->degU-1;k<=i+this->degU+1;++k){
+     if(k<0)
+       continue ;
+-    if(k>=P.rows())
++    if(k>=this->P.rows())
+       break ; 
+     nv = 0 ;
+-    for(int l=j-degV-1;l<=j+degV+1;++l){
++    for(int l=j-this->degV-1;l<=j+this->degV+1;++l){
+       if(l<0)
+ 	continue ;
+-      if(l>=P.cols())
++      if(l>=this->P.cols())
+ 	break ; 
+       if( k == i && j==l){
+ 	pts[n].x() = a.x() ; 
+@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@
+   pv.resize(n) ; 
+   if(NurbsSurface<T,N>::movePoint(u,v,pts,pu,pv)){
+-    offset = P ; 
++    this->offset = this->P ; 
+     // an offset shouldn't have a weight value.
+-    if(baseLevel_)
+-      for(k=0;k<P.rows();++k)
+-	for(int l=0;l<P.cols();++l)
+-	  offset(k,l).w() -= T(1) ; 
++    if(this->baseLevel_)
++      for(k=0;k<this->P.rows();++k)
++	for(int l=0;l<this->P.cols();++l)
++	  this->offset(k,l).w() -= T(1) ; 
+   }
+   updateSurface(); 
+ }
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
+ HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>* HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::addLevel(int n, int s) {
+   HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> *newLevel ;
+-  if(nextLevel_)
++  if(this->nextLevel_)
+     return 0 ;
+   Vector<T> newU,newV ;
+@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
+ HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>* HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::addLevel() {
+   HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> *newLevel ;
+-  if(nextLevel_)
++  if(this->nextLevel_)
+     return 0 ;
+   newLevel = new HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>(this) ;
+@@ -311,23 +311,23 @@
+   levelP = nS.nextLevel() ;
+   NurbsSurface<T,N>::operator=(nS) ;
+-  rU = nS.rU ;
+-  rV = nS.rV ;
+-  offset = nS.offset ;
++  this->rU = nS.rU ;
++  this->rV = nS.rV ;
++  this->offset = nS.offset ;
+   updateMaxUV() ; 
+-  firstLevel_ = this ;
++  this->firstLevel_ = this ;
+   if(levelP){
+     HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> *newLevel ;
+     newLevel =  new HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>(this) ; 
+     newLevel->copy(*levelP) ;
+-    nextLevel_ = newLevel ;
+-    lastLevel_ = nextLevel_->lastLevel() ;
++    this->nextLevel_ = newLevel ;
++    this->lastLevel_ = this->nextLevel_->lastLevel() ;
+   }
+   else{
+-    lastLevel_ = this ;
++    this->lastLevel_ = this ;
+   }
+ }
+@@ -349,55 +349,55 @@
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::updateSurface(int i0, int j0){
+   if(i0>=0 && j0>=0){
+-    if(offset(i0,j0).x()==0.0 && offset(i0,j0).y()==0.0 && offset(i0,j0).z()==0.0)
++    if(this->offset(i0,j0).x()==0.0 && this->offset(i0,j0).y()==0.0 && this->offset(i0,j0).z()==0.0)
+       return ;
+   }
+-  if(baseLevel_){
+-    if(initBase()){
+-      P = baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
+-      U = baseSurf.knotU() ;
+-      V = baseSurf.knotV() ;
+-      degU = baseSurf.degreeU() ;
+-      degV = baseSurf.degreeV() ;
++  if(this->baseLevel_){
++    if(this->initBase()){
++      this->P = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts() ;
++      this->U = this->baseSurf.knotU() ;
++      this->V = this->baseSurf.knotV() ;
++      this->degU = this->baseSurf.degreeU() ;
++      this->degV = this->baseSurf.degreeV() ;
+       updateMaxUV() ; 
+     }
+     if(i0>=0 && j0>=0){
+       Point_nD<T,N> vecOffset ;
+-      vecOffset = offset(i0,j0).x()*ivec(i0,j0) +
+-	offset(i0,j0).y()*jvec(i0,j0) +
+-	offset(i0,j0).z()*kvec(i0,j0) ;
+-      P(i0,j0).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
+-      P(i0,j0).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
+-      P(i0,j0).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
++      vecOffset = this->offset(i0,j0).x()*this->ivec(i0,j0) +
++	this->offset(i0,j0).y()*this->jvec(i0,j0) +
++	this->offset(i0,j0).z()*this->kvec(i0,j0) ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).x() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).y() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
++      this->P(i0,j0).z() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i0,j0).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
+     }
+     else{
+-      for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-	for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
+-	  if(offset(i,j).x() != 0 || 
+-	     offset(i,j).y() != 0 || offset(i,j).z() || 0){
++      for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++	for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
++	  if(this->offset(i,j).x() != 0 || 
++	     this->offset(i,j).y() != 0 || this->offset(i,j).z() || 0){
+ 	    Point_nD<T,N> vecOffset ;
+-	    vecOffset = offset(i,j).x()*ivec(i,j) +
+-	      offset(i,j).y()*jvec(i,j) +
+-	      offset(i,j).z()*kvec(i,j) ;
+-	    P(i,j).x() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
+-	    P(i,j).y() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
+-	    P(i,j).z() = baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
++	    vecOffset = this->offset(i,j).x()*this->ivec(i,j) +
++	      this->offset(i,j).y()*this->jvec(i,j) +
++	      this->offset(i,j).z()*this->kvec(i,j) ;
++	    this->P(i,j).x() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).x()+vecOffset.x() ;
++	    this->P(i,j).y() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).y()+vecOffset.y() ;
++	    this->P(i,j).z() = this->baseSurf.ctrlPnts()(i,j).z()+vecOffset.z() ;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+     }
+   }
+   else{
+     if(i0>=0 && j0>=0)
+-      P(i0,j0) = offset(i0,j0) ;
++      this->P(i0,j0) = this->offset(i0,j0) ;
+     else{
+-      for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-	for(int j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
+-	  P(i,j) = offset(i,j) ;
++      for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++	for(int j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
++	  this->P(i,j) = this->offset(i,j) ;
+ 	}
+     }
+   }
+-  ++updateN ;
++  ++(this->updateN) ;
+ }
+ /*!
+@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
+   if(!okMax())
+     updateMaxUV() ; 
+   if(upLevel>=0){
+-    if(level()<=upLevel){
++    if(this->level()<=upLevel){
+       this->updateSurface() ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -421,9 +421,9 @@
+     this->updateSurface() ;
+   }
+-  if(upLevel>level() || upLevel<0){
+-    if(nextLevel_)
+-      ((HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>*)nextLevel_)->updateLevels(upLevel) ;
++  if(upLevel>this->level() || upLevel<0){
++    if(this->nextLevel_)
++      ((HNurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>*)this->nextLevel_)->updateLevels(upLevel) ;
+   }
+ }
+@@ -458,10 +458,10 @@
+     if(!*)&du,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!*)&dv,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    resize(nu,nv,du,dv) ;
++    this->resize(nu,nv,du,dv) ;
+-    if(!*)U.memory(),sizeof(T)*U.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    if(!*)V.memory(),sizeof(T)*V.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    if(!*)this->U.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->U.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    if(!*)this->V.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->V.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!r1){
+       p = new T[3*nu*nv] ;
+@@ -469,10 +469,10 @@
+       p2 = p ;
+       for(int i=0;i<nu;i++)
+ 	for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){
+-	  P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).w() = 1.0 ;
++	  this->P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).w() = 1.0 ;
+ 	}
+       delete []p2 ;
+     }
+@@ -482,26 +482,26 @@
+       p2 = p ;
+       for(int i=0;i<nu;i++)
+ 	for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){
+-	  P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
+-	  P(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
++	  this->P(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
+ 	}
+       delete []p2 ;
+     }
+-    offset = P ;
++    this->offset = this->P ;
+     this->updateSurface() ;
+   }
+   else { // reading the offset information
+     int ru,rv ;
+     if(!*)&ru,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!*)&rv,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    rU.resize(ru) ;
+-    rV.resize(rv) ;
+-    if(rU.n()>0)
+-      if(!*)rU.memory(),sizeof(T)*rU.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+-    if(rV.n()>0)
+-      if(!*)rV.memory(),sizeof(T)*rV.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    this->rU.resize(ru) ;
++    this->rV.resize(rv) ;
++    if(this->rU.n()>0)
++      if(!*)this->rU.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->rU.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
++    if(this->rV.n()>0)
++      if(!*)this->rV.memory(),sizeof(T)*this->rV.n())) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!*)&nu,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     if(!*)&nv,sizeof(int))) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+@@ -509,16 +509,16 @@
+     p = new T[4*nu*nv] ;
+     if(!*)p,sizeof(T)*4*nu*nv)) { delete []type ; return 0 ;}
+     p2 = p ;
+-    offset.resize(nu,nv) ;
++    this->offset.resize(nu,nv) ;
+     for(int i=0;i<nu;i++)
+       for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){
+-	offset(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
+-	offset(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
+-	offset(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
+-	offset(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
++	this->offset(i,j).x() = *(p++) ;
++	this->offset(i,j).y() = *(p++) ;
++	this->offset(i,j).z() = *(p++) ;
++	this->offset(i,j).w() = *(p++) ;
+       }
+     delete []p2 ;    
+-    --baseUpdateN ;
++    --(this->baseUpdateN) ;
+     this->updateSurface() ;
+   }
Index: files/patch-image.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-image.cpp
diff -N files/patch-image.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-image.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+--- image/image.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ image/image.cpp	Thu Nov 30 23:57:14 2006
+@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
+ void MatrixImage<T>::drawLine(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2, T color){
+   int i,j ;
+   double mx,b ;
+-  if(i1<0 || j1<0 || i1>rows() || j1>=cols()  ){
++  if(i1<0 || j1<0 || i1>this->rows() || j1>=this->cols()  ){
+-    throw OutOfBound2D(i1,j1,0,rows()-1,0,cols()-1) ;
++    throw OutOfBound2D(i1,j1,0,this->rows()-1,0,this->cols()-1) ;
+ #else
+     Error error("MatrixImage<T>::drawLine") ;
+     error << "Error in drawing line\n Invalid index ("<< i1 << ", " << j1 << ") to ( " << i2 << ", " << j2 << ") \n" ;
+@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
+ #endif
+     return ;
+   }
+-  if(i2 <0 || j2<0 || i2>rows() || j2>=cols() ){
++  if(i2 <0 || j2<0 || i2>this->rows() || j2>=this->cols() ){
+-    throw OutOfBound2D(i2,j2,0,rows()-1,0,cols()-1) ;
++    throw OutOfBound2D(i2,j2,0,this->rows()-1,0,this->cols()-1) ;
+ #else
+     Error error("MatrixImage<T>::drawLine") ;
+     error << "Error in drawing line\n Invalid index ("<< i1 << ", " << j1 << ") to ( " << i2 << ", " << j2 << ") \n" ;
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+   // check if line is vertical
+   if(j1==j2){
+     for(i=minimum(i1,i2);i<=maximum(i1,i2);i++)
+-     operator()(i,j1) = color ;
++     this->operator()(i,j1) = color ;
+     return ;
+   }
+   mx = (double)(i1-i2)/(double)(j1-j2) ;
+@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@
+     if(i1>i2){
+       for(i=i1;i>=i2;i--){
+ 	j = int(((double)i-b)/mx) ;
+-	operator()(i,j) = color ;
++	this->operator()(i,j) = color ;
+       }
+     }
+     else{
+       for(i=i1;i<=i2;i++){
+ 	j = (int)((i-b)/mx) ;
+-	operator()(i,j) = color ;
++	this->operator()(i,j) = color ;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@
+     if(j1>j2){
+       for(j=j1;j>=j2;j--){
+ 	i = (int)(mx*j+b) ;
+-	operator()(i,j) = color ;
++	this->operator()(i,j) = color ;
+       }
+     }
+     else{
+       for(j=j1;j<=j2;j++){
+ 	i = (int)(mx*j+b) ;
+-	operator()(i,j) = color ;
++	this->operator()(i,j) = color ;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
+ void MatrixImage<T>::drawPoint(int i, int j, double r , T color){
+   for(int y=i-int(ceil(r)) ; y<i+int(ceil(r)) ; y++)
+     for(int x = j-int(ceil(r)) ; x<j+int(ceil(r)) ; x++){
+-      if(y>=0 && y<rows() && x>=0 && x<cols()){
++      if(y>=0 && y<this->rows() && x>=0 && x<this->cols()){
+ 	if( ((y-i)*(y-i)+(x-j)*(x-j))<= r*r)
+-	  operator()(y,x) = color ;
++	  this->operator()(y,x) = color ;
+       }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ void MatrixImage<T>::store(Matrix<T>& a){
+-  if(a.rows() != rows() || a.cols() != cols()) {
+-    a.resize(rows(),cols()) ;
++  if(a.rows() != this->rows() || a.cols() != this->cols()) {
++    a.resize(this->rows(),this->cols()) ;
+   }
+   T *aptr, *bptr ;
+   int size,i ;
+   aptr = &a(0,0)-1 ;
+-  bptr = m-1 ;
+-  size = cols()*rows() ;
++  bptr = this->m-1 ;
++  size = this->cols()*this->rows() ;
+   for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+     *(++aptr) = *(++bptr) ;  
+ }
Index: files/patch-list.h
RCS file: files/patch-list.h
diff -N files/patch-list.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-list.h	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- matrix/list.h.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ matrix/list.h	Fri Dec  1 00:21:47 2006
+@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
+   int resetMode() const { return reset_mode ; }
+   void setResetMode(ListResetMode a ) { reset_mode = a ; }
++  BasicList<T> const &by_ref() { return *this ; }
+ protected:
+   BasicNode<T> *first_,*last_ ;
+   int n ;
Index: files/patch-matrix.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-matrix.cpp
diff -N files/patch-matrix.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-matrix.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+--- matrix/matrix.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ matrix/matrix.cpp	Thu Nov 30 23:43:36 2006
+@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@
+   if ( this == &a )
+     return *this;
+-  if ( a.rows() != rows() || a.cols() != cols() ){
++  if ( a.rows() != this->rows() || a.cols() != this->cols() ){
+     resize(a.rows(),a.cols()) ;
+   }
+-  int sze = rows()*cols() ;
++  int sze = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   T *ptr, *aptr ;
+-  ptr = m-1 ;
++  ptr = this->m-1 ;
+   aptr = a.m-1 ;
+   for (i = sze; i > 0; --i)
+     *(++ptr) = *(++aptr) ;
+-  by_columns = a.by_columns;
++  this->by_columns = a.by_columns;
+   return *this;
+ }
+@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
+ {
+   int rwz,coz,i,j;
+-  if ( rows() % a.rows() != 0 || cols() % a.cols() != 0 || rows() < a.rows() || cols() < a.cols() )
++  if ( this->rows() % a.rows() != 0 || this->cols() % a.cols() != 0 || this->rows() < a.rows() || this->cols() < a.cols() )
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize2D(rows(),cols(),a.rows(),a.cols()) ;
++      throw WrongSize2D(this->rows(),this->cols(),a.rows(),a.cols()) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("Matrix<T>::submatrix");
+       error << "Matrix and submatrix incommensurate" ;
+@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@
+ #endif
+     }
+-  if ( sr >= rows()/a.rows() || sr < 0 || sc >= cols()/a.cols() || sc < 0 )
++  if ( sr >= this->rows()/a.rows() || sr < 0 || sc >= this->cols()/a.cols() || sc < 0 )
+     {
+-      throw OutOfBound2D(sr,sc,0,rows()/a.rows()-1,0,cols()/a.cols()-1) ;
++      throw OutOfBound2D(sr,sc,0,this->rows()/a.rows()-1,0,this->cols()/a.cols()-1) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("Matrix<T>::submatrix");
+       error << "Submatrix location out of bounds.\nrowblock " << sr << ", " << rows()/a.rows() << " colblock " << sc << ", " << a.cols() << endl ;
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+   aptr = a.m - 1;
+   for ( i = a.rows()-1; i >= 0; --i )
+     {
+-      ptr = &m[(i+rwz)*cols()+coz]-1 ;
++      ptr = &this->m[(i+rwz)*this->cols()+coz]-1 ;
+       for ( j = a.cols(); j > 0; --j)
+ 	*(++ptr) = *(++aptr) ;
+     }  
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
+   // Assign matrix a to this matrix at (i,j)
+   int i, j;
+-  if ( (rw + a.rows()) > rows() || ( cl + a.cols()) > cols()) {
++  if ( (rw + a.rows()) > this->rows() || ( cl + a.cols()) > this->cols()) {
+     throw MatrixErr();
+ #else
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
+   T *pptr,*aptr ;
+   aptr = a.m-1 ;
+   for ( i = 0; i<a.rows(); ++i) {
+-    pptr = &m[(i+rw)*cols()+cl]-1 ;
++    pptr = &this->m[(i+rw)*this->cols()+cl]-1 ;
+     for ( j = 0; j < a.cols(); ++j)
+       *(++pptr) = *(++aptr);
+   }
+@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
+ Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::get(int rw, int cl, int nr, int nc) const
+ {
+   Matrix<T> getmat(nr,nc) ;
+-  if ( (rw+nr) > rows() || (cl+nc) > cols()) {
++  if ( (rw+nr) > this->rows() || (cl+nc) > this->cols()) {
+     throw MatrixErr();
+ #else
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+   T *pptr,*aptr ;
+   aptr = getmat.m-1;
+   for (i = 0; i < nr; ++i) {
+-    pptr = &m[(i+rw)*cols()+cl]-1 ;
++    pptr = &this->m[(i+rw)*this->cols()+cl]-1 ;
+     for ( j = 0; j < nc; ++j)
+       *(++aptr) = *(++pptr) ;
+   }
+@@ -252,11 +252,11 @@
+   double sum, maxsum;
+   int init=0 ;
+   T *pptr ;
+-  pptr = m-1 ;
++  pptr = this->m-1 ;
+   maxsum = 0 ; // Silence the warning message
+-  for(i=0;i<rows();++i){
++  for(i=0;i<this->rows();++i){
+     sum = 0 ;
+-    for ( j = 0; j < cols(); ++j) 
++    for ( j = 0; j < this->cols(); ++j) 
+       sum += *(++pptr) ;
+     if(init)
+       maxsum = (maxsum>sum) ? maxsum : sum;
+@@ -285,12 +285,12 @@
+ {
+   int i, iend;
+-  iend = rows();
+-  if ( iend > cols() )
+-    iend = cols();
++  iend = this->rows();
++  if ( iend > this->cols() )
++    iend = this->cols();
+   for (i = iend-1; i >=0; --i)
+-    elem(i,i) = a;
++    this->elem(i,i) = a;
+ }
+@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Vector<T> Matrix<T>::getDiag(){
+   int i, iend;
+-  Vector<T> vec(minimum(rows(),cols())) ;
+-  iend = minimum(rows(),cols());
++  Vector<T> vec(minimum(this->rows(),this->cols())) ;
++  iend = minimum(this->rows(),this->cols());
+   for (i = iend-1; i >=0; --i)
+-      vec[i] = elem(i,i);
++      vec[i] = this->elem(i,i);
+   return vec ;
+ }
+@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator+=(double a)
+ {
+   T *p1 ;
+-  p1 = m-1 ;
+-  const int size = rows()*cols() ;
++  p1 = this->m-1 ;
++  const int size = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for(int i=size; i>0; --i)
+     *(++p1) += a ;  
+   return *this ;
+@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator-=(double a)
+ {
+   T *p1 ;
+-  p1 = m-1 ;
+-  const int size = rows()*cols() ;
++  p1 = this->m-1 ;
++  const int size = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for(int i=size; i>0; --i)
+     *(++p1) -= a ;  
+   return *this ;
+@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator*=(double a)
+ {
+   T *p1 ;
+-  p1 = m-1 ;
+-  const int size = rows()*cols() ;
++  p1 = this->m-1 ;
++  const int size = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for(int i=size; i>0; --i)
+     *(++p1) *= a ;  
+   return *this ;
+@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator/=(double a)
+ {
+   T *p1 ;
+-  p1 = m-1 ;
+-  const int size = rows()*cols() ;
++  p1 = this->m-1 ;
++  const int size = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for(int i=size; i>0; --i)
+     *(++p1) /= a ;  
+   return *this ;
+@@ -408,15 +408,15 @@
+ template <class T> 
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator+=(const Matrix<T> &a)
+ {
+-  if ( a.rows() != rows() || a.cols() != cols() )
++  if ( a.rows() != this->rows() || a.cols() != this->cols() )
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize2D(rows(),cols(),a.rows(),a.cols());
++      throw WrongSize2D(this->rows(),this->cols(),a.rows(),a.cols());
+ #else
+       Error error("Matrix<T>::operator+=") ;
+-      if ( rows() != a.rows() )
++      if ( this->rows() != a.rows() )
+ 	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.rows() = " << rows() << " and b.rows() = " << a.rows() << endl ;
+-      if ( cols() != a.cols())
++      if ( this->cols() != a.cols())
+ 	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.cols() = " << cols() << " and b.cols() = " << a.cols() << endl ;
+       error.fatal() ;
+ #endif
+@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@
+   int i, sze ;
+   T *aptr,*sptr ;
+   aptr = a.m - 1 ;
+-  sptr = m - 1 ;
+-  sze = rows()*cols() ;
++  sptr = this->m - 1 ;
++  sze = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for (i = sze; i > 0; --i){
+       *(++sptr) += *(++aptr) ;
+   }
+@@ -468,16 +468,16 @@
+ template <class T> 
+ Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator-=(const Matrix<T> &a)
+ {
+-  if ( a.rows() != rows() || a.cols() != cols() )
++  if ( a.rows() != this->rows() || a.cols() != this->cols() )
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize2D(rows(),cols(),a.rows(),a.cols());
++      throw WrongSize2D(this->rows(),this->cols(),a.rows(),a.cols());
+ #else
+       Error error("Matrix<T>::operator-=") ;
+-      if ( rows() != a.rows() )
+-	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.rows() = " << rows() << " and b.rows() = " << a.rows() << endl ;
+-      if ( cols() != a.cols())
+-	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.cols() = " << cols() << " and b.cols() = " << a.cols() << endl ;
++      if ( this->rows() != a.rows() )
++	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.rows() = " << this->rows() << " and b.rows() = " << a.rows() << endl ;
++      if ( this->cols() != a.cols())
++	error << "Matrices are of diferent size, a.cols() = " << this->cols() << " and b.cols() = " << a.cols() << endl ;
+       error.fatal() ;
+ #endif
+     }
+@@ -485,8 +485,8 @@
+   int i, size;
+   T *aptr,*sptr ;
+   aptr = a.m - 1 ;
+-  sptr = m - 1 ;
+-  size = rows()*cols() ;
++  sptr = this->m - 1 ;
++  size = this->rows()*this->cols() ;
+   for (i = size; i > 0; --i){
+       *(++sptr) -= *(++aptr) ;
+   }
+@@ -742,14 +742,14 @@
+ template <class T>
+ T Matrix<T>::trace() const
+ {
+-  int size = rows();
++  int size = this->rows();
+   T sum = (T)0;
+-  if ( size > cols() )
+-    size = cols();
++  if ( size > this->cols() )
++    size = this->cols();
+   for (int d = 0; d < size; ++d)
+-    sum += elem(d,d) ;
++    sum += this->elem(d,d) ;
+   return sum;
+ }
+@@ -770,12 +770,12 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::herm() const
+ {
+-  int i, j, r = cols(), c = rows();
++  int i, j, r = this->cols(), c = this->rows();
+   Matrix<T> adj(r,c);
+   for (i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+     for (j = 0; j < c; ++j)
+-      adj.elem(i,j) = elem(j,i) ;
++      adj.elem(i,j) = this->elem(j,i) ;
+   return adj;
+@@ -794,11 +794,11 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::flop() const
+ {					
+-  Matrix<T> f(rows(),cols()) ;
+-  for(int i=rows()-1;i>=0;--i)
+-    for(int j=cols()-1;j>=0;--j)
++  Matrix<T> f(this->rows(),this->cols()) ;
++  for(int i=this->rows()-1;i>=0;--i)
++    for(int j=this->cols()-1;j>=0;--j)
+       {
+-	f(i,j) = elem(i,cols()-j-1);
++	f(i,j) = this->elem(i,this->cols()-j-1);
+       }
+   return f; 
+ }
+@@ -817,13 +817,13 @@
+ {					
+   // same as hermitian for real Matrix<T>
+   int i, j;
+-  const int& r = cols();
+-  const int& c = rows();
++  const int& r = this->cols();
++  const int& c = this->rows();
+   Matrix<T> adj(r,c);
+   for (i = r-1; i >=0; --i)
+     for (j = c-1; j >=0; --j)
+-      adj.elem(i,j) = elem(j,i) ;
++      adj.elem(i,j) = this->elem(j,i) ;
+   return adj; 
+@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
+ int Matrix<T>::read(char* filename) {
+   ifstream fin(filename) ;
+   if(!fin) {
+-    resize(1,1) ;
++    this->resize(1,1) ;
+     return 0 ;
+   }
+   int r,c ;
+@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@
+   if(r) return 0 ;
+   if(!*)&r,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+   if(!*)&c,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+-  resize(r,c) ;
+-  if(!*)m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
++  this->resize(r,c) ;
++  if(!*)this->m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
+   delete []type ;
+   return 1 ;
+@@ -877,11 +877,11 @@
+ int Matrix<T>::read(char* filename,int r, int c) {
+   ifstream fin(filename) ;
+   if(!fin) {
+-    resize(1,1) ;
++    this->resize(1,1) ;
+     return 0 ;
+   }
+-  resize(r,c) ;
+-  if(!*)m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
++  this->resize(r,c) ;
++  if(!*)this->m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
+   return 1 ;
+ }
+@@ -904,11 +904,11 @@
+   if(!fout)
+     return 0 ;
+   int r,c ;
+-  r = rows() ; c = cols() ;
++  r = this->rows() ; c = this->cols() ;
+   if(!fout.write((char*)&"matrix",sizeof(char)*6)) return 0 ;
+   if(!fout.write((char*)&r,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+   if(!fout.write((char*)&c,sizeof(int))) return 0 ;
+-  if(!fout.write((char*)m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
++  if(!fout.write((char*)this->m,sizeof(T)*r*c)) return 0 ;
+   return 1;
+ }
+@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
+   ofstream fout(filename) ;
+   if(!fout)
+     return 0 ;
+-  if(!fout.write((char*)m,sizeof(T)*rows()*cols())) return 0 ;
++  if(!fout.write((char*)this->m,sizeof(T)*this->rows()*this->cols())) return 0 ;
+   return 1;
+ }
Index: files/patch-matrixMat.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-matrixMat.cpp
diff -N files/patch-matrixMat.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-matrixMat.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+--- numerical/matrixMat.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ numerical/matrixMat.cpp	Thu Nov 30 23:54:37 2006
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
+ template <class T>
+ LUMatrix<T>& LUMatrix<T>::operator=(const LUMatrix<T>& a){
+   resize(a.rows(),a.cols()) ;
+-  for(int i=0;i<rows();++i)
+-    for(int j=0;j<cols();++j)
+-      elem(i,j) = a(i,j) ;
++  for(int i=0;i<this->rows();++i)
++    for(int j=0;j<this->cols();++j)
++      this->elem(i,j) = a(i,j) ;
+   pivot_ = a.pivot_ ;
+   return *this ;
+ }
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
+   //	lu = a;	 must do it by copying or LUFACT will be recursively called !
+   for(i=0;i<n;++i)
+     for(j=0;j<n;++j)
+-      elem(i,j) = a(i,j) ;
++      this->elem(i,j) = a(i,j) ;
+   errval = 0;
+   nm1 = n - 1;
+@@ -129,24 +129,24 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	  pivot_[k] = l;
+-	  if ( elem(l,k) != 0.0 )
++	  if ( this->elem(l,k) != 0.0 )
+ 	    {			// nonsingular pivot found 
+ 	      if (l != k ){	// interchange needed 
+ 		for (i = k; i < n; i++)
+ 		  {
+-		    t = elem(l,i) ;
+-		    elem(l,i) = elem(k,i) ;
+-		    elem(k,i) = t ; 
++		    t = this->elem(l,i) ;
++		    this->elem(l,i) = this->elem(k,i) ;
++		    this->elem(k,i) = t ; 
+ 		  }
+ 		sign = -sign ;
+ 	      }
+-	      q =  elem(k,k);	/* scale row */
++	      q =  this->elem(k,k);	/* scale row */
+ 	      for (i = kp1; i < n; i++)
+ 		{
+-		  t = - elem(i,k)/q;
+-		  elem(i,k) = t;
++		  t = - this->elem(i,k)/q;
++		  this->elem(i,k) = t;
+ 		  for (j = kp1; j < n; j++)
+-		    elem(i,j) += t * elem(k,j);
++		    this->elem(i,j) += t * this->elem(k,j);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	  else		/* pivot singular */
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
+     }
+   pivot_[nm1] = nm1;
+-  if (elem(nm1,nm1) == 0.0)
++  if (this->elem(nm1,nm1) == 0.0)
+     errval = nm1;  
+   return *this;
+ }
+@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ T LUMatrix<T>::determinant(){
+-  T det = elem(0,0) ;
+-  for(int i=1;i<rows();++i)
+-    det *= elem(i,i) ;
++  T det = this->elem(0,0) ;
++  for(int i=1;i<this->rows();++i)
++    det *= this->elem(i,i) ;
+   return det * (T)sign ;
+ }
+@@ -253,18 +253,18 @@
+   T ten;
+   int i, j, k, l, kb, kp1, nm1, n, coln;
+-  if ( rows() != cols() )
++  if ( this->rows() != this->cols() )
+     {
+-    throw WrongSize2D(rows(),cols(),0,0) ;
++    throw WrongSize2D(this->rows(),this->cols(),0,0) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("invm");
+-      error << "matrix inverse, not square: " << rows() << " by " << cols() << endl;
++      error << "matrix inverse, not square: " << this->rows() << " by " << this->cols() << endl;
+       error.fatal();
+ #endif
+     }
+-  n = coln = rows();
++  n = coln = this->rows();
+   inv = *this ;
+@@ -338,13 +338,13 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Matrix<T> LUMatrix<T>::inverse() 
+ {
+-  if ( rows() != cols() )
++  if ( this->rows() != this->cols() )
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize2D(rows(),cols(),0,0) ;
++      throw WrongSize2D(this->rows(),this->cols(),0,0) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("invm");
+-      error << "matrix inverse, not square: " << rows() << " by " << cols() << endl;
++      error << "matrix inverse, not square: " << this->rows() << " by " << this->cols() << endl;
+       error.fatal();
+ #endif
+     }
Index: files/patch-matrixRT.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-matrixRT.cpp
diff -N files/patch-matrixRT.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-matrixRT.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+--- nurbs/matrixRT.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/matrixRT.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:43:46 2006
+@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@
+   // *this = C.translate(x,y,z)*B.rotate(ax,ay,az) ;
+   rotate(ax,ay,az) ;
+-  m[12] = x ;
+-  m[13] = y ;
+-  m[14] = z ;  
++  this->m[12] = x ;
++  this->m[13] = y ;
++  this->m[14] = z ;  
+ #else
+-  m[3] = x ;
+-  m[7] = y ;
+-  m[11] = z ;
++  this->m[3] = x ;
++  this->m[7] = y ;
++  this->m[11] = z ;
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
+  */
+ template <class T>
+ MatrixRT<T>::MatrixRT() : Matrix<T>(4,4) {
+-  reset(0) ;
+-  diag(1.0) ;
++  this->reset(0) ;
++  this->diag(1.0) ;
+ }
+ /*!
+@@ -144,33 +144,33 @@
+   t10 = cos(ax);
+   t13 = t4*t6;
+-  m[0] = t1*t2;
+-  m[4] = -t4*t2;
+-  m[8] = t6;
+-  m[12] = 0 ;
+-  m[1] = t7*t8+t4*t10;
+-  m[5] = -t13*t8+t1*t10;
+-  m[9] = -t2*t8;
+-  m[13] = 0 ;
+-  m[2] = -t7*t10+t4*t8;
+-  m[6] = t13*t10+t1*t8;
+-  m[10] = t2*t10;
+-  m[14] = m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = 0.0 ;
+-  m[15] = 1.0 ;
++  this->m[0] = t1*t2;
++  this->m[4] = -t4*t2;
++  this->m[8] = t6;
++  this->m[12] = 0 ;
++  this->m[1] = t7*t8+t4*t10;
++  this->m[5] = -t13*t8+t1*t10;
++  this->m[9] = -t2*t8;
++  this->m[13] = 0 ;
++  this->m[2] = -t7*t10+t4*t8;
++  this->m[6] = t13*t10+t1*t8;
++  this->m[10] = t2*t10;
++  this->m[14] = m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = 0.0 ;
++  this->m[15] = 1.0 ;
+ #else
+-  m[0] = t1*t2;
+-  m[1] = -t4*t2;
+-  m[2] = t6;
+-  m[3] = 0 ;
+-  m[4] = t7*t8+t4*t10;
+-  m[5] = -t13*t8+t1*t10;
+-  m[6] = -t2*t8;
+-  m[7] = 0 ;
+-  m[8] = -t7*t10+t4*t8;
+-  m[9] = t13*t10+t1*t8;
+-  m[10] = t2*t10;
+-  m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0 ;
+-  m[15] = 1.0 ;
++  this->m[0] = t1*t2;
++  this->m[1] = -t4*t2;
++  this->m[2] = t6;
++  this->m[3] = 0 ;
++  this->m[4] = t7*t8+t4*t10;
++  this->m[5] = -t13*t8+t1*t10;
++  this->m[6] = -t2*t8;
++  this->m[7] = 0 ;
++  this->m[8] = -t7*t10+t4*t8;
++  this->m[9] = t13*t10+t1*t8;
++  this->m[10] = t2*t10;
++  this->m[11] = this->m[12] = this->m[13] = this->m[14] = 0 ;
++  this->m[15] = 1.0 ;
+ #endif
+   return *this ;
+ }
+@@ -203,33 +203,33 @@
+   t9 = (T)sin((double)ax);
+   t17 = t4*t7;
+-  m[0] = t1*t2;
+-  m[4] = -t4*t5+t8*t9;
+-  m[8] = t4*t9+t8*t5;
+-  m[12] = 0.0 ;
+-  m[1] = t4*t2;
+-  m[5] = t1*t5+t17*t9;
+-  m[9] = -t1*t9+t17*t5;
+-  m[13] = 0.0 ;
+-  m[2] = -t7;
+-  m[6] = t2*t9;
+-  m[10] = t2*t5;
+-  m[14] = m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = 0 ;
+-  m[15] = 1.0 ;
++  this->m[0] = t1*t2;
++  this->m[4] = -t4*t5+t8*t9;
++  this->m[8] = t4*t9+t8*t5;
++  this->m[12] = 0.0 ;
++  this->m[1] = t4*t2;
++  this->m[5] = t1*t5+t17*t9;
++  this->m[9] = -t1*t9+t17*t5;
++  this->m[13] = 0.0 ;
++  this->m[2] = -t7;
++  this->m[6] = t2*t9;
++  this->m[10] = t2*t5;
++  this->m[14] = m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = 0 ;
++  this->m[15] = 1.0 ;
+ #else
+-  m[0] = t1*t2;
+-  m[1] = -t4*t5+t8*t9;
+-  m[2] = t4*t9+t8*t5;
+-  m[3] = 0.0 ;
+-  m[4] = t4*t2;
+-  m[5] = t1*t5+t17*t9;
+-  m[6] = -t1*t9+t17*t5;
+-  m[7] = 0.0 ;
+-  m[8] = -t7;
+-  m[9] = t2*t9;
+-  m[10] = t2*t5;
+-  m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0 ;
+-  m[15] = 1.0 ;
++  this->m[0] = t1*t2;
++  this->m[1] = -t4*t5+t8*t9;
++  this->m[2] = t4*t9+t8*t5;
++  this->m[3] = 0.0 ;
++  this->m[4] = t4*t2;
++  this->m[5] = t1*t5+t17*t9;
++  this->m[6] = -t1*t9+t17*t5;
++  this->m[7] = 0.0 ;
++  this->m[8] = -t7;
++  this->m[9] = t2*t9;
++  this->m[10] = t2*t5;
++  this->m[11] = this->m[12] = this->m[13] = this->m[14] = 0 ;
++  this->m[15] = 1.0 ;
+ #endif
+   return *this ;
+ }
+@@ -245,16 +245,16 @@
+  */
+ template <class T>
+ MatrixRT<T>& MatrixRT<T>::translate(T x, T y, T z){
+-  reset(0) ;
+-  diag(1.0) ;
++  this->reset(0) ;
++  this->diag(1.0) ;
+-  m[12] = x ;
+-  m[13] = y ;
+-  m[14] = z ;
++  this->m[12] = x ;
++  this->m[13] = y ;
++  this->m[14] = z ;
+ #else
+-  m[3] = x ;
+-  m[7] = y ;
+-  m[11] = z ;
++  this->m[3] = x ;
++  this->m[7] = y ;
++  this->m[11] = z ;
+ #endif
+   return *this ;
+ }
+@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@
+  */
+ template <class T>
+ MatrixRT<T>& MatrixRT<T>::scale(T x, T y, T z){
+-  reset(0) ;
+-  m[0] = x ;
+-  m[5] = y ;
+-  m[10] = z ;
+-  m[15] = 1.0 ;
++  this->reset(0) ;
++  this->m[0] = x ;
++  this->m[5] = y ;
++  this->m[10] = z ;
++  this->m[15] = 1.0 ;
+   return *this ;
+ }
+@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
+     error.fatal() ;
+   }
+   T *a,*b ;
+-  a = m-1 ;
++  a = this->m-1 ;
+   b = M[0] - 1 ;
+   for(int i=0;i<16;++i){
+     *(++a) = *(++b) ;
+@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
+ template <class T>
+ MatrixRT<T>& MatrixRT<T>::operator=(const MatrixRT<T>& M) {
+   T *a,*b ;
+-  a = m-1 ;
++  a = this->m-1 ;
+   b = M.m - 1 ;
+   for(int i=0;i<16;++i){
+     *(++a) = *(++b) ;
Index: files/patch-nurbs.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-nurbs.cpp
diff -N files/patch-nurbs.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbs.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbs.cpp.orig	Fri May 24 10:25:49 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbs.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:22:20 2006
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ #include <nurbsS.h>
+ #include "integrate.h"
+-#include <malloc.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ /*!
+  */
+@@ -391,9 +391,9 @@
+   T du,dv ;
+   // compute a coarse distance for the curve
+   Point_nD<T,N> a,b,c ;
+-  a = pointAt(0.0) ;
+-  b = pointAt(0.5) ;
+-  c = pointAt(1.0) ;
++  a = this->pointAt(0.0) ;
++  b = this->pointAt(0.5) ;
++  c = this->pointAt(1.0) ;
+   T distance = norm(b-a) + norm(c-b) ;
+@@ -5202,7 +5202,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ BasicList<Point_nD<T,N> > NurbsCurve<T,N>::tesselate(T tolerance,BasicList<T> *uk) const {
+-  BasicList<Point_nD<T,N> > list,list2 ;
++  BasicList<Point_nD<T,N> > list, list2 ;
+   NurbsCurveArray<T,N> ca ;
+   decompose(ca) ;
+@@ -5249,7 +5249,7 @@
+   }
+   else{
+     for(int i=0;i<ca.n();++i){
+-      list2 = ca[i].tesselate(tolerance,uk) ;
++      list2 = ca[i].tesselate(tolerance,uk).by_ref() ;
+       // remove the last point from the list to elliminate
+       list.erase((BasicNode<Point_nD<T,N> >*)list.last()) ;
Index: files/patch-nurbsS.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-nurbsS.cpp
diff -N files/patch-nurbsS.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbsS.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbsS.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbsS.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:32:26 2006
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ #include "integrate.h"
+ #ifdef USING_VCC
+-#include <malloc.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #endif
+ /*!
+@@ -3762,12 +3762,12 @@
+   // we use and angle of 36 to view the object
+   // and position the rest according to this.
+   Point_nD<T,N> minP, maxP ;
+-  minP.x() = extremum(1,coordX) ;
+-  minP.y() = extremum(1,coordY) ;
+-  minP.z() = extremum(1,coordZ) ;
+-  maxP.x() = extremum(0,coordX) ;
+-  maxP.y() = extremum(0,coordY) ;
+-  maxP.z() = extremum(0,coordZ) ;
++  minP.x() = this->extremum(1,coordX) ;
++  minP.y() = this->extremum(1,coordY) ;
++  minP.z() = this->extremum(1,coordZ) ;
++  maxP.x() = this->extremum(0,coordX) ;
++  maxP.y() = this->extremum(0,coordY) ;
++  maxP.z() = this->extremum(0,coordZ) ;
+   Point_nD<T,N> lookAt  ;
+   lookAt.x() = (minP.x()+maxP.x())/2.0 ;
+@@ -3860,12 +3860,12 @@
+   // we use and angle of 36 to view the object
+   // and position the rest according to this.
+   Point_nD<T,N> minP, maxP ;
+-  minP.x() = extremum(1,coordX) ;
+-  minP.y() = extremum(1,coordY) ;
+-  minP.z() = extremum(1,coordZ) ;
+-  maxP.x() = extremum(0,coordX) ;
+-  maxP.y() = extremum(0,coordY) ;
+-  maxP.z() = extremum(0,coordZ) ;
++  minP.x() = this->extremum(1,coordX) ;
++  minP.y() = this->extremum(1,coordY) ;
++  minP.z() = this->extremum(1,coordZ) ;
++  maxP.x() = this->extremum(0,coordX) ;
++  maxP.y() = this->extremum(0,coordY) ;
++  maxP.z() = this->extremum(0,coordZ) ;
+   Point_nD<T,N> lookAt  ;
+   lookAt.x() = (minP.x()+maxP.x())/2.0 ;
+@@ -4045,12 +4045,12 @@
+   }
+   Point_nD<T,N> minP, maxP ;
+-  minP.x() = extremum(1,coordX) ;
+-  minP.y() = extremum(1,coordY) ;
+-  minP.z() = extremum(1,coordZ) ;
+-  maxP.x() = extremum(0,coordX) ;
+-  maxP.y() = extremum(0,coordY) ;
+-  maxP.z() = extremum(0,coordZ) ;
++  minP.x() = this->extremum(1,coordX) ;
++  minP.y() = this->extremum(1,coordY) ;
++  minP.z() = this->extremum(1,coordZ) ;
++  maxP.x() = this->extremum(0,coordX) ;
++  maxP.y() = this->extremum(0,coordY) ;
++  maxP.z() = this->extremum(0,coordZ) ;
+   Point_nD<T,N> lookAt  ;
+   lookAt.x() = (minP.x()+maxP.x())/2.0 ;
Index: files/patch-nurbsS_sp.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-nurbsS_sp.cpp
diff -N files/patch-nurbsS_sp.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbsS_sp.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbsS_sp.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbsS_sp.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:52:04 2006
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::updateMaxU() {
+-  if(degU>3){
++  if(this->degU>3){
+     throw NurbsInputError();
+ #else
+@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
+ #endif
+   }
+   else{
+-    maxU.resize(P.rows()) ;
+-    maxAtU_.resize(P.rows()) ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.rows();++i){
+-      if(!maxInfluence(i,U,degU,maxAtU_[i]))
++    maxU.resize(this->P.rows()) ;
++    maxAtU_.resize(this->P.rows()) ;
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i){
++      if(!maxInfluence(i,this->U,this->degU,maxAtU_[i]))
+ 	cerr << "Problem in maxInfluence U!\n" ;
+-      maxU[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtU_[i],i,degU,U) ;
++      maxU[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtU_[i],i,this->degU,this->U) ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::updateMaxV() {
+-  if(degV>3){
++  if(this->degV>3){
+     throw NurbsInputError();
+ #else
+@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
+ #endif
+   }
+   else{
+-    maxV.resize(P.cols()) ;
+-    maxAtV_.resize(P.cols()) ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.cols();++i){
+-      if(!maxInfluence(i,V,degV,maxAtV_[i]))
++    maxV.resize(this->P.cols()) ;
++    maxAtV_.resize(this->P.cols()) ;
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.cols();++i){
++      if(!maxInfluence(i,this->V,this->degV,maxAtV_[i]))
+ 	cerr << "Problem in maxInfluence V!\n" ;
+-      maxV[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtV_[i],i,degV,V) ;
++      maxV[i] = nurbsBasisFun(maxAtV_[i],i,this->degV,this->V) ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@
+ NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N>::generateParallel(T d) const {
+   NurbsSurfaceSP<T,N> p(*this) ;
+-  Vector< Point_nD<T,N> > offset(P.rows()*P.cols()) ;
+-  Vector<T> ur(P.rows()*P.cols()) ;
+-  Vector<T> vr(P.rows()*P.cols()) ;
+-  Vector_INT Du(P.rows()*P.cols()) ;
+-  Vector_INT Dv(P.rows()*P.cols()) ;
++  Vector< Point_nD<T,N> > offset(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
++  Vector<T> ur(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
++  Vector<T> vr(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
++  Vector_INT Du(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
++  Vector_INT Dv(this->P.rows()*this->P.cols()) ;
+   Du.reset(0) ;
+   Dv.reset(0) ;
+@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
+   no = 0 ;
+-  for(i=0;i<P.rows();++i)
+-    for(j=0;j<P.cols();++j){
++  for(i=0;i<this->P.rows();++i)
++    for(j=0;j<this->P.cols();++j){
+       Point_nD<T,N> norm ;
+       norm = normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]) ;
+       if(norm.x() == T(0) && 
+@@ -155,19 +155,19 @@
+ 	  norm /= T(2) ;
+ 	  ok = 1 ;
+ 	}
+-	if(i==P.rows()-1 && j==P.cols()-1){
++	if(i==this->P.rows()-1 && j==this->P.cols()-1){
+ 	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
+ 	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]-delta) ;
+ 	  norm /= T(2) ;
+ 	  ok = 1 ;
+ 	}
+-	if(i==0 && j==P.cols()-1){
++	if(i==0 && j==this->P.cols()-1){
+ 	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
+ 	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]+delta) ;
+ 	  norm /= T(2) ;
+ 	  ok = 1 ;
+ 	}
+-	if(i==P.rows()-1 && j==0){
++	if(i==this->P.rows()-1 && j==0){
+ 	  norm = normal(maxAtU_[i]-delta,maxAtV_[j]) ;
+ 	  norm += normal(maxAtU_[i],maxAtV_[j]+delta) ;
+ 	  norm /= T(2) ;
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
+ 	  while(norm.x() == T(0) && 
+ 	     norm.y() == T(0) &&
+ 	     norm.z() == T(0)){
+-	    if( nt*d >(U[U.n()-1]-U[0])){
++	    if( nt*d >(this->U[this->U.n()-1]-this->U[0])){
+ 	      throw NurbsComputationError();
+ #else
+@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
+ #endif
+ 	    }
+ 	    T u1,u2,v1,v2 ;
+-	    if(i==0 || i==P.rows()-1){
++	    if(i==0 || i==this->P.rows()-1){
+ 	      u1 = u2 = maxAtU_[i] ;
+ 	      v1 = maxAtV_[j]+ nt*delta ;
+ 	      v2 = maxAtV_[j]- nt*delta ;
+-	      if(v1>V[V.n()-1]) v1 = V[V.n()-1] ;
+-	      if(v2<V[0]) v2 = V[0] ;
++	      if(v1>this->V[this->V.n()-1]) v1 = this->V[this->V.n()-1] ;
++	      if(v2<this->V[0]) v2 = this->V[0] ;
+ 	      norm = normal(u1,v1);
+ 	      norm += normal(u2,v2) ;
+ 	      norm /= 2 ; 
+@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
+ 	      u1 = maxAtU_[i]- nt*delta ;
+ 	      u2 = maxAtU_[i]+ nt*delta ;
+ 	      v1 = v2 = maxAtV_[j] ;
+-	      if(u1 < U[0]) u1 = U[0] ;
+-	      if(u2 > U[U.n()-1]) u2 = U[U.n()-1] ;
++	      if(u1 < this->U[0]) u1 = this->U[0] ;
++	      if(u2 > this->U[this->U.n()-1]) u2 = this->U[this->U.n()-1] ;
+ 	      T u3,v3 ;
+ 	      u3 = maxAtU_[i] ;
+@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
+ 	      else
+ 		v3 = maxAtV_[j]- nt*delta ;
+-	      if(v3<V[0]) v3 = V[0] ;
+-	      if(v3>V[V.n()-1]) v3 = V[V.n()-1] ;
++	      if(v3<this->V[0]) v3 = this->V[0] ;
++	      if(v3>this->V[this->V.n()-1]) v3 = this->V[this->V.n()-1] ;
+ 	      norm = normal(u1,v1);
+ 	      norm += normal(u2,v2) ;
+@@ -263,13 +263,13 @@
+   int sizeU, sizeV ;
+-  sizeU = 2*degU+3 ; 
+-  if(i-degU-1<0) sizeU += i-degU-1 ; 
+-  if(i+degU+1>=P.rows()) sizeU -= i+degU+1-P.rows() ;
+-  sizeV = 2*degV+3 ;
+-  if(j-degV-1<0) sizeV += j-degV-1 ; 
+-  if(j+degV+1>=P.cols()) sizeV -= j+degV+1-P.cols() ;
++  sizeU = 2*this->degU+3 ; 
++  if(i-this->degU-1<0) sizeU += i-this->degU-1 ; 
++  if(i+this->degU+1>=this->P.rows()) sizeU -= i+this->degU+1-this->P.rows() ;
++  sizeV = 2*this->degV+3 ;
++  if(j-this->degV-1<0) sizeV += j-this->degV-1 ; 
++  if(j+this->degV+1>=this->P.cols()) sizeV -= j+this->degV+1-this->P.cols() ;
+   Vector<T> u(sizeU) ;
+   Vector<T> v(sizeV) ;
+@@ -280,16 +280,16 @@
+   int n=0;
+   int nu = 0 ;
+   int nv = 0 ; 
+-  for(int k=i-degU-1;k<=i+degU+1;++k){
++  for(int k=i-this->degU-1;k<=i+this->degU+1;++k){
+     if(k<0)
+       continue ;
+-    if(k>=P.rows())
++    if(k>=this->P.rows())
+       break ; 
+     nv = 0 ;
+-    for(int l=j-degV-1;l<=j+degV+1;++l){
++    for(int l=j-this->degV-1;l<=j+this->degV+1;++l){
+       if(l<0)
+ 	continue ;
+-      if(l>=P.cols())
++      if(l>=this->P.cols())
+ 	break ; 
+       if( k == i && j==l){
+ 	pts[n].x() = a.x() ; 
Index: files/patch-nurbsS_sp.h
RCS file: files/patch-nurbsS_sp.h
diff -N files/patch-nurbsS_sp.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbsS_sp.h	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbsS_sp.h.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbsS_sp.h	Fri Dec  1 00:48:44 2006
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+   void modSurfCPby(int i, int j, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a) //!< Moves a surface point by a value
+-    { P(i,j) +=  a / (maxU[i]*maxV[j]) ;  }
++    { this->P(i,j) +=  a / (maxU[i]*maxV[j]) ;  }
+   void modSurfCP(int i, int j, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a) //!< Moves a surface point to a value
+     { modSurfCPby(i,j,a-surfP(i,j)) ;  }
Index: files/patch-nurbsSub.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-nurbsSub.cpp
diff -N files/patch-nurbsSub.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbsSub.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbsSub.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbsSub.cpp	Fri Dec  1 01:04:05 2006
+@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@
+   /* Allocate storage for the grid of points generated */
+-  CHECK( pts = new (SurfSample<T>*)[Granularity+1]);
++  CHECK( pts = new SurfSample<T>* [Granularity+1]);
+   CHECK( pts[0] = new SurfSample<T>[(Granularity+1)*(Granularity+1)]);
+   for (i = 1; i <= Granularity; i++)
+@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
+   if (! *alpha)	/* Must allocate alpha */
+     {
+-      CHECK( *alpha = new (T*)[k+1]);
++      CHECK( *alpha = new T* [k+1]);
+       for (i = 0; i <= k; i++)
+ 	CHECK( (*alpha)[i] = new T[(m + n + 1)]);
+     }
Index: files/patch-nurbs_sp.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-nurbs_sp.cpp
diff -N files/patch-nurbs_sp.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbs_sp.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbs_sp.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:46 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbs_sp.cpp	Fri Dec  1 00:46:20 2006
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void NurbsCurveSP<T,N>::updateMaxU() {
+-  if(deg_>3){
++  if(this->deg_>3){
+     throw NurbsInputError();
+ #else
+@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
+ #endif
+   }
+   else{
+-    maxU.resize(P.n()) ;
+-    maxAt_.resize(P.n()) ;
+-    for(int i=0;i<P.n();++i){
+-      if(!maxInfluence(i,U,deg_,maxAt_[i]))
++    maxU.resize(this->P.n()) ;
++    maxAt_.resize(this->P.n()) ;
++    for(int i=0;i<this->P.n();++i){
++      if(!maxInfluence(i,this->U,this->deg_,maxAt_[i]))
+ 	cerr << "Problem in maxInfluence U!\n" ;
+       if(i>0)
+ 	if(maxAt_[i]<maxAt_[i-1]){
+@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
+ #else
+ 	  Error error("Error updating maxU");
+ 	  error << "HUGE ERROR!\n" ;
+-	  error << "Knot = " << U << endl ;
++	  error << "Knot = " << this->U << endl ;
+ 	  error << " i = " << i << endl ;
+-	  error << " deg = " << deg_ << endl ;
++	  error << " deg = " << this->deg_ << endl ;
+ 	  error.fatal() ; 
+ #endif
+ 	}
+-      maxU[i] = basisFun(maxAt_[i],i,deg_) ;
++      maxU[i] = basisFun(maxAt_[i],i,this->deg_) ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
+ */
+ template <class T, int N>
+ void NurbsCurveSP<T,N>::modOnlySurfCPby(int i, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a){
+-  Vector<T> u(2*deg_+3) ;
+-  Vector< Point_nD<T,N> > pts(2*deg_+3) ; 
++  Vector<T> u(2*this->deg_+3) ;
++  Vector< Point_nD<T,N> > pts(2*this->deg_+3) ; 
+   int n=0;
+-  for(int j=i-deg_-1;j<=i+deg_+1;++j){
++  for(int j=i-this->deg_-1;j<=i+this->deg_+1;++j){
+     if(j<0)
+       continue ;
+-    if(j>=P.n())
++    if(j>=this->P.n())
+       break ; 
+     u[n] = maxAt_[j] ;
+     if( j == i){
Index: files/patch-nurbs_sp.h
RCS file: files/patch-nurbs_sp.h
diff -N files/patch-nurbs_sp.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-nurbs_sp.h	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- nurbs/nurbs_sp.h.orig	Fri May 17 11:24:21 2002
++++ nurbs/nurbs_sp.h	Fri Dec  1 00:45:10 2006
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+   int read(ifstream &fin) ;
+   void modSurfCPby(int i, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a) 
+-    { P[i] +=  a / maxU[i] ;  }
++    { this->P[i] +=  a / maxU[i] ;  }
+   void modSurfCP(int i, const HPoint_nD<T,N>& a) 
+     { modSurfCPby(i,a-surfP(i)) ;  }
Index: files/patch-vector.cpp
RCS file: files/patch-vector.cpp
diff -N files/patch-vector.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-vector.cpp	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+--- matrix/vector.cpp.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ matrix/vector.cpp	Thu Nov 30 23:49:51 2006
+@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
+   if(this==&b)
+     return *this ;
+-  if ( n() != b.n())
++  if ( this->n() != b.n())
+     {
+       resize(b.n()) ;
+     }
+-  sze = b.n() ;
++  this->sze = b.n() ;
+   T *pa, *pb ;
+-  pa = x-1 ;
++  pa = this->x-1 ;
+   pb = b.x-1 ;
+-  for(int i=n();i>0;--i){
++  for(int i=this->n();i>0;--i){
+     *(++pa) = *(++pb) ;
+   }
+   return *this;
+@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(const BasicArray<T> &b)
+ {
+-  if ( size() != b.size())
++  if ( this->size() != b.size())
+     {
+       resize(b.size()) ;
+     }
+   T *ptr ;
+-  ptr = x - 1 ;
+-  for(int i=size()-1;i>=0;--i)
++  ptr = this->x - 1 ;
++  for(int i=this->size()-1;i>=0;--i)
+      *(++ptr) = b[i] ;
+   return *this;
+@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
+ template <class T>
+ T Vector<T>::operator=(const T d)
+ {
+-  const int sz = size(); 
++  const int sz = this->size(); 
+   T *ptr ;
+-  ptr = x-1 ;
++  ptr = this->x-1 ;
+   for (int i = sz; i > 0; --i)
+     *(++ptr) = d ;
+@@ -130,19 +130,19 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator+=(const Vector<T> &a)
+ {
+-  if ( a.size() != size())
++  if ( a.size() != this->size())
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize(size(),a.size()) ;
++      throw WrongSize(this->size(),a.size()) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("Vector<T>::operator+=(Vector<T>&)");
+-      error << "Vector<T> a += Vector<T> b different sizes, a = " << size() << ", b = " << a.size() ;
++      error << "Vector<T> a += Vector<T> b different sizes, a = " << this->size() << ", b = " << a.size() ;
+       error.fatal() ;
+ #endif
+     }
+-  const int sz = size();
++  const int sz = this->size();
+   T *ptr,*aptr ;
+-  ptr = x-1 ;
++  ptr = this->x-1 ;
+   aptr = a.x-1 ;
+   for (int i = sz; i >0; --i)
+     *(++ptr) += *(++aptr) ;
+@@ -165,20 +165,20 @@
+ template <class T>
+ Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator-=(const Vector<T> &a)
+ {
+-  if ( a.size() != size())
++  if ( a.size() != this->size())
+     {
+-      throw WrongSize(size(),a.size()) ;
++      throw WrongSize(this->size(),a.size()) ;
+ #else
+       Error error("Vector<T>::operator-=(Vector<T>&)");
+-      error << "Vector<T> a -= Vector<T> b different sizes, a = " << size() << ", b = " << a.size() ;
++      error << "Vector<T> a -= Vector<T> b different sizes, a = " << this->size() << ", b = " << a.size() ;
+       error.fatal() ;
+ #endif
+     }
+-  const int sz = size(); 
++  const int sz = this->size(); 
+   T *ptr,*aptr ;
+-  ptr = x-1 ;
++  ptr = this->x-1 ;
+   aptr = a.x-1 ;
+   for (int i = sz; i > 0; --i)
+     *(++ptr) -= *(++aptr) ;
+@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
+     }
+   T *aptr,*bptr ;
+-  aptr = &x[i]-1 ;
++  aptr = &this->x[i]-1 ;
+   bptr = b.x-1 ;
+   for ( int j = b.rows(); j > 0; --j)
+       *(++aptr) = *(++bptr) ;
+@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
+   Vector<T> subvec(l) ;
+   T *aptr, *bptr ;
+-  aptr = &x[i] - 1 ;
++  aptr = &this->x[i] - 1 ;
+   bptr = subvec.x -1 ;
+   for ( int j = l; j > 0; --j)
+     *(++bptr) = *(++aptr) ;
+@@ -449,12 +449,12 @@
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ int Vector<T>::minIndex() const {
+-  T min = x[0] ;
++  T min = this->x[0] ;
+   int index = 0 ;
+-  for(int i=1;i<n();i++){
+-    if(x[i]<=min){
+-      min = x[i] ;
++  for(int i=1;i<this->n();i++){
++    if(this->x[i]<=min){
++      min = this->x[i] ;
+       index = i ;
+     }
+   }
+@@ -523,12 +523,12 @@
+   T a ;
+   T *v1,*v2  ;
+-  ir = sze-1 ;
++  ir = this->sze-1 ;
+   l = 0 ;
+   while(1){
+     if(ir-l<M){ // perform an insertion sort when the array is small enough
+-      v1 = &x[l] ;
++      v1 = &this->x[l] ;
+       for(j=l+1;j<=ir;++j){
+ 	a = *(++v1) ;
+ 	v2 = v1 ;
+@@ -547,31 +547,31 @@
+     }
+     else{
+       k=(l+ir) >> 1 ;
+-      swap(x[k],x[l+1]) ;
+-      if(x[l+1] > x[ir]){
+-	swap(x[l+1],x[ir]) ;
++      swap(this->x[k],this->x[l+1]) ;
++      if(this->x[l+1] > this->x[ir]){
++	swap(this->x[l+1],this->x[ir]) ;
+       }
+-      if(x[l]> x[ir]){
+-	swap(x[l],x[ir]) ;
++      if(this->x[l]> this->x[ir]){
++	swap(this->x[l],this->x[ir]) ;
+       }
+-      if(x[l+1] > x[l]){
+-	swap(x[l+1],x[l]) ;
++      if(this->x[l+1] > this->x[l]){
++	swap(this->x[l+1],this->x[l]) ;
+       }
+       i=l+1 ;
+       j=ir ;
+-      a=x[l] ;
+-      v1 = &x[i] ;
+-      v2 = &x[j] ;
++      a=this->x[l] ;
++      v1 = &this->x[i] ;
++      v2 = &this->x[j] ;
+       while(1){
+ 	while(*v1 < a) { ++i ; ++v1 ; }
+ 	while(*v2 > a) { --j ; --v2 ; }
+ 	if(j<i) break ;
+ 	if(*v1 == *v2)  // both are equal to a...
+ 	  break ;
+-	swap(x[i],x[j]) ;
++	swap(this->x[i],this->x[j]) ;
+       }
+-      x[l] = x[j] ;
+-      x[j] = a ;
++      this->x[l] = this->x[j] ;
++      this->x[j] = a ;
+       jstack += 2 ;
+       if(jstack>=Nstack){
+ 	istack.resize(istack.n()+Nstack) ; // increase the vector size
+@@ -618,10 +618,10 @@
+   int jstack=0;
+   T a ;
+-  ir = sze-1 ;
++  ir = this->sze-1 ;
+   l = 0 ;
+-  index.resize(sze) ;
++  index.resize(this->sze) ;
+   for(i=0;i<index.n();++i)
+     index[i] = i ;
+@@ -629,9 +629,9 @@
+     if(ir-l<M){ // perform an insertion sort when the array is small enough
+       for(j=l+1;j<=ir;++j){
+ 	indext = index[j] ;
+-	a = x[indext] ;
++	a = this->x[indext] ;
+ 	for(i=j-1;i>=0;--i){
+-	  if(x[index[i]] <= a) break ;
++	  if(this->x[index[i]] <= a) break ;
+ 	  index[i+1] = index[i] ;
+ 	}
+ 	index[i+1] = indext ;
+@@ -643,24 +643,24 @@
+     else{
+       k=(l+ir) >> 1 ;
+       swap(index[k],index[l+1]) ;
+-      if(x[index[l+1]] > x[index[ir]]){
++      if(this->x[index[l+1]] > this->x[index[ir]]){
+ 	swap(index[l+1],index[ir]) ;
+       }
+-      if(x[index[l]]> x[index[ir]]){
++      if(this->x[index[l]]> this->x[index[ir]]){
+ 	swap(index[l],index[ir]) ;
+       }
+-      if(x[index[l+1]] > x[index[l]]){
++      if(this->x[index[l+1]] > this->x[index[l]]){
+ 	swap(index[l+1],index[l]) ;
+       }
+       i=l+1 ;
+       j=ir ;
+       indext = index[l] ;
+-      a=x[indext] ;
++      a=this->x[indext] ;
+       while(1){
+-	while(x[index[i]] < a) { ++i ; }
+-	while(x[index[j]] > a) { --j ; }
++	while(this->x[index[i]] < a) { ++i ; }
++	while(this->x[index[j]] > a) { --j ; }
+ 	if(j<i) break ;
+-	if(x[index[i]] == x[index[j]])
++	if(this->x[index[i]] == this->x[index[j]])
+ 	  break ;
+ 	swap(index[i],index[j]) ;
+       }
Index: files/patch-vector.h
RCS file: files/patch-vector.h
diff -N files/patch-vector.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/patch-vector.h	1 Dec 2006 09:19:00 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- matrix/vector.h.orig	Mon May 13 14:07:45 2002
++++ matrix/vector.h	Thu Nov 30 23:29:02 2006
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+   {
+   public:
+     int rows() const //!< a reference to the size of the vector
+-      { return sze ;}
++      { return this->sze ;}
+     Vector() : BasicArray<T>(1) {} //!< Basic constructor
+     Vector(const int r) : BasicArray<T>(r) {}
+     Vector(const Vector<T>& v) : BasicArray<T>(v) {}
--- nurbs-unbreak.patch ends here ---


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