From owner-freebsd-current  Mon Nov 18 20:31:39 2002
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From: "Brian Smith" <>
To: "Daniel Eischen" <>
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Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 22:31:28 -0600
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Subject: Re: Are SysV semaphores thread-safe on CURRENT?
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On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 21:33:38 -0500 (EST), Daniel Eischen wrote:

>[ I assume you mean semop, semctl, not sema_* or sem_* ]

Yes ... semop() specifically is causing the problems...

>Sure SysV semaphores are thread-safe.  When a thread blocks on
>one, the entire process blocks (no threads run).  You won't
>get any safer than that ;-)

Yikes that isn't good.  Is that only in STABLE?  or does CURRENT
do that as well?  I guess I'll have to protect the semop() call 
with a pthread mutex to prevent two threads locking a single 
semaphore by the same process (creating a deadlock situation).

Is this the recommended method of preventing these problems?

(the SysV semaphore is protecting shared memory accessed by
multiple processes).

Thanks for the info... it explains alot!

Brian Smith

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