From owner-cvs-ports Sun Mar 5 15:32:27 1995 Return-Path: cvs-ports-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id PAA09940 for cvs-ports-outgoing; Sun, 5 Mar 1995 15:32:27 -0800 Received: (from joerg@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id AAA09929; Mon, 6 Mar 1995 00:32:26 +0100 Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 00:32:26 +0100 From: Joerg Wunsch Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-ports Subject: cvs commit: ports/games/acm - Imported sources Sender: Precedence: bulk joerg 95/03/06 00:32:25 Log: acm - a flight simulator for X11. The program still SIGFPE's for me when compiled without -g, but that doesn't seem to be acm's fault. Also, i don't want to get my patches lost. The port should remain disabled in the parent Makefile until the floating point troubles are fixed. ...desperatley hoping that i've got the import right this time. :-/ Status: Vendor Tag: acm Release Tags: acm_2_0 N ports/games/acm/Makefile N ports/games/acm/files/md5 N ports/games/acm/patches/patch-ab N ports/games/acm/patches/patch-ac N ports/games/acm/patches/patch-ad N ports/games/acm/patches/patch-ae N ports/games/acm/patches/patch-af No conflicts created by this import