From owner-freebsd-ports Wed Jun 3 13:27:24 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id NAA24644 for freebsd-ports-outgoing; Wed, 3 Jun 1998 13:27:24 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id NAA24590; Wed, 3 Jun 1998 13:27:01 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: from localhost (billf@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA05559; Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:24:41 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from X-Authentication-Warning: billf owned process doing -bs Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:24:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Bill Fumerola To: freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Apache-Frontpage Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: (forgive the cross-posting, I don't know where the problem lies, so I want to make sure the right people see this) While trying to download the frontpage tarball I get 'file size limit exceeded' errors. I get this with lynx, ncftp, and "regular ftp" the file gets to about 8.3 megs and dies. Any help, ideas? p75, 2g IDE hd, nothing fancy. if anyone needs dmesg, df, or anything else, just ask. thanks. Bill Fumerola (I'm not on the above mailing lists, so please cc: any replies) To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message