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Date:      Tue, 11 Dec 2001 01:01:31 UTC
From:      Wayne Ringling <>
Subject:   Question on raid during setup of freebsd 4.4
Message-ID:  <TradeClient.0.9.0.Linux-2.4.10-64GB-SM.01121101013149.23425@zeus>

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 I want to change my nids box to run freebsd.  I normally use Linux and
run several servers running SuSE and Gentoo linux in various configs.
 In the past I have either setup the raid when I formatted the box
during install or after install by hand.  I have noticed that FreeBSD
handles raid much differently than Linux does.  I have queried FreeBsd
and raid on google and got a few links back but my question is.  Does
the installer allow raid volumes to be setup during the install.  I want
to run 4.4 with snort and demarc.  Any othe pointers greatly

Wayne R

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