From owner-freebsd-ports Mon Aug 17 23:40:38 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id XAA07235 for freebsd-ports-outgoing; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:40:38 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id XAA07229; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:40:35 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from hoek@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from localhost (tim@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id CAA10434; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 02:39:31 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from X-Authentication-Warning: tim owned process doing -bs Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 02:39:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Tim Vanderhoek X-Sender: tim@localhost Reply-To: To: Satoshi Asami cc:,, ports@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: cvs commit: ports/lang/glibstdc++28 Makefile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Satoshi Asami wrote: > I also got rid of NO_PKG_REGISTER which wasn't used in any port, it > was cluttering up all sorts of conditionals for no real purpose. I > have no idea what I was thinking when I added it in the first place. The alternative to using NO_PKG_REGISTER is using PKG_DBDIR=/tmp. For all two conditionals, I'm not sure how worthwhile that is. > One thing we can easily add is to substitute stuff in DESCR. Things > like PREFIX come to mind. I'm not sure if it's worth the complication > though. Probably not a good idea (might break, for example). Substituting in pkg/MESSAGE and optionally running that through fmt(1) could be (quite?) useful, though. I have a longer message that kinda-properly adds generate-plist as dependency to fake-pkg (useful, IMHO) and allows TMPPLIST=${PLIST} to override the plist substition function. For the moment, this message is indefinately postponed on the theory that it's bad to write long messages while half-asleep. I'm not entirely sure of its usefulnes, either. -- This .sig is not innovative, witty, or profund. To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message