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Date:      Sat, 16 Feb 2008 13:53:53 -0500
From:      Jed Clear <>
Subject:   named on NanoBSD
Message-ID:  <>

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I just finished enabling a caching DNS server on a NanoBSD based  
platform.  I'm not sure if or how I can save all the changes to the / 
cfg partition.

If I were to create /cfg/namedb/named.conf et al., would the boot  
process that copies out of /cfg respect that /etc/namedb is a sym  
link and put it it /var/named/etc/namedb?  Is the copy process even  
recursive such that it can handle subdirectories of /cfg?

For that matter where does the copy process from /cfg actually  
occur?  I spent some time with grep and strings looking for "cfg" in / 
etc and /boot to no avail.  Must be "magic".

Since my config changes will be relatively static, I'm going to build  
a new image with an updated /var/named, but still would like to find  
out the answers to the above.



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