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Date:      Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:44:26 -0600
From:      Alejandro Galindo <>
To:        freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Modem Speed in ttys and gettytab  files
Message-ID:  <>

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        1 Year ago i try to configure the modem speed in the gettytab and
ttys files for dialin, i only can use the std.19200 and it works well, i see
in the pppkit a configuration with std.38400, std.57600 and std.115200, but
when a user conect to my server he only see bad characters (not the login
prompt) i try with several modems (motorola 33.6, etc. now we have the
motorola 57.6 ModemSurfer) but i can't work with a configuration major than

Can you indicate me how configure the gettytab for a std.115200, std.57600
and std.38400? and this number (115200) what do it mean? is the speed betwen
the serial port and the modem?

I have a 2.2.5 RELEASE and a Cyclades Cyclom-Y multiport (it support 115200
i think).

thanks in advanced

|                                                          ,        ,        |
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|     ExSoCom Dgo. MEXICO                                / /   | `    \      |
|                                                        O O   ) /    |      |
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|                                                       (_.)  _  )   /       |
|     Alejandro Galindo Chairez                          `.___/`    /        |
|     Tel: (18) 179177                                     `-----' /         |
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|                      a FreeBSD user               `--{__________)          |

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