From owner-freebsd-sparc  Sun Dec 27 15:53:40 1998
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Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 18:57:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Alfred Perlstein <>
To: sparc@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: new approach.
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Considering how folks have been really undecided about gcc vs. egcs i
decided to build the system compiler on my -current NetBSD box to produce
sparc64 binaries.

I've been trying to compile a (netbsd) kernel and have hit snags here and
there, but it's coming along i think, there are some errors in the code
that have forced me to disable certain kernel options.

If i get something that boots, expect an email on this list about it and a 
giant tarball on janus (thanks Kevin) with the compiler sources and object

I know this is netbsd stuff, but having something that works on usparc
will be good.

now a question,

Would anyone more familiar with netbsd please tell me if all the:
"options COMPAT_1X" are nessesary to exec binaries, i'd like to make my
kernel as simple as possible at first, and constantly hitting errors in
the code and having to restart "make depend && make all" isn't pleasant on
a P120 with 32megs of ram. :)

The reason i ask is that i saw something that told me "netbsd doesn't have
binaries, everything is emulated" or something to that effect, stripping
out the 1.3 compat doesn't sound like a good idea (as i'm using
1.3.3-current) but i'm trying it anyway.

Kapil, if you think you can build a mini-root i'd much appreciate it. :)

Alfred Perlstein - Programmer, HotJobs Inc. -
-- There are operating systems, and then there's FreeBSD.
--                        3.0-current

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