From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon Jan 10  2:20: 9 2000
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Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 05:14:43 +0000
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Cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Audio input from ESS 688 card under 3-STABLE?
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X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG wrote:

> The NTP project is interested in making NTP's refclock audio drivers
> work under FreeBSD.
> The person best qualified to do this work has a machine running
> FreeBSD-3.4 with an ESS 688 card in it.  So far, we've been unable to
> make the card "listen" to audio input.
> The only difference between a GENERIC kernel and the one we are running
> is that we have added:
>  device         pcm0    at isa? port ? tty irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x0
> I've read the pcm man page and the sys/isa/snd/CARDS, and I'm not really
> sure what other kernel options might be needed.
> Suggestions?
> Harlan

Since the ESS works like an SB16, have you tried using pnp in the config
and using the snd0 driver? The way I interpret the docs for the ESS cards,
it looks as though it emulates an SB16, but has more to it. As quoted from
the document you referenced: "ESS builds cards that implement a superset of
SB16. They are often capable of full duplex, but my driver does not support
them other than in full duplex emulation." Actually, the kernel config line
you have above works for both my ISA AWE64 (value) as well as my SB16
(value), with the exception of the "flags" at the end. I have mine set to

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