From owner-freebsd-stable  Tue May  8  1:38: 3 2001
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From: (Wolfgang Zenker)
Subject: Re: What's the conclusion? (was soft update should be default)
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 at May 8, 2001 01:02:36 am"
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> > > Why 'soft update' is not default?
> > > It adds performance and stability, doesn't it?

> > It requires disabling of write caching, which typically reduces 
> > performance (significantly).
> If this is the only problem, I think softupdates should be the default.
> Because:
> 'write caching' is not the default. Anyone who wants it can disable softupdates.
> Besides it seems 'write caching' is not recommended for the usual usage.

> If you have other resons not to do so, could you please explain it?

softupdates has a problem if you replace lots of files on small filesystems.
If you delete a file on a file system with soft updates enabled, the free
space is committed back to the file system only some time later. Now if
you run a installworld with default slice sizes you could run into problems
cause the replaced files still take up room on your disk for some time while
you need the space for your new files.


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