From owner-freebsd-hackers  Sun Jun 29 02:58:50 1997
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From: Michael Smith <>
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Subject: Re: Tcl loadable packages
In-Reply-To: <> from Narvi at "Jun 23, 97 01:30:47 pm"
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Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 19:28:13 +0930 (CST)
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Narvi stands accused of saying:
> > > 
> > > 	If one was to make a port of tcl loadable package, how would one
> > > 	go about it?
> > > 
> > > 	Well, I know I have to make a shared library. How am I to name it
> > > 	- the original makefile, that does not work on FreeBSD tries to
> > > 	just make a file.
> > 
> > There are a couple of approaches.  You can hack the Makefile to build
> > shared libraries the BSD way, or you can write a replacement Makefile that
> > uses  Looking at the latter will at least make it clear how
> > shared libraries are made, and let you name it appropriately.
> I find it easier to write a new Makefile.

OK; have a look at how the tcl76 port achieves it.  Basically it
throws in another Makefile which contains the appropriate data for
building the shared library.

> > scripts, I'd suggest putting them in /usr/local/libdata/...
> Hm... I don't have libdata here... Is it an official directory?

It's used in /usr for the Tcl stuff.

> Or perhaps there should be a separate hierachie for installation and easy
> finding of tcl packages? 

Perhaps.  The Perl stuff (of which there is _lots_) uses
lib/perl5/site_perl.  Is this a Perl-ism, or something we should
emulate for Tcl?  It's less clear with so many Tcl versions to choose
from 8(

> I take it that there really should be a standard place to hold the "loader
> files" for loadable (that is - in the form of shared libraries) tcl
> packages - if a given packages exists, just call /usr/local/.../load_$pkg  
> and it gets loaded. It will avoid a lot of compatibilty problems and the
> need to re-write the scripts every time we move to a newer tcl version and
> newer versions of the packages.

Hmm.  lib/tcl/site_tcl/<package>/ sounds pretty good to me.

> 	Sander

]] Mike Smith, Software Engineer             [[
]] Genesis Software                       [[
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]] Unix hardware collector.             "Where are your PEZ?" The Tick  [[