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Date:      Mon, 22 Jan 2001 23:50:55 -0500
From:      Technical Information <>
To:        FreeBSD Chat <>
Subject:   Re: hungarian notation
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At 08:46 PM 1/22/2001, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > But it also has the advantage that you get to reuse the same variable name
> > on different types without confusion.  For instance, intBuffer and
> > charBuffer are two completely different (but perhaps related)
> > variables.  This sort of thing becomes very valuable in a language like
> > Visual Basic where a group of different controls may have related function
> > (e.g., lblZipCode, cmdZipCode, and txtZipCode).
>OTOH, we could just teach people to choose meaningful variable
>names, and comment their code.
>I admit that it does act as a barrier to entry for Windows
>programmers, since the Microsoft code is rife with that sort
>of thing, and they are probably used to it.  On the other hand,
>I can read regular code, and I can read Hungariafied code,
>while someone who has only been taught about Hungariafied code
>is going to have a hard time hacking up bind or sendmail or
>FreeBSD or the majority of useful and legacy code out there.

Hmm...bind and sendmail rewritten in Visual Basic...well, I know what *I'm* 
going to be doing for the next few weeks. :-)

>Personally, if I'm given my druthers, I'd like someone I hire
>to not be artificially limited in the environments in which
>they can be a productive coder.

Seriously though, everybody has to start learning with some particular 
style, usually even before they learn that it's a style and not The Right 
Way (TM).  I spend so much time stressing to my students that they should 
indent/capitalize/space things properly that they sometimes get confused 
when I later say that the indentation doesn't affect the program.

I compare it to handwriting where kids are taught to write using very 
specific strokes only to eventually get older, become medical doctors, and 
lose all control over their penmanship. ;-)

--Chip Morton

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