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Date:      Mon, 22 Jun 2020 15:01:19 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Rick Macklem <>
Subject:   svn commit: r362499 - projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: rmacklem
Date: Mon Jun 22 15:01:19 2020
New Revision: 362499

  Rename .s to .S so that it builds with a recent head system.

     - copied unchanged from r362498, projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64/skein_block_asm.s

Copied: projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64/skein_block_asm.S (from r362498, projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64/skein_block_asm.s)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64/skein_block_asm.S	Mon Jun 22 15:01:19 2020	(r362499, copy of r362498, projects/nfs-over-tls/sys/crypto/skein/amd64/skein_block_asm.s)
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+# 64-bit x86 assembler code (gnu as) for Skein block functions
+# Author: Doug Whiting, Hifn/Exar
+# This code is released to the public domain.
+# $FreeBSD$
+    .text
+    .altmacro
+    .psize 0,128                            #list file has no page boundaries
+_MASK_ALL_  =  (256+512+1024)               #all three algorithm bits
+_MAX_FRAME_ =  240
+.ifndef SKEIN_USE_ASM
+_USE_ASM_         = _MASK_ALL_
+_USE_ASM_         = SKEIN_USE_ASM
+.ifndef SKEIN_LOOP                          #configure loop unrolling
+_SKEIN_LOOP       =   2                     #default is fully unrolled for 256/512, twice for 1024
+  .irp _NN_,%_SKEIN_LOOP                #only display loop unrolling if default changed on command line
+#.print  "+++ SKEIN_LOOP = \_NN_"
+  .endr
+# the unroll counts (0 --> fully unrolled)
+SKEIN_UNROLL_256  = (_SKEIN_LOOP / 100) % 10
+SKEIN_UNROLL_512  = (_SKEIN_LOOP /  10) % 10
+SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 = (_SKEIN_LOOP      ) % 10
+  .irp _NN_,256,512,1024
+    .if (SKEIN_UNROLL_\_NN_) == 0
+    .endif
+  .endr
+ROUNDS_256  =   72
+ROUNDS_512  =   72
+ROUNDS_1024 =   80
+ROUNDS_256  = 8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS / 100) + 5) % 10) + 5)
+ROUNDS_512  = 8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS /  10) + 5) % 10) + 5)
+ROUNDS_1024 = 8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS      ) + 5) % 10) + 5)
+# only display rounds if default size is changed on command line
+.irp _NN_,256,512,1024
+  .if _USE_ASM_ && \_NN_
+    .irp _RR_,%(ROUNDS_\_NN_)
+      .if _NN_ < 1024
+.print  "+++ SKEIN_ROUNDS_\_NN_  = \_RR_"
+      .else
+.print  "+++ SKEIN_ROUNDS_\_NN_ = \_RR_"
+      .endif
+    .endr
+  .endif
+.ifdef  SKEIN_PERF                           #use code size if SKEIN_PERF is defined
+.ifndef SKEIN_DEBUG
+_SKEIN_DEBUG      = 0
+_SKEIN_DEBUG      = 1
+# define offsets of fields in hash context structure
+HASH_BITS   =   0                   #bits of hash output
+BCNT        =   8 + HASH_BITS       #number of bytes in BUFFER[]
+TWEAK       =   8 + BCNT            #tweak values[0..1]
+X_VARS      =  16 + TWEAK           #chaining vars
+#(Note: buffer[] in context structure is NOT needed here :-)
+KW_PARITY   =   0x1BD11BDAA9FC1A22  #overall parity of key schedule words
+FIRST_MASK  =   ~ (1 <<  6)
+FIRST_MASK64=   ~ (1 << 62)
+# rotation constants for Skein
+RC_256_0_0  = 14
+RC_256_0_1  = 16
+RC_256_1_0  = 52
+RC_256_1_1  = 57
+RC_256_2_0  = 23
+RC_256_2_1  = 40
+RC_256_3_0  =  5
+RC_256_3_1  = 37
+RC_256_4_0  = 25
+RC_256_4_1  = 33
+RC_256_5_0  = 46
+RC_256_5_1  = 12
+RC_256_6_0  = 58
+RC_256_6_1  = 22
+RC_256_7_0  = 32
+RC_256_7_1  = 32
+RC_512_0_0  = 46
+RC_512_0_1  = 36
+RC_512_0_2  = 19
+RC_512_0_3  = 37
+RC_512_1_0  = 33
+RC_512_1_1  = 27
+RC_512_1_2  = 14
+RC_512_1_3  = 42
+RC_512_2_0  = 17
+RC_512_2_1  = 49
+RC_512_2_2  = 36
+RC_512_2_3  = 39
+RC_512_3_0  = 44
+RC_512_3_1  =  9
+RC_512_3_2  = 54
+RC_512_3_3  = 56
+RC_512_4_0  = 39
+RC_512_4_1  = 30
+RC_512_4_2  = 34
+RC_512_4_3  = 24
+RC_512_5_0  = 13
+RC_512_5_1  = 50
+RC_512_5_2  = 10
+RC_512_5_3  = 17
+RC_512_6_0  = 25
+RC_512_6_1  = 29
+RC_512_6_2  = 39
+RC_512_6_3  = 43
+RC_512_7_0  =  8
+RC_512_7_1  = 35
+RC_512_7_2  = 56
+RC_512_7_3  = 22
+RC_1024_0_0 = 24
+RC_1024_0_1 = 13
+RC_1024_0_2 =  8
+RC_1024_0_3 = 47
+RC_1024_0_4 =  8
+RC_1024_0_5 = 17
+RC_1024_0_6 = 22
+RC_1024_0_7 = 37
+RC_1024_1_0 = 38
+RC_1024_1_1 = 19
+RC_1024_1_2 = 10
+RC_1024_1_3 = 55
+RC_1024_1_4 = 49
+RC_1024_1_5 = 18
+RC_1024_1_6 = 23
+RC_1024_1_7 = 52
+RC_1024_2_0 = 33
+RC_1024_2_1 =  4
+RC_1024_2_2 = 51
+RC_1024_2_3 = 13
+RC_1024_2_4 = 34
+RC_1024_2_5 = 41
+RC_1024_2_6 = 59
+RC_1024_2_7 = 17
+RC_1024_3_0 =  5
+RC_1024_3_1 = 20
+RC_1024_3_2 = 48
+RC_1024_3_3 = 41
+RC_1024_3_4 = 47
+RC_1024_3_5 = 28
+RC_1024_3_6 = 16
+RC_1024_3_7 = 25
+RC_1024_4_0 = 41
+RC_1024_4_1 =  9
+RC_1024_4_2 = 37
+RC_1024_4_3 = 31
+RC_1024_4_4 = 12
+RC_1024_4_5 = 47
+RC_1024_4_6 = 44
+RC_1024_4_7 = 30
+RC_1024_5_0 = 16
+RC_1024_5_1 = 34
+RC_1024_5_2 = 56
+RC_1024_5_3 = 51
+RC_1024_5_4 =  4
+RC_1024_5_5 = 53
+RC_1024_5_6 = 42
+RC_1024_5_7 = 41
+RC_1024_6_0 = 31
+RC_1024_6_1 = 44
+RC_1024_6_2 = 47
+RC_1024_6_3 = 46
+RC_1024_6_4 = 19
+RC_1024_6_5 = 42
+RC_1024_6_6 = 44
+RC_1024_6_7 = 25
+RC_1024_7_0 =  9
+RC_1024_7_1 = 48
+RC_1024_7_2 = 35
+RC_1024_7_3 = 52
+RC_1024_7_4 = 23
+RC_1024_7_5 = 31
+RC_1024_7_6 = 37
+RC_1024_7_7 = 20
+#  Input:  reg
+# Output: <reg> <<< RC_BlkSize_roundNum_mixNum, BlkSize=256/512/1024
+.macro RotL64   reg,BLK_SIZE,ROUND_NUM,MIX_NUM
+  .if _RCNT_  #is there anything to do?
+    rolq    $_RCNT_,%\reg
+  .endif
+# MACROS: define local vars and configure stack
+# declare allocated space on the stack
+.macro StackVar localName,localSize
+\localName  =   _STK_OFFS_
+_STK_OFFS_  =   _STK_OFFS_+(\localSize)
+.endm #StackVar
+# MACRO: Configure stack frame, allocate local vars
+.macro Setup_Stack BLK_BITS,KS_CNT,debugCnt
+    WCNT    =    (\BLK_BITS)/64
+_PushCnt_   =   0                   #save nonvolatile regs on stack
+  .irp _reg_,rbp,rbx,r12,r13,r14,r15
+       pushq    %\_reg_
+_PushCnt_ = _PushCnt_ + 1           #track count to keep alignment
+  .endr
+_STK_OFFS_  =   0                   #starting offset from rsp
+    #---- local  variables         #<-- rsp
+    StackVar    X_stk  ,8*(WCNT)    #local context vars
+    StackVar    ksTwk  ,8*3         #key schedule: tweak words
+    StackVar    ksKey  ,8*(WCNT)+8  #key schedule: key   words
+  .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL && (\BLK_BITS)) == 0
+    StackVar    ksRot ,16*(\KS_CNT) #leave space for "rotation" to happen
+  .endif
+    StackVar    Wcopy  ,8*(WCNT)    #copy of input block    
+  .if \debugCnt + 0                 #temp location for debug X[] info
+    StackVar    xDebug_\BLK_BITS ,8*(\debugCnt)
+  .endif
+  .endif
+  .if ((8*_PushCnt_ + _STK_OFFS_) % 8) == 0
+    StackVar    align16,8           #keep 16-byte aligned (adjust for retAddr?)
+tmpStk_\BLK_BITS = align16          #use this
+  .endif
+    #---- saved caller parameters (from regs rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx)
+    StackVar    ctxPtr ,8           #context ptr
+    StackVar    blkPtr ,8           #pointer to block data
+    StackVar    blkCnt ,8           #number of full blocks to process
+    StackVar    bitAdd ,8           #bit count to add to tweak
+LOCAL_SIZE  =   _STK_OFFS_          #size of "local" vars
+    #---- 
+    StackVar    savRegs,8*_PushCnt_ #saved registers
+    StackVar    retAddr,8           #return address
+    #---- caller's stack frame (aligned mod 16)
+# set up the stack frame pointer (rbp)
+FRAME_OFFS  =   ksTwk + 128         #allow short (negative) offset to ksTwk, kwKey
+  .if FRAME_OFFS > _STK_OFFS_       #keep rbp in the "locals" range
+  .endif
+F_O         =   -FRAME_OFFS
+  #put some useful defines in the .lst file (for grep)
+# Notes on stack frame setup:
+#   * the most frequently used variable is X_stk[], based at [rsp+0]
+#   * the next most used is the key schedule arrays, ksKey and ksTwk
+#       so rbp is "centered" there, allowing short offsets to the key 
+#       schedule even in 1024-bit Skein case
+#   * the Wcopy variables are infrequently accessed, but they have long 
+#       offsets from both rsp and rbp only in the 1024-bit case.
+#   * all other local vars and calling parameters can be accessed 
+#       with short offsets, except in the 1024-bit case
+    subq    $LOCAL_SIZE,%rsp        #make room for the locals
+    leaq    FRAME_OFFS(%rsp),%rbp   #maximize use of short offsets
+    movq    %rdi, ctxPtr+F_O(%rbp)  #save caller's parameters on the stack
+    movq    %rsi, blkPtr+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    %rdx, blkCnt+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    %rcx, bitAdd+F_O(%rbp)
+.endm #Setup_Stack
+.macro Reset_Stack
+    addq    $LOCAL_SIZE,%rsp        #get rid of locals (wipe??)
+  .irp _reg_,r15,r14,r13,r12,rbx,rbp
+    popq    %\_reg_                 #restore caller's regs
+_PushCnt_ = _PushCnt_ - 1
+  .endr
+  .if _PushCnt_
+    .error  "Mismatched push/pops?"
+  .endif
+.endm # Reset_Stack
+# macros to help debug internals
+    .extern  Skein_Show_Block     #calls to C routines
+    .extern  Skein_Show_Round
+SKEIN_RND_SPECIAL       =   1000
+.macro Skein_Debug_Block BLK_BITS
+#void Skein_Show_Block(uint_t bits,const Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t *h,const u64b_t *X,
+#                     const u08b_t *blkPtr, const u64b_t *wPtr, 
+#                     const u64b_t *ksPtr,const u64b_t *tsPtr)
+_NN_ = 0
+  .irp _reg_,rax,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11
+    pushq   %\_reg_                 #save all volatile regs on tack before the call
+_NN_ = _NN_ + 1
+  .endr
+    # get and push call parameters
+    movq    $\BLK_BITS      ,%rdi   #bits
+    movq    ctxPtr+F_O(%rbp),%rsi   #h (pointer)
+    leaq    X_VARS    (%rsi),%rdx   #X (pointer)
+    movq    blkPtr+F_O(%rbp),%rcx   #blkPtr
+    leaq    Wcopy +F_O(%rbp),%r8    #wPtr
+    leaq    ksKey +F_O(%rbp),%r9    #key pointer
+    leaq    ksTwk +F_O(%rbp),%rax   #tweak pointer
+    pushq   %rax                    #   (pass on the stack)
+    call    Skein_Show_Block        #call external debug handler
+    addq    $8*1,%rsp               #discard parameters on stack
+  .if (_NN_ % 2 ) == 0              #check stack alignment
+    .error "Stack misalignment problem in Skein_Debug_Block_\_BLK_BITS"
+  .endif
+  .irp _reg_,r11,r10,r9,r8,rdi,rsi,rdx,rcx,rax
+    popq    %\_reg_                 #restore regs
+_NN_ = _NN_ - 1
+  .endr
+  .if _NN_
+    .error "Push/pop mismatch problem in Skein_Debug_Block_\_BLK_BITS"
+  .endif
+.endm # Skein_Debug_Block
+# the macro to "call" to debug a round
+.macro Skein_Debug_Round BLK_BITS,R,RDI_OFFS,afterOp
+    # call the appropriate (local) debug "function"
+    pushq   %rdx                    #save rdx, so we can use it for round "number"
+    movq    $\R,%rdx
+  .else                             #compute round number using edi
+_rOffs_ = \RDI_OFFS + 0
+   .if \BLK_BITS == 1024
+    movq    rIdx_offs+8(%rsp),%rdx  #get rIdx off the stack (adjust for pushq rdx above)
+    leaq    1+(((\R)-1) && 3)+_rOffs_(,%rdx,4),%rdx
+   .else
+    leaq    1+(((\R)-1) && 3)+_rOffs_(,%rdi,4),%rdx
+   .endif
+  .endif
+    call    Skein_Debug_Round_\BLK_BITS
+    popq    %rdx                    #restore origianl rdx value
+    afterOp
+.endm  #  Skein_Debug_Round
+.else  #------- _SKEIN_DEBUG (dummy macros if debug not enabled)
+.macro Skein_Debug_Block BLK_BITS
+.macro Skein_Debug_Round BLK_BITS,R,RDI_OFFS,afterOp
+.endif # _SKEIN_DEBUG
+.macro  addReg dstReg,srcReg_A,srcReg_B,useAddOp,immOffs
+  .if \immOffs + 0
+       leaq    \immOffs(%\srcReg_A\srcReg_B,%\dstReg),%\dstReg
+  .elseif ((\useAddOp + 0) == 0)
+    .ifndef ASM_NO_LEA  #lea seems to be faster on Core 2 Duo CPUs!
+       leaq   (%\srcReg_A\srcReg_B,%\dstReg),%\dstReg
+    .else
+       addq    %\srcReg_A\srcReg_B,%\dstReg
+    .endif
+  .else
+       addq    %\srcReg_A\srcReg_B,%\dstReg
+  .endif
+# keep Intel-style ordering here, to match addReg
+.macro  xorReg dstReg,srcReg_A,srcReg_B
+        xorq   %\srcReg_A\srcReg_B,%\dstReg
+.macro C_label lName
+ \lName:        #use both "genders" to work across linkage conventions
+    .global  \lName
+    .global _\lName
+#=================================== Skein_256 =============================================
+.if _USE_ASM_ & 256
+# void Skein_256_Process_Block(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t bitcntAdd)#
+# code
+C_label Skein_256_Process_Block
+    Setup_Stack 256,((ROUNDS_256/8)+1)
+    movq    TWEAK+8(%rdi),%r14
+    jmp     Skein_256_block_loop
+    .p2align 4
+    # main hash loop for Skein_256
+    #
+    # general register usage:
+    #   RAX..RDX        = X0..X3    
+    #   R08..R12        = ks[0..4]
+    #   R13..R15        = ts[0..2]
+    #   RSP, RBP        = stack/frame pointers
+    #   RDI             = round counter or context pointer
+    #   RSI             = temp
+    #
+    movq    TWEAK+0(%rdi)     ,%r13
+    addq    bitAdd+F_O(%rbp)  ,%r13  #computed updated tweak value T0
+    movq    %r14              ,%r15
+    xorq    %r13              ,%r15  #now %r13.%r15 is set as the tweak 
+    movq    $KW_PARITY        ,%r12
+    movq       X_VARS+ 0(%rdi),%r8
+    movq       X_VARS+ 8(%rdi),%r9 
+    movq       X_VARS+16(%rdi),%r10
+    movq       X_VARS+24(%rdi),%r11
+    movq    %r13,TWEAK+0(%rdi)       #save updated tweak value ctx->h.T[0]
+    xorq    %r8               ,%r12  #start accumulating overall parity
+    movq    blkPtr +F_O(%rbp) ,%rsi  #esi --> input block
+    xorq    %r9               ,%r12
+    movq     0(%rsi)          ,%rax  #get X[0..3]
+    xorq    %r10              ,%r12
+    movq     8(%rsi)          ,%rbx
+    xorq    %r11              ,%r12
+    movq    16(%rsi)          ,%rcx
+    movq    24(%rsi)          ,%rdx
+    movq    %rax,Wcopy+ 0+F_O(%rbp)  #save copy of input block
+    movq    %rbx,Wcopy+ 8+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rcx,Wcopy+16+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rdx,Wcopy+24+F_O(%rbp)    
+    addq    %r8 ,%rax                #initial key injection
+    addq    %r9 ,%rbx 
+    addq    %r10,%rcx
+    addq    %r11,%rdx
+    addq    %r13,%rbx
+    addq    %r14,%rcx
+    movq    %r14,TWEAK+ 8(%rdi)      #save updated tweak T[1] (start bit cleared?)
+    movq    %r8 ,ksKey+ 0+F_O(%rbp)  #save key schedule on stack for Skein_Debug_Block
+    movq    %r9 ,ksKey+ 8+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r10,ksKey+16+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r11,ksKey+24+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r12,ksKey+32+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r13,ksTwk+ 0+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r14,ksTwk+ 8+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r15,ksTwk+16+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rax,X_stk + 0(%rsp)     #save X[] on stack for Skein_Debug_Block
+    movq    %rbx,X_stk + 8(%rsp)       
+    movq    %rcx,X_stk +16(%rsp)       
+    movq    %rdx,X_stk +24(%rsp)       
+    Skein_Debug_Block 256            #debug dump
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL
+.if ((SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0)
+    movq    %r8 ,ksKey+40+F_O(%rbp)  #save key schedule on stack for looping code
+    movq    %r9 ,ksKey+ 8+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r10,ksKey+16+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r11,ksKey+24+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r12,ksKey+32+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r13,ksTwk+24+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r14,ksTwk+ 8+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %r15,ksTwk+16+F_O(%rbp)    
+    addq    $WCNT*8,%rsi             #skip the block
+    movq    %rsi,blkPtr  +F_O(%rbp)  #update block pointer
+    #
+    # now the key schedule is computed. Start the rounds
+    #
+  .if ((ROUNDS_256/8) % _UNROLL_CNT)
+    .error "Invalid SKEIN_UNROLL_256"
+  .endif
+    xorq    %rdi,%rdi                #rdi = iteration count
+_Rbase_ = 0
+.rept _UNROLL_CNT*2
+    # all X and ks vars in regs      # (ops to "rotate" ks vars, via mem, if not unrolled)
+    # round 4*_RBase_ + 0
+    addReg  rax, rbx
+    RotL64  rbx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+0) % 8),0
+    addReg  rcx, rdx
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq ksKey+8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r8
+                .endif
+    xorReg  rbx, rax
+    RotL64  rdx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+0) % 8),1
+    xorReg  rdx, rcx
+  .if SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256
+    .irp _r0_,%( 8+(_Rbase_+3) % 5)
+    .irp _r1_,%(13+(_Rbase_+2) % 3)
+      leaq   (%r\_r0_,%r\_r1_),%rdi    #precompute key injection value for %rcx
+    .endr
+    .endr
+  .endif
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq ksTwk+8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r13
+                .endif
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,%(4*_Rbase_+1)
+    # round 4*_Rbase_ + 1
+    addReg  rax, rdx
+    RotL64  rdx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+1) % 8),0
+    xorReg  rdx, rax
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq ksKey+8*2+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r9
+                .endif
+    addReg  rcx, rbx
+    RotL64  rbx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+1) % 8),1
+    xorReg  rbx, rcx
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq ksKey+8*4+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r11
+                .endif
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,%(4*_Rbase_+2)
+ .if SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256
+    .irp _r0_,%( 8+(_Rbase_+2) % 5)
+    .irp _r1_,%(13+(_Rbase_+1) % 3)
+      leaq   (%r\_r0_,%r\_r1_),%rsi     #precompute key injection value for %rbx
+    .endr
+    .endr
+ .endif
+    # round 4*_Rbase_ + 2
+    addReg  rax, rbx
+    RotL64  rbx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+2) % 8),0
+    addReg  rcx, rdx
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq ksKey+8*3+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r10
+                .endif
+    xorReg  rbx, rax
+    RotL64  rdx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+2) % 8),1
+    xorReg  rdx, rcx
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    movq %r8,ksKey+8*6+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8)  #"rotate" the key
+                    leaq 1(%r11,%rdi),%r11               #precompute key + tweak
+                .endif
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,%(4*_Rbase_+3)
+    # round 4*_Rbase_ + 3
+    addReg  rax, rdx
+    RotL64  rdx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+3) % 8),0
+    addReg  rcx, rbx
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    addq      ksTwk+8*2+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r10  #precompute key + tweak
+                    movq %r13,ksTwk+8*4+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8)       #"rotate" the tweak
+                .endif
+    xorReg  rdx, rax
+    RotL64  rbx, 256,%((4*_Rbase_+3) % 8),1
+    xorReg  rbx, rcx
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,%(4*_Rbase_+4)
+                .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+                    addReg r9 ,r13           #precompute key+tweak
+                .endif
+      #inject key schedule words
+_Rbase_ = _Rbase_+1
+  .if SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256
+    addReg    rax,r,%(8+((_Rbase_+0) % 5))
+    addReg    rbx,rsi
+    addReg    rcx,rdi
+    addReg    rdx,r,%(8+((_Rbase_+3) % 5)),,_Rbase_
+  .else
+    incq      %rdi
+    addReg    rax,r8 
+    addReg    rcx,r10
+    addReg    rbx,r9 
+    addReg    rdx,r11
+  .endif
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT
+.endr #rept _UNROLL_CNT
+.if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+    cmpq    $2*(ROUNDS_256/8),%rdi
+    jb      Skein_256_round_loop
+.endif # (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 256) == 0
+    movq    ctxPtr +F_O(%rbp),%rdi           #restore rdi --> context
+    #----------------------------
+    # feedforward:   ctx->X[i] = X[i] ^ w[i], {i=0..3}
+    movq    $FIRST_MASK64 ,%r14
+    xorq    Wcopy + 0+F_O (%rbp),%rax
+    xorq    Wcopy + 8+F_O (%rbp),%rbx
+    xorq    Wcopy +16+F_O (%rbp),%rcx
+    xorq    Wcopy +24+F_O (%rbp),%rdx
+    andq    TWEAK + 8     (%rdi),%r14
+    movq    %rax,X_VARS+ 0(%rdi)             #store final result
+    movq    %rbx,X_VARS+ 8(%rdi)        
+    movq    %rcx,X_VARS+16(%rdi)        
+    movq    %rdx,X_VARS+24(%rdi)        
+    Skein_Debug_Round 256,SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD
+    # go back for more blocks, if needed
+    decq    blkCnt+F_O(%rbp)
+    jnz     Skein_256_block_loop
+    movq    %r14,TWEAK + 8(%rdi)
+    Reset_Stack
+    ret
+Skein_Debug_Round_256:               #here with rdx == round "number" from macro
+    pushq   %rsi                     #save two regs for BLK_BITS-specific parms
+    pushq   %rdi
+    movq    24(%rsp),%rdi            #get back original rdx (pushed on stack in macro call) to rdi
+    movq    %rax,X_stk+ 0+F_O(%rbp)  #save X[] state on stack so debug routines can access it
+    movq    %rbx,X_stk+ 8+F_O(%rbp)  #(use FP_ since rsp has changed!)
+    movq    %rcx,X_stk+16+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    %rdi,X_stk+24+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    ctxPtr+F_O(%rbp),%rsi    #ctx_hdr_ptr
+    movq    $256,%rdi                #now <rdi,rsi,rdx> are set for the call
+    jmp     Skein_Debug_Round_Common
+  .endif
+C_label  Skein_256_Process_Block_CodeSize
+    movq    $(Skein_256_Process_Block_End-Skein_256_Process_Block),%rax
+    ret
+C_label Skein_256_Unroll_Cnt
+  .if _UNROLL_CNT <> ROUNDS_256/8
+    movq    $_UNROLL_CNT,%rax
+  .else
+    xorq    %rax,%rax
+  .endif
+    ret
+.endif #_USE_ASM_ & 256
+#=================================== Skein_512 =============================================
+.if _USE_ASM_ & 512
+# void Skein_512_Process_Block(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t bitcntAdd)
+# X[i] == %r[8+i]          #register assignments for X[] values during rounds (i=0..7)
+# MACRO: one round for 512-bit blocks
+.macro R_512_OneRound rn0,rn1,rn2,rn3,rn4,rn5,rn6,rn7,_Rn_,op1,op2,op3,op4
+    addReg      r\rn0, r\rn1
+    RotL64      r\rn1, 512,%((_Rn_) % 8),0
+    xorReg      r\rn1, r\rn0
+            op1
+    addReg      r\rn2, r\rn3
+    RotL64      r\rn3, 512,%((_Rn_) % 8),1
+    xorReg      r\rn3, r\rn2
+            op2
+    addReg      r\rn4, r\rn5
+    RotL64      r\rn5, 512,%((_Rn_) % 8),2
+    xorReg      r\rn5, r\rn4
+            op3
+    addReg      r\rn6, r\rn7
+    RotL64      r\rn7, 512,%((_Rn_) % 8),3
+    xorReg      r\rn7, r\rn6
+            op4
+    Skein_Debug_Round 512,%(_Rn_+1),-4
+.endm #R_512_OneRound
+# MACRO: eight rounds for 512-bit blocks
+.macro R_512_FourRounds _RR_    #RR = base round number (0 % 8)
+  .if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL && 512)
+    # here for fully unrolled case.
+    _II_ = ((_RR_)/4) + 1       #key injection counter
+    R_512_OneRound  8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,%((_RR_)+0),<movq ksKey+8*(((_II_)+3) % 9)+F_O(%rbp),%rax>,,<movq ksKey+8*(((_II_)+4) % 9)+F_O(%rbp),%rbx>
+    R_512_OneRound 10, 9,12,15,14,13, 8,11,%((_RR_)+1),<movq ksKey+8*(((_II_)+5) % 9)+F_O(%rbp),%rcx>,,<movq ksKey+8*(((_II_)+6) % 9)+F_O(%rbp),%rdx>
+    R_512_OneRound 12, 9,14,11, 8,13,10,15,%((_RR_)+2),<movq ksKey+8*(((_II_)+7) % 9)+F_O(%rbp),%rsi>,,<addq ksTwk+8*(((_II_)+0) % 3)+F_O(%rbp),%rcx>
+    R_512_OneRound 14, 9, 8,15,10,13,12,11,%((_RR_)+3),<addq ksTwk+8*(((_II_)+1) % 3)+F_O(%rbp),%rdx>,
+    # inject the key schedule
+    addq    ksKey+8*(((_II_)+0)%9)+F_O(%rbp),%r8
+    addReg   r11, rax
+    addq    ksKey+8*(((_II_)+1)%9)+F_O(%rbp),%r9
+    addReg   r12, rbx
+    addq    ksKey+8*(((_II_)+2)%9)+F_O(%rbp),%r10
+    addReg   r13, rcx
+    addReg   r14, rdx
+    addReg   r15, rsi,,,(_II_)
+  .else
+    # here for looping case                                                    #"rotate" key/tweak schedule (move up on stack)
+    incq    %rdi                 #bump key injection counter
+    R_512_OneRound  8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,%((_RR_)+0),<movq ksKey+8*6+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rdx>,<movq      ksTwk-8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rax>,<movq      ksKey-8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rsi>
+    R_512_OneRound 10, 9,12,15,14,13, 8,11,%((_RR_)+1),<movq ksKey+8*5+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rcx>,<movq %rax,ksTwk+8*2+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8)     >,<movq %rsi,ksKey+8*8+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8)>
+    R_512_OneRound 12, 9,14,11, 8,13,10,15,%((_RR_)+2),<movq ksKey+8*4+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rbx>,<addq      ksTwk+8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rdx>,<movq      ksKey+8*7+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rsi>    
+    R_512_OneRound 14, 9, 8,15,10,13,12,11,%((_RR_)+3),<movq ksKey+8*3+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rax>,<addq      ksTwk+8*0+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%rcx>
+    # inject the key schedule
+    addq    ksKey+8*0+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r8
+    addReg   r11, rax
+    addReg   r12, rbx
+    addq    ksKey+8*1+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r9
+    addReg   r13, rcx
+    addReg   r14, rdx
+    addq    ksKey+8*2+F_O(%rbp,%rdi,8),%r10
+    addReg   r15, rsi
+    addReg   r15, rdi              #inject the round number
+  .endif
+    #show the result of the key injection
+    Skein_Debug_Round 512,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT
+.endm #R_512_EightRounds
+# instantiated code
+C_label Skein_512_Process_Block
+    Setup_Stack 512,ROUNDS_512/8
+    movq    TWEAK+ 8(%rdi),%rbx
+    jmp     Skein_512_block_loop
+    .p2align 4
+    # main hash loop for Skein_512
+    # general register usage:
+    #   RAX..RDX       = temps for key schedule pre-loads
+    #   R8 ..R15       = X0..X7
+    #   RSP, RBP       = stack/frame pointers
+    #   RDI            = round counter or context pointer
+    #   RSI            = temp
+    #
+    movq    TWEAK +  0(%rdi),%rax
+    addq    bitAdd+F_O(%rbp),%rax     #computed updated tweak value T0
+    movq    %rbx,%rcx
+    xorq    %rax,%rcx                 #%rax/%rbx/%rcx = tweak schedule
+    movq    %rax,TWEAK+ 0    (%rdi)   #save updated tweak value ctx->h.T[0]
+    movq    %rax,ksTwk+ 0+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    $KW_PARITY,%rdx
+    movq    blkPtr +F_O(%rbp),%rsi    #%rsi --> input block
+    movq    %rbx,ksTwk+ 8+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    %rcx,ksTwk+16+F_O(%rbp)
+    .irp _Rn_,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
+      movq  X_VARS+8*(_Rn_-8)(%rdi),%r\_Rn_
+      xorq  %r\_Rn_,%rdx              #compute overall parity
+      movq  %r\_Rn_,ksKey+8*(_Rn_-8)+F_O(%rbp)
+    .endr                             #load state into %r8 ..%r15, compute parity
+      movq  %rdx,ksKey+8*(8)+F_O(%rbp)#save key schedule parity
+    addReg   r13,rax                  #precompute key injection for tweak
+    addReg   r14, rbx
+    movq    %rbx,TWEAK+ 8(%rdi)       #save updated tweak value ctx->h.T[1] for Skein_Debug_Block below
+    movq     0(%rsi),%rax             #load input block
+    movq     8(%rsi),%rbx 
+    movq    16(%rsi),%rcx 
+    movq    24(%rsi),%rdx 
+    addReg   r8 , rax                 #do initial key injection
+    addReg   r9 , rbx
+    movq    %rax,Wcopy+ 0+F_O(%rbp)   #keep local copy for feedforward
+    movq    %rbx,Wcopy+ 8+F_O(%rbp)
+    addReg   r10, rcx
+    addReg   r11, rdx
+    movq    %rcx,Wcopy+16+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    %rdx,Wcopy+24+F_O(%rbp)
+    movq    32(%rsi),%rax
+    movq    40(%rsi),%rbx 
+    movq    48(%rsi),%rcx 
+    movq    56(%rsi),%rdx
+    addReg   r12, rax
+    addReg   r13, rbx
+    addReg   r14, rcx
+    addReg   r15, rdx
+    movq    %rax,Wcopy+32+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rbx,Wcopy+40+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rcx,Wcopy+48+F_O(%rbp)    
+    movq    %rdx,Wcopy+56+F_O(%rbp)    
+    .irp _Rn_,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15   #save values on stack for debug output
+      movq  %r\_Rn_,X_stk+8*(_Rn_-8)(%rsp)
+    .endr
+    Skein_Debug_Block 512             #debug dump
+    Skein_Debug_Round 512,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL
+    addq    $8*WCNT,%rsi              #skip the block
+    movq    %rsi,blkPtr+F_O(%rbp)     #update block pointer
+    #
+    #################
+    # now the key schedule is computed. Start the rounds
+    #
+  .if ((ROUNDS_512/8) % _UNROLL_CNT)
+    .error "Invalid SKEIN_UNROLL_512"
+  .endif
+    xorq    %rdi,%rdi                 #rdi = round counter
+_Rbase_ = 0
+.rept _UNROLL_CNT*2
+      R_512_FourRounds %(4*_Rbase_+00)
+_Rbase_ = _Rbase_+1
+.endr #rept _UNROLL_CNT
+.if (SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL & 512) == 0
+    cmpq    $2*(ROUNDS_512/8),%rdi
+    jb      Skein_512_round_loop
+    movq    ctxPtr +F_O(%rbp),%rdi           #restore rdi --> context
+    # end of rounds
+    #################
+    # feedforward:   ctx->X[i] = X[i] ^ w[i], {i=0..7}
+    .irp _Rn_,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
+  .if (_Rn_ == 8)
+    movq    $FIRST_MASK64,%rbx
+  .endif
+      xorq  Wcopy+8*(_Rn_-8)+F_O(%rbp),%r\_Rn_  #feedforward XOR
+      movq  %r\_Rn_,X_VARS+8*(_Rn_-8)(%rdi)     #and store result
+  .if (_Rn_ == 14)
+    andq    TWEAK+ 8(%rdi),%rbx
+  .endif
+    .endr
+    Skein_Debug_Round 512,SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD
+    # go back for more blocks, if needed
+    decq    blkCnt+F_O(%rbp)
+    jnz     Skein_512_block_loop
+    movq    %rbx,TWEAK + 8(%rdi)
+    Reset_Stack
+    ret
+# call here with rdx  = "round number"
+    pushq   %rsi                     #save two regs for BLK_BITS-specific parms
+    pushq   %rdi
+  .irp _Rn_,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15    #save X[] state on stack so debug routines can access it
+    movq    %r\_Rn_,X_stk+8*(_Rn_-8)+F_O(%rbp)
+  .endr
+    movq    ctxPtr+F_O(%rbp),%rsi    #ctx_hdr_ptr
+    movq    $512,%rdi                #now <rdi,rsi,rdx> are set for the call
+    jmp     Skein_Debug_Round_Common
+  .endif
+C_label Skein_512_Process_Block_CodeSize
+    movq    $(Skein_512_Process_Block_End-Skein_512_Process_Block),%rax
+    ret
+C_label Skein_512_Unroll_Cnt
+  .if _UNROLL_CNT <> (ROUNDS_512/8)
+    movq    $_UNROLL_CNT,%rax
+  .else
+    xorq    %rax,%rax
+  .endif
+    ret
+.endif # _USE_ASM_ & 512
+#=================================== Skein1024 =============================================
+.if _USE_ASM_ & 1024
+# void Skein1024_Process_Block(Skein_1024_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t bitcntAdd)#
+# use details of permutation to make register assignments
+o1K_rdi =  0        #offsets in X[] associated with each register
+o1K_rsi =  1 
+o1K_rbp =  2 
+o1K_rax =  3 
+o1K_rcx =  4        #rcx is "shared" with X6, since X4/X6 alternate
+o1K_rbx =  5 
+o1K_rdx =  7 
+o1K_r8  =  8  
+o1K_r9  =  9  
+o1K_r10 = 10
+o1K_r11 = 11
+o1K_r12 = 12
+o1K_r13 = 13
+o1K_r14 = 14
+o1K_r15 = 15
+rIdx_offs = tmpStk_1024
+.macro r1024_Mix w0,w1,reg0,reg1,_RN0_,_Rn1_,op1
+    addReg      \reg0 , \reg1                      #perform the MIX
+    RotL64      \reg1 , 1024,%((_RN0_) % 8),_Rn1_
+    xorReg      \reg1 , \reg0
+.if ((_RN0_) && 3) == 3         #time to do key injection?
+    movq       %\reg0 , xDebug_1024+8*w0(%rsp)     #save intermediate values for Debug_Round
+    movq       %\reg1 , xDebug_1024+8*w1(%rsp)     # (before inline key injection)
+ .endif
+_II_ = ((_RN0_)/4)+1            #injection count
+ .if SKEIN_ASM_UNROLL && 1024   #here to do fully unrolled key injection
+    addq        ksKey+ 8*((_II_+w0) % 17)(%rsp),%\reg0
+    addq        ksKey+ 8*((_II_+w1) % 17)(%rsp),%\reg1
+  .if     w1 == 13                                 #tweak injection
+    addq        ksTwk+ 8*((_II_+ 0) %  3)(%rsp),%\reg1
+  .elseif w0 == 14
+    addq        ksTwk+ 8*((_II_+ 1) %  3)(%rsp),%\reg0
+  .elseif w1 == 15
+    addq        $_II_, %\reg1                      #(injection counter)
+  .endif
+ .else                          #here to do looping  key injection
+  .if  (w0 == 0)
+    movq        %rdi, X_stk+8*w0(%rsp)             #if so, store N0 so we can use reg as index
+    movq         rIdx_offs(%rsp),%rdi              #get the injection counter index into rdi
+  .else
+    addq         ksKey+8+8*w0(%rsp,%rdi,8),%\reg0  #even key injection
+  .endif
+  .if     w1 == 13                                 #tweak injection
+    addq         ksTwk+8+8* 0(%rsp,%rdi,8),%\reg1  


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