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Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 15:15:21 +0200
From: Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai <>
To: Sanjay Kisen <>
Cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: handbook downloading
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* Sanjay Kisen ( [990918 05:15]:
>        This is sanjay kisen I have bought freebsd2.2.7 from walnut
>creek and freebsd3.0 from mall. I do have these questions.
>1. while installing bsd2.2.7 the cd is unable to extract the bin and
>after opening I saw the CD was scrached I have missed the bill and I
>dont know how to install it .

What are you trying to say here?

>2. the version 3.0 from mall is working well but I dont have the
>handbook how to do the ftp of this hand book and down load from the web.
>Let me have the IP adss of the server which is having this.

As is stated on

"The latest version of this document is always available from the
FreeBSD World Wide Web server. It may also be downloaded in a variety
of formats and compression options from the FreeBSD FTP server or one
of the numerous mirror sites. You may also want to Search the Handbook."

The download URL is:
Or pick your nearest mirror.

>3. How to activate the soundcard?

By reading LINT in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf and probably use device pcm0

>4. How to install the CD rom drive(rewritable).?

By screwing it into your case and search lint if it's supported
depending on type. Also try to search the -hardware mailinglist for your
brand and type. Also install some burn application which support CD-RW's
from /usr/ports.


Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven/Asmodai                  asmodai(at)
The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <>
Network/Security Specialist        BSD: Technical excellence at its best
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