From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon Feb 19  2: 2:33 2001
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Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 02:03:04 -0800 (PST)
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Subject: installing FreeBSD breaks partition table?
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Hi I'm a Debian Linux user and I wanted to check out FreeBSD so I
installed it on some extra space on my home PC.

Installation seemed to go fine, but I did not tell the installer to
install a boot loader because I use lilo. When I rebooted, linux started
(as expected) but when I ran fdisk (to find which partition FreeBSD was
using--to configure lilo to boot it) it gave me the following error:
Warning: too many partitions (16, maximum is 8).

I quit fdisk and ran cfdisk. It gave me this error:
FATAL ERROR: Bad primay partition 1: Partition ends after end-of-disk

I went back to fdisk and told it to print partitions.
It said there were 16 partitions but displayed only 3 things 4.2BSD,
swap, and unused.

Apparently the partitions are not actually corrupted, though, because
linux boots fine.

I'm running Debian testing/unstable with kernel 2.4.1 and I was installing
FreeBSD 4.2 (from ISO image burned to CD).

If anybody knows how to fix this problem so that I can:
	A. Use fdisk again
	B. Boot FreeBSD through lilo

Thanks a bunch,
Nick Urban

P.S. I am not suscribed to this list, so any response should be CC'd to 
me. directly. I was actually going to suscribe to the digest version of
it, but I did not see directions for how to do so on

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