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Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 16:35:30 +0200
From: Joerg Bornschein <>
Subject: Re: isdn stops working when load increases
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On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 09:03:26PM +0200, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
> I've seen some recent mails related to rtprio oddity which seemed
> to also affect the isdnd. My -current is cvsupped May 1st (and  
> survived; I've still got a fully populated root fs :-)
> However, as soon as I do a find / or buildworld or some other
> commands increasing the load significantly (about 1 or more),
> isdnd seems to take a nap. No more packets transmitted. If I
> suspend the running programs, isdnd awakes and continues.
> Is anybody else observing the same behavior?
I'm having similar problems:
Some minutes/hours (depends on the workload) after each boot 'top'
reports about 12% of my CPU time are used for interrupt processing.
The interrupt time stays at about 10% even when there's nothing to
do (no disk io, no network traffic, no sound).
Running FBSD 4.2 on the same box reports about 0.2-1% interrupt usage;
the same value which is shown on CURRENT just after a reboot.
At the same time the packet loss rate of my isdn interface raises to   
about 70% while transfering files. (a simple ping does *not* trigger
this problem).
This behavior seems not related to rtprio oddity since i first noticed
it on Apr 9th. (the date this box switched to CURRENT)

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