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Date:      Sat, 06 Mar 1999 23:48:31 -0800
From:      Nocturne <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Hello
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <> <> <>

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admin wrote:
> But i believe 'Bob' has praised me once again by showing me the 'right'
> path and is bettering me by turning me on to freebsd and making me learn
> what i was getting away with with 'the other hosting company' so... Now
> i'm running FreeBSD on my own 'leased' box and learning 'the hard way',
> the joys i was missing.

We'd really hate to have you deprived of the joys we all share, day in,
day out, ceaselessly, over and over and over.... ;-)

> Currently I'm running FreeBSD 2.2.8, Bind8 and Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3 on a
> pentium 200mhz / 64mb-ram on a 10MB connection directly to an OC-3
> backbone limited only by a 100kbps (8kB/s) non-burstable service level
> something or other.. what ever that means.

It means your upstream's got a hard limiter on your bandwidth. :-)

Really clarified it, didn't I?

> I've setup some toys to play with that i hope to use to my advantage and
> am looking for skilled people who are willing to put up with my
> needyness to idle with and play. If you'd like to stop in and carve a
> home; we'd love to have the company and may be even learn something.

Always willing to help...

> IRCd : - is our own small net and we're looking for

...and I'd be eager to, if I knew which port to connect to.  I'm not
going to scan you because the last time I did that it really upset my

"Ooo, ooo, can I be an Op, pullleeeaaaaassssseeee???" hehehe

P.S.  You might want to send this to -chat as well...

--                                    ICQ: 29880099                          PGP DH/DSS key available
If you're gonna build a house of cards, use the plastic coated kind
  Cuz I'll bet the homeowner's insurance won't cover flood damage

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