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Date:      Mon, 11 Sep 2000 10:07:59 -0400
From:      "Andresen,Jason R." <>
To:        Chip <>
Cc:        "" <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Making thumbnail images
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <>

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Chip wrote:
> I am interested in a program that will take a large number (over
> 600) of jpg images and create thumbnails of them. I have tried
> something called qp and it doesn't seem to do squat. I also
> looked
> at webmagick but it appears to have a huge learning curve and I
> just don't have time for that. Any other suggestions?

Well, I've got this old perl script that I whipped up ages ago.  You'll
need netpbm and jpeg installed.  The command like options you most
likely want are: ./genindex -s index -f jpg [-i] 
You will need to edit a couple of paths near the top of the script if
you want to use the -i option, just point them to the included html
files (and modify those if you want. :)
The -i generates HTML index pages with clickable imagemaps.  Be warned,
the netpbm code still has a bug that occasionally munges the colors on
the generated index page.  Caveat empretor.

   _  _    _  ___  ____  ___   ______________________________________
  / \/ \  | ||_ _||  _ \|___| | Jason Andresen --
 / /\/\ \ | | | | | |/ /|_|_  | Views expressed may not reflect those 
/_/    \_\|_| |_| |_|\_\|___| | of the Mitre Corporation.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1;
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# genindex -- Generate indexes from JPEGs, GIFs, and PNGs using =

# minimal disk space

# Thanks to Jef Poskanzer for the original pnmindex, which gave me the
# idea for this script.  =

# Copyright (C) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
# Copyright (C) 1997 Jason Andresen

# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provid=
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that=

# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.

# Revision History:
# 1.0:	Inital release, complete rewrite of Jef Poskanzer's pnmindex utili=
# 1.1:	Added -o support.
# 1.2:  Added support for different file output types (gif, jpeg).
# 1.2.5:  Checked extension of -o file to determine what type of compress=
#			to use on the output file.
# 1.3:  Added support for splitting output files.
# 1.3.5: Added help screen
# 2.0: Added the Client-Side imagemap generation option.
# 2.1.1: Fixed bug with >2 indexes.
# 2.1: Added the -r option to force remaking of directories.
# 2.2: Added the -d option to show progress dots.
# 2.3: Added the -p option to show percentage progress.

# Libraries
use Cwd;
use English;
use IO::Handle;

# Set for autoflush

# Signal trapper handler
sub sighand
	system "rm -f $tempdir/$$.image.temp*";
	system "rm -f $tempdir/$$.index.temp*";
	exit (0);

# Trap all apropriate signals and clean up before quitting

# Some user defined constants
# These are the base web pages that are modified to create the imagemaps
# you don't need to bother with these if you are not making client-side =

# imagemaps (-i option).  =

# These files replace strings embeded in the HTML file to create the =

# web pages.  These are the strings:
# *DIRECTORY		Replaced with the imagemaps CWD
# *SHORTDIR		Replaced with the imagemaps Directory name
# *MAPDEF		Replaced with the imagemap Definition
# *IMAP			Replaced with the invocation of the Imagemap
# *FILELIST		Replaced with the list of imagemaps (for multiple
# 			indexes)
# The strings must be alone on the line:
# Correct
# -------
# <TITLE> Directory of =

# </TITLE>
# Incorrect
# ---------
# <TITLE> Directory of *DIRECTORY </TITLE>
# See included examples for more information.

$mappage =3D "/home/jandrese/bin/imap.html";
$multipage =3D "/home/jandrese/bin/mmap.html";
$mainout =3D "index.html";
$imapprefix =3D "subindex";

# Initalize the variables
$size=3D100;			# Scale each image to approx $size x $size
$across=3D8;			# Number of images across.
$colors=3D256;			# Maximum number of colors to use.
$back=3D"-white";			# The default background color.
$tempdir=3D"/tmp";		# Your temporary directoy.
$outfile=3D"STDOUT";		# This is the output file.
$outformat=3D"pnm";		# This is the format of the output.
$jpegquality=3D75;		# The quality of the jpeg output. =

				#	( 0 <=3D N <=3D 100 )
$splitprefix=3D"";		# The prefix of the splitted files.
$splitnum=3D6;			# The number of rows per split index.
$testmode=3D"FALSE";		# Test the index instead of actually creating it
$verbose=3D"FALSE";		# Verbose mode.
$dir=3Dcwd();			# Get the current working directory.
$printhelp=3D"FALSE";		# Display the help message and quit.
$genIMAP=3D"FALSE";		# Create a client side imagemap.
$forceremake=3D"FALSE";		# Force the index to be remade, weather it
				# needs it or not.
$showdots=3D"TRUE";		# Show percentage dots
$termwidth=3D80;			# Width of the terminal in characters
$showperc=3D"FALSE";		# Show progress as a percentage

# Process all of the command line arguments
while ( $arg =3D shift )
		if ( $arg eq "-black" ) { $back=3D"-black"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-white" ) { $back=3D"-white"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-size" ) { $size =3D shift; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-across" ) { $across =3D shift; last SWITCH; }
		if ( $arg eq "-colors" ) { $colors =3D shift; last SWITCH; }
		if ( $arg eq "-depth" ) { $colors =3D 2**shift; last SWITCH; }
		if ( $arg eq "-o" ) { $outfile =3D shift; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-f" ) { $outformat =3D shift; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-s" ) { $splitprefix =3D shift; last SWITCH;}
		if ( $arg eq "-sn" ) { $splitnum =3D shift; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-t" ) { $testmode =3D "TRUE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-v" ) { $verbose =3D "TRUE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-h" ) { $printhelp =3D "TRUE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-i" ) { $genIMAP =3D "TRUE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-r" ) { $forceremake =3D "TRUE"; last SWITCH; }
		if ( $arg eq "-d" ) { $showdots =3D "TRUE"; =

				      $showperc =3D "FALSE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "+d" ) { $showdots =3D "FALSE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "-p" ) { $showperc =3D "TRUE"; =

				      $showdots =3D "FALSE"; last SWITCH;	}
		if ( $arg eq "+p" ) { $showperc =3D "FALSE"; last SWITCH;	}
		print STDERR "Sorry, I don't understand $arg.\n";

# Help screen
if ( $printhelp eq "TRUE" )
	print "$0: Generate indexes.\n";
	print "\n";
	print "This script generates an index image (thumbnails with names)\n";
	print "in the directory it is executed in.  Several options are\n";
	print "recognised, including:\n";
	print "\t-black: black background\n";
	print "\t-white: white background\n";
	print "\t-size: size of thumbnail, default: $size\n";
	print "\t-across: number of thumbnails in a row, default: $across\n";
	print "\t-colors: number of colors to quanitize to, default: $colors\n";=

	print "\t-depth: final image depth (duplicates colors, as 2**depth)\n";
	print "\t-o: outfile, filename for single output (example: index.gif)\n"=
	print "\t-f: outformat, format for index (gif, jpg, pnm)\n";
	print "\t-s: Split prefix, prefix to append to split files (ex: index)\n=
	print "\t-sn: Number of rows in a split index, default: $splitnum\n";
	print "\t-t: Testmode, only print out what would be done.\n";
	print "\t-v: Verbose, tell the user way more than they need to know.\n";=

	print "\t-h: But you've found this feature already ;)\n";
	print "\t-i: Generate a client side imagemap HTML file for index\n";
	print "\t-r: Remake the index, even if it does not need it\n";
	print "\t-d: Show progress dots (do not use with -v)\n";
	print "\t-p: Show progress meter as a percentage\n";

# Set up some temporary variables
$pict =3D 0;
$splitpict =3D 0;
$dotpos =3D 0;

# Check to see if the index needs to be remade or not
if ($verbose eq "TRUE" )
	print STDERR "Checking to see if the index for $dir needs to be updated.=

if ( -e ".index.txt" )
	system ("ls > .$$");
	$diffout =3D `diff .index.txt .$$`;
	if ($diffout eq "")
        	if ($verbose eq "TRUE" || $testmode eq "TRUE" )
			print STDERR "$dir is up to date\n";
		if ( $forceremake eq "FALSE" )
			# Do not exit if we are going to force the index to
			# be remade, but exit if we aren't and the directory
			# has not changed.
			exit 0;		# The index is up to date
	}			=

		if ($testmode eq "TRUE")
			die "$dir needs to be updated.\n";

if ($testmode eq "TRUE")
	die "$dir needs to be updated.\n";

if ($verbose eq "TRUE" )
	print STDERR "Determining output format.\n";

# Figure out what type of file the user wants as output
$tpos =3D -1;
$pos =3D $tpos;
while (( $tpos =3D index($outfile, ".", $tpos)) > -1 )
{   $pos =3D ++$tpos; }
$extn =3D substr($outfile, $pos);

# Set up the output format filters for the output you select
if ( $outformat eq "gif" || $extn eq "gif" )
{       =

	$outfilter=3D" | ppmtogif -quiet "; =

elsif ( $outformat eq "jpeg" || $outformat eq "jpg"
                || $extn eq "jpg" || $extn  eq "jpeg" )
{       =

	$outfilter=3D" | cjpeg -optimize -quality $jpegquality "; =

{       =


if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
	print STDERR "File: $outfile, Format: $outformat, Extension: $extn.\n";

# This is a hack that removes the old index first (only if it is named th=
e =

# same as the index you are creating.  This is to prevent the inclusion o=
f =

# old indexes in the new index.
if ($splitprefix ne "")
	system("rm -f $splitprefix*$extn");
if ($outfile ne "STDOUT")
	system("rm -f $outfile");

# Get all of the known images from the current directory
@images=3Dsort glob("*.{gif,jpg,png}");

# Display the dot header, if we have one
if ( $showdots eq "TRUE" )
	print "Index for $dir\n";
	print "0      10      20      30      40      50      60      70      80=
      90    100\n";

if ( $showperc eq "TRUE" )
	print "Index for $dir\n";
	print "00%";

# HTML generation Initalization area
if ( $genIMAP eq "TRUE" )
	@rowwidths =3D $_;	# The width of each row		 =

	@rowheights =3D $_;	# The height of each row
	@xsize =3D $_;		# The x dimention of each thumbnail
	$currrow =3D 0;		# The current row number (starting at 0)

if ($verbose eq "TRUE" )
	print STDERR "Generating index now...\n";

# Generate the index
while ($pict < $numImages)
	# Create a row.
	for ($lcv =3D 0; $lcv < $across && $pict < $numImages; $lcv++)
		$type =3D `file -L $images[$pict]`;
			if ($type =3D~ /GIF/ )
				system "giftopnm -quiet $images[$pict] | pnmscale -xysize $size $size=
 -quiet | ppmquant -quiet $colors > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv";
				last SWITCH;
			if ($type =3D~ /JPEG/ )
				system "djpeg -pnm -fast $images[$pict] | pnmscale -xysize $size $siz=
e -quiet | ppmquant -quiet $colors > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv";
				last SWITCH;
			if ($type =3D~ /PNG/ )
				system "pngtopnm $images[$pict] | pnmscale -xysize $size $size -quiet=
 | ppmquant -quiet $colors > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv";
				last SWITCH;
			system "ppmmake rgb:ff/ff/ff $size $size > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv=

		if ( -z "$tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv" )
			# File is corrupt or something, I'll make a
			# placeholder
			system "pbmtext \"Corrupt\" > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv";

		# Add the text to the bottom of the images
		if ( $back eq "-white" )
			system "pbmtext \"$images[$pict]\" | pnmcat $back -tb $tempdir/$$.inde=
x.temp.$lcv - > $tempdir/$$.image.temp.$lcv";
			system "pbmtext \"$images[$pict]\" | pnminvert | pnmcat $back -tb $tem=
pdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv - > $tempdir/$$.image.temp.$lcv";
		system "rm -f $tempdir/$$.index.temp.$lcv";
		$rownames[$lcv] =3D "$tempdir/$$.image.temp.$lcv ";

		if ($verbose eq "TRUE") =

			print STDERR "Picture $images[$pict] complete on position $lcv...\n";

		# Add the info to the HTML generation arrays if we're =

		# generating the client side imagemap
		if ( $genIMAP eq "TRUE" ) =

			open THUMBNAIL, "$tempdir/$$.image.temp.$lcv";
			$xtmp =3D <THUMBNAIL>;	# Skip the magic number
			$xtmp =3D <THUMBNAIL>;
			$xsize[$pict] =3D (split / /,$xtmp)[0];
			close THUMBNAIL;	=

			# Clean up some of the namespace
			undef $xtmp;

		# Update the counter of the screen, if it was requested
		if ( $showdots eq "TRUE" )
			$currdotpos =3D $pict / $numImages * $termwidth;
			for ( ; $dotpos < $currdotpos; $dotpos++)
				print ".";
		if ( $showperc eq "TRUE" )
                        $currdotpos =3D $pict / $numImages;
			printf "=08=08=08%02d%%", $currdotpos;
		}	=

	# Done creating the row.

	# Now join all of the pictures in the row together into a single row
	system "pnmcat $back -lr -jbottom @rownames > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.row=

	if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
		print STDERR "Joining that row.\n";

	# If we're generating an Client side imagemap, then get the info for
	# the current row
	if ( $genIMAP eq "TRUE" )
		open CURRROW, "$tempdir/$$.index.temp.row";
		$rtmp =3D <CURRROW>;    # Skip the magic number
		$rtmp =3D <CURRROW>;
		@rowsize =3D (split / /,$rtmp);
		$rowwidths[$currrow] =3D $rowsize[0];
		$rowheights[$currrow++] =3D $rowsize[1];
		close CURRROW;
		# Just a little tiding up...
		undef $rtmp;
		undef @rowsize;

	if (	$splitprefix ne "" && =

		(( $splitpict % $splitnum ) =3D=3D 0 ) =

		&& $splitpict > 0 =

		$outfile =3D "$splitprefix$currsplitnum";
		if ($outformat eq "gif")
			$outfile =3D "$outfile.gif";
		elsif ( $outformat eq "jpeg")
			$outfile =3D "$outfile.jpg";
			$outfile =3D "$outfile.pnm";
	system "cat $tempdir/$$.index.temp | ppmquant -quiet $colors $outfilter =
> $outfile";

	# Finally, append that row to the index file (creating a new one if it
	# doesn't exist)
	if ( $makenew =3D=3D 1 ) =

		$makenew =3D 0;
		system "mv $tempdir/$$.index.temp.row $tempdir/$$.index.temp";
		system "pnmcat $back -tb $tempdir/$$.index.temp $tempdir/$$.index.temp.=
row > $tempdir/$$.index.temp.2";
		system "mv $tempdir/$$.index.temp.2 $tempdir/$$.index.temp";

if ($verbose eq "TRUE" )
	print STDERR "Compressing imagemap...\n";

if ($splitprefix ne "")
	if ( $currsplitnum =3D=3D 0 )
		$outfile =3D $splitprefix ;
		$outfile =3D "$splitprefix$currsplitnum";
	if ( $outformat eq "gif" )
		$outfile =3D "$outfile.gif";
	elsif ( $outformat eq "jpeg")
		$outfile =3D "$outfile.jpg";
		$outfile =3D "$outfile.pnm";
	system "cat $tempdir/$$.index.temp | ppmquant -quiet $colors $outfilter =
>  $outfile";
elsif ( $outfile eq "STDOUT" )
	{	$redir=3D"";	}
	{	$redir=3D" > $outfile";	}

if ( $splitprefix eq "")
	system "cat $tempdir/$$.index.temp | ppmquant -quiet $colors $outfilter =

system "rm -f $tempdir/$$.image.temp*";
system "rm -f $tempdir/$$.index.temp*";

# Generate the HTML for a client side image map if the option -i was set
# Client side imagemaps work like this:
# In the head (or anywhere in the HTML), there is an imagemap definition.=

# The format looks like so:
# First a header with the image map's name
# <map name=3D"Whatever you want">
# Then the area definitions, these are the regions that the user is suppo=
# to click on:
# <area shape=3D"rect" alt=3D"filename" coords"x,y,width,height" href=3D"=
# finally, you include a default region, that does nothing for areas outs=
# of the picture
# <area shape=3D"default" nohref>
# And at the end, the standard closing tag
# </map>
# Now to use the imagemap, simply put a tag in your HTML like so:
# <IMG SRC=3D"index.gif" usemap=3D"Whatever you want">
if ( $genIMAP eq "TRUE" )
	$numrows =3D @rowwidths;
	# First we have to determine if we have multiple indexes
	if ( $splitprefix ne "" && $currsplitnum > 0 )
		# There are multple indexes.  This is tricky, now we have
		# to create a top level index of indexes and let the user
		# choose which index to look at. =

		processHTML($multipage, $mainout, 0, $numrows, =

				@rowwidths, @rowheights);
		for ( $lcv =3D 0; $lcv <=3D $currsplitnum; $lcv++)
			processHTML($mappage, "$imapprefix$lcv.html", $lcv,
				$numrows, @rowwidths, @rowheights);
		# There is only one index to catagorize, do not make the
		# chooser page.  =

		processHTML($mappage, $mainout, 0, $numrows, @rowwidths,

system("ls > .index.txt");

if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
	print STDERR "Done.\n";

if ( $showdots eq "TRUE" )
	print "\n";

if ( $showperc eq "TRUE" )
	print "=08=08=08100%\n";

exit 0;

# This is the HTML generation subroutine.  It does the actual work of
# generating the imagemaps through processing the template files.  Be car=
# this subroutine cannot tell the difference between index files and
# multi-index files, so no error checking can be preformed.  (This may
# actually be a feature :)
# The indexnum is not required if you are generating the multi-index.

sub processHTML ( $$$$@@ )
	$template =3D shift;
	$htmloutfile =3D shift;
	$indexnum =3D shift;
	$numrows =3D shift;
	my $shortdir =3D $dir;
	$shortdir =3D~ s#.*?/([^/]*)$#$1#;
	for ( $foolcv =3D 0; $foolcv < $numrows; $foolcv++)
	{	$rowwidths[$foolcv] =3D shift; }
	for ( $foolcv =3D 0; $foolcv < $numrows; $foolcv++)
	{	$rowheights[$foolcv] =3D shift; }

	if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
		print STDERR "Processing HTML file $template into $htmloutfile.\n"

	open TEMPLATE, $template or die "I cannot open $template, please set tha=
t constant.\n";
	open OUTFILE, ">$htmloutfile" or die "I cannot open $htmloutfile, check =
the permissions.\n";
	while ( $html =3D <TEMPLATE> )
		# Current working directory
		if ( $html =3D~ /\*DIRECTORY/ )
			if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
				print STDERR "Processing *DIRECTORY.\n";
			print OUTFILE $dir;

		if ( $html =3D~ /\*SHORTDIR/ )
			if ($verbose eq "TRUE" )
				print STDERR "Processing *SHORTDIR.\n";
			print OUTFILE $shortdir;

		# List of the multiple indexes (do not use for single
		# indexes!)
		if ( $html =3D~ /\*FILELIST/ )
			if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
				print STDERR "Processing *FILELIST.\n";
			for ( $foobar =3D 0; $foobar <=3D $currsplitnum; $foobar++)
				print OUTFILE "<A HREF=3D\"subindex$foobar.html\">Volume $foobar</A><=

		# Imagemap on the HTML, not the definition
		if ( $html =3D~ /\*IMAP/ )
			if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
				print STDERR "Processing *IMAP.\n";
			if ( $splitprefix ne "" && $currsplitnum > 0 )
				# Multiple indexes
				$outfile =3D "$splitprefix$indexnum";
				if ( $outformat eq "gif" )
					$outfile =3D "$outfile.gif";
				elsif ( $outformat eq "jpeg")
					$outfile =3D "$outfile.jpg";
					$outfile =3D "$outfile.pnm";
				print OUTFILE "<IMG SRC=3D\"$outfile\" ALT=3D\"Index of $dir\" usemap=
				# Single index
				print OUTFILE "<IMG SRC=3D\"$outfile\" ALT=3D\"Index of $dir\" usemap=

		# Imagemap definition
		if ( $html =3D~ /\*MAPDEF/ )
			if ($verbose eq "TRUE")
				print STDERR "Processing *MAPDEF.\n";
			# Variables: @rowwidths =3D Width of each row
			#            @rowheights =3D Height of each row
			#            @xsize =3D xdimention of each thumbnail
			$indexwidth =3D 0;
			# Calculate the width of the index
			for ( $htmlrow =3D ($indexnum * $splitnum );
			     	($htmlrow < $numrows) &&
				($htmlrow < ( $indexnum * $splitnum +
						$splitnum )); =

			{  =

				if ($rowwidths[$htmlrow] > $indexwidth)
					$indexwidth =3D $rowwidths[$htmlrow];

			# Generate the HTML entries
			$currimage =3D $indexnum * $splitnum * $across;
			$img_y =3D 0;
			$img_h =3D $rowheights[($currimage/$across)];
			if ( $splitprefix eq "" )
				# reconfigure for one big index
				$indexnum =3D 0;
				$splitnum =3D 32767;   # Maxint for bitty boxes

			# header
			print OUTFILE "<MAP NAME=3D\"index\">\n";

			for (  ;  =

				$currimage < $numImages &&
				$currimage < (( $indexnum + 1 ) * =

					$splitnum * $across );
				if ( ($currimage % $across) =3D=3D 0 )
					$rowwid =3D$rowwidths[$currimage/$across];
					$iwid =3D $indexwidth;
					$row_x =3D $iwid - $rowwid;
					$row_x /=3D 2; # PNMmerge centers
					if ($currimage !=3D $indexnum *
						$splitnum * $across)
						$img_y +=3D $rowheights[($currimage/$across) - 1 ];
						$img_h =3D $img_y + $rowheights[($currimage/$across)];
				$img_x =3D $row_x;
				$row_x +=3D $xsize[$currimage];
				$img_w =3D $row_x;
				print OUTFILE "<AREA SHAPE=3D\"rect\" ALT=3D\"$images[$currimage]\" C=
OORDS=3D\"$img_x,$img_y,$img_w,$img_h\" HREF=3D\"$images[$currimage]\">\n=
			print OUTFILE "<AREA SHAPE=3D\"default\" nohref>\n";
			print OUTFILE "</MAP>\n";

		# Not a special line, just spit it out again.
		print OUTFILE $html;

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

Directory of


<FONT SIZE="+3">Directory of 

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

Directory of 

Directory of 
This directory is too big for a single index.  The index has been split among
several different files.  Please choose one now.


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