From owner-freebsd-security  Thu Nov 15  3:35:50 2001
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Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:35:19 +0300
From: Dmitry Mottl <>
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To: Anthony Atkielski <>
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Subject: Re: Apache question
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Anthony Atkielski wrote:

> What exactly do you mean when you say that virtual hosts must have "no access to
> each other"?
User A can write a cgi script which can read user B files,

cause a cgi will run under wwwguest, and user B files must readable by wwwguest
So, I don't want A to read B's files.

A and B are users that have RW access to their virtual hosts (through ftp)

wwwguest is a httpd sandbox.

best regards,
Dmitry Mottl

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