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Date:      Wed, 20 May 1998 13:20:16 -0700
From:      "Jordan K. Hubbard" <>
To:        "Frank Pawlak" <>
Cc:        Amancio Hasty <>, Gary Kline <>, (Atipa), freebsd-chat@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 20 May 1998 20:05:08 -0000." <> 

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> This is your lament.  You speak with mixed voices.  First you favor to fight
> your own battles, as do I.  Then you say you don't care whether M$ has you on
> the hit list.  I have seen numerous post where you expressed the joy and

I see absolutely nothing "mixed" about that at all and can't even
imagine a position where they would be perceived as such.

> where free software is used, but don't try to convince me that a person with
> your passion being involved with the FreeBSD project won't feel a big loss if
> M$ or anyone else sould crush the project.  That my friend is impingment on y

Ummm..  How can I explain this.  It's sort of like that old saw about
how a person has the right to his own (conflicting) opinions and any
right-thinking person will fight for that person's ability to _have_
an opinion conflicting with his own.  If Microsoft stomps us flat and
the market "allows" this to happen by not embracing our technology
instead then what's the reward for me in trying to lead a foolish and
undeserving market away from the consequences of its own folly?  None.
That's only a recipe for heartache and I'll be much more inclined to
return my attention to the much-neglected (for me) subject of
Oceanography before I'll waste my time and energies in such fruitless

Fortunately, the market is neither so foolish nor undeserving as that
at present, so that scenario isn't something I have to contend with.
With any luck, we'll also manage to continue to reach a sigificant
percentage of the market with our message and perhaps Microsoft will
help us here and there by stepping on its dick and yielding us the
occasional tactical advantage - who knows how it will go?

Either way, it's really the _market_ that will and should decide this
and if it it's savvy enough to adopt our solutions when they're the
best available then cool - we're in!  If not, well, we'll be redundant
anyway and I can always go back to studying fish.

- Jordan

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