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Date:      Sat, 8 Sep 2018 10:02:23 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Tijl Coosemans <>
Subject:   svn commit: r479243 - in head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base: . files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: tijl
Date: Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018
New Revision: 479243

  Add some upstream patches for regressions in 9.24.
  For ICC profile validation, have cups id iteself as DeviceN.
  patch-020-c8c01f8, patch-030-1341854
  Add the ICCProfilesDir to the PermitReading list.
  Fix ps2epsi /undefined in --setpagedevice--.
  PR:		231148

  head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-010-bc3df07   (contents, props changed)
  head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-020-c8c01f8   (contents, props changed)
  head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-030-1341854   (contents, props changed)
  head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-040-9528102   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/Makefile
--- head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/Makefile	Sat Sep  8 09:54:56 2018	(r479242)
+++ head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/Makefile	Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018	(r479243)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	ghostscript
 PKGNAMESUFFIX=	9-agpl-base

Added: head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-010-bc3df07
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-010-bc3df07	Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018	(r479243)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From: Chris Liddell <>
+Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 16:01:08 +0000 (+0100)
+Subject: For ICC profile validation, have cups id iteself as DeviceN
+For ICC profile validation, have cups id iteself as DeviceN
+Give the range of color spaces and models that cups supports, we can't
+reasonably provide (or expect others to provide) output ICC profiles for all
+For the purpose of profile validation, have it claim to be DeviceN and benefit
+from the extra tolerance in profiles allowed for that class of device.
+diff --git a/cups/gdevcups.c b/cups/gdevcups.c
+index c1574f8..decd8eb 100644
+--- cups/gdevcups.c
++++ cups/gdevcups.c
+@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
+ #include "std.h"                /* to stop stdlib.h redefining types */
+ #include "gdevprn.h"
+ #include "gsparam.h"
++#include "gxdevsop.h"
+ #include "arch.h"
+ #include "gsicc_manage.h"
+@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ private int cups_put_params(gx_device *, gs_param_list *);
+ private int cups_set_color_info(gx_device *);
+ private dev_proc_sync_output(cups_sync_output);
+ private prn_dev_proc_get_space_params(cups_get_space_params);
++private int cups_spec_op(gx_device *dev_, int op, void *data, int datasize);
+ #ifdef dev_t_proc_encode_color
+ private cm_map_proc_gray(cups_map_gray);
+@@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ private gx_device_procs	cups_procs =
+    NULL,				/* push_transparency_state */
+    NULL,				/* pop_transparency_state */
+    NULL,                                /* put_image */
++   cups_spec_op
+ };
+ #define prn_device_body_copies(dtype, procs, dname, w10, h10, xdpi, ydpi, lo, to, lm, bm, rm, tm, ncomp, depth, mg, mc, dg, dc, print_pages)\
+@@ -5927,6 +5929,17 @@ cups_print_planar(gx_device_printer *pdev,
+   return (0);
+ }
++private int
++cups_spec_op(gx_device *dev_, int op, void *data, int datasize)
++    /* Although not strictly DeviceN, the range of color models
++       this device supports presets similar issues.
++     */
++    if (op == gxdso_supports_devn) {
++        return true;
++    }
++    return gx_default_dev_spec_op(dev_, op, data, datasize);
+ /*
+  */
+diff --git a/devices/devs.mak b/devices/devs.mak
+index c85604c..e8654e5 100644
+--- devices/devs.mak
++++ devices/devs.mak
+@@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ $(DD) : $(lcups_dev) $(lcupsi_dev) $(cups_) $(GDEV) \
+ 	$(ADDMOD) $(DD)pwgraster -include $(lcups_dev)
+ 	$(ADDMOD) $(DD)pwgraster -include $(lcupsi_dev)
+-$(DEVOBJ)gdevcups.$(OBJ) : $(LCUPSSRCDIR)$(D)gdevcups.c $(std_h) $(DEVS_MAK) $(MAKEDIRS)
++$(DEVOBJ)gdevcups.$(OBJ) : $(LCUPSSRCDIR)$(D)gdevcups.c $(std_h) $(gxdevsop_h) $(DEVS_MAK) $(MAKEDIRS)
+ 	$(CUPS_CC) $(DEVO_)gdevcups.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(CFLAGS) $(CUPSCFLAGS) \
+ 	    $(I_)$(GLSRC) \
+ 	    $(I_)$(DEVSRC) \

Added: head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-020-c8c01f8
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-020-c8c01f8	Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018	(r479243)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From c8c01f8c4164bc10281d9e8f87cf96314d93104b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Liddell <>
+Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 14:08:41 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug 699722: Add the ICCProfilesDir to the PermitReading list
+There was also an issue that the string being returned from the graphics
+library was null terminated, and Postscript strings are not (and Ghostscript
+strings are not necessarily). We leave the null termination in place, but
+reduce the length returned by 1.
+ Resource/Init/ | 1 +
+ base/gsicc_manage.c      | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/Resource/Init/ b/Resource/Init/
+index bc8b795..83918a9 100644
+--- Resource/Init/
++++ Resource/Init/
+@@ -2049,6 +2049,7 @@ readonly def
+           [ currentsystemparams /GenericResourceDir get] (*) .file_name_separator (*)
+             concatstrings concatstrings .generate_dir_list_templates
+         } if
++        currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir known {currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir get} if
+       ]
+       /PermitFileWriting [
+           currentuserparams /PermitFileWriting get aload pop
+diff --git a/base/gsicc_manage.c b/base/gsicc_manage.c
+index 69f05c4..ff685e7 100644
+--- base/gsicc_manage.c
++++ base/gsicc_manage.c
+@@ -2972,7 +2972,7 @@ gs_currenticcdirectory(const gs_gstate * pgs, gs_param_string * pval)
+         pval->persistent = true;
+     } else {
+         pval->data = (const byte *)(lib_ctx->profiledir);
+-        pval->size = lib_ctx->profiledir_len;
++        pval->size = lib_ctx->profiledir_len - 1;
+         pval->persistent = false;
+     }
+ }

Added: head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-030-1341854
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-030-1341854	Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018	(r479243)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+From 13418541a5ae19b15f51cbb87faf344902f5af98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Liddell <>
+Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 18:40:05 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug 699722 (2): add wildcards to the permissions paths.
+The temp and ICC profile paths need to finish with wildcards to work correctly.
+ Resource/Init/ | 10 +++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Resource/Init/ b/Resource/Init/
+index 83918a9..5ff9f63 100644
+--- Resource/Init/
++++ Resource/Init/
+@@ -2034,7 +2034,7 @@ readonly def
+     <<
+       /PermitFileReading [
+         currentuserparams /PermitFileReading get aload pop
+-        //tempfilepaths aload pop
++        [//tempfilepaths aload pop] (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+         /FONTPATH .systemvar (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+           % Library files :
+         /LIBPATH  .systemvar (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+@@ -2049,15 +2049,15 @@ readonly def
+           [ currentsystemparams /GenericResourceDir get] (*) .file_name_separator (*)
+             concatstrings concatstrings .generate_dir_list_templates
+         } if
+-        currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir known {currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir get} if
++        currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir known {[currentuserparams /ICCProfilesDir get] (*) .generate_dir_list_templates} if
+       ]
+       /PermitFileWriting [
+           currentuserparams /PermitFileWriting get aload pop
+-          //tempfilepaths aload pop
++          [//tempfilepaths aload pop] (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+       ]
+       /PermitFileControl [
+           currentuserparams /PermitFileControl get aload pop
+-          //tempfilepaths aload pop
++          [//tempfilepaths aload pop] (*) .generate_dir_list_templates
+       ]
+       /LockFilePermissions //true
+     >> setuserparams
+@@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@ SAFER { .setsafeglobal } if
+   /.setshapealpha            %
+   /.endtransparencygroup     %
+   /.setdotlength             %
+-  /.sort /.setdebug /.mementolistnewblocks /getenv
++  /.sort /.mementolistnewblocks /getenv
+   /.makeoperator /.setCPSImode              %, this won't work on cluster with -dSAFER

Added: head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-040-9528102
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/print/ghostscript9-agpl-base/files/patch-040-9528102	Sat Sep  8 10:02:22 2018	(r479243)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From 95281026d983bff8f72e431c7f620a0e8d07c2af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ken Sharp <>
+Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 09:47:19 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug 699744 "ps2epsi fails with Error: /undefined in
+ --setpagedevice--"
+Recent changes required to harden SAFER mode mean that it is no longer
+possible to run this script in SAFER mode, because it relies upon
+unsafe Ghostscript non-standard extension operators.
+Removing SAFER and DELAYSAFER, and the code to reset SAFER, allow the
+program to run as well as it ever did (ie badly). This program should
+now be considered unsafe, you should not use it on untrusted PostScript
+I think its likely we will deprecate and remove this program in future.
+ lib/ps2epsi     | 4 ++--
+ lib/ps2epsi.bat | 6 +++---
+ lib/ps2epsi.cmd | 4 ++--
+ lib/  | 1 -
+ 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/ps2epsi b/lib/ps2epsi
+index 5e1c173..d992180 100755
+--- lib/ps2epsi
++++ lib/ps2epsi
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ else
+ 	outfile=$2
+ fi
+-"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=/dev/null "${infile}" 2>${outfile}
++"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -P- -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=/dev/null "${infile}" 2>${outfile}
+ ls -l "${infile}" |
+ awk 'F==1	{
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ awk 'F==1	{
+ 		}
+ 	' F=1 - F=2 "${outfile}" >>"$tmpfile"
+-"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -r72 -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=/dev/null "$tmpfile" "$tmpfile" <"${infile}" 1>&2
++"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -r72 -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=/dev/null "$tmpfile" "$tmpfile" <"${infile}" 1>&2
+ rm -f "$tmpfile"
+ rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+diff --git a/lib/ps2epsi.bat b/lib/ps2epsi.bat
+index 3c40aef..f5e7b3e 100755
+--- lib/ps2epsi.bat
++++ lib/ps2epsi.bat
+@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ set outfile=%~2
+ rem First we need to determine the bounding box. below will pick
+ rem the result up from %outfile%
+-%GSC% -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=NUL %1 2> %2
++%GSC% -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -P- -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=NUL %1 2> %2
+ rem Ghostscript uses %outfile% to define the output file
+-%GSC% -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=NUL < %1
++%GSC% -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=NUL < %1
+ rem We bracket the actual file with a few commands to help encapsulation
+ echo %%%%Page: 1 1 >> %2
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ echo userdict /setpagedevice /pop load put >> %2
+ rem Append the original onto the preview header
+ rem uses the %infile% and %outfile% environment variables for the filenames
++%GSC% -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -P- -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=NUL
+ echo %%%%EndDocument >> %2
+diff --git a/lib/ps2epsi.cmd b/lib/ps2epsi.cmd
+index abbe8a8..9eafdbd 100755
+--- lib/ps2epsi.cmd
++++ lib/ps2epsi.cmd
+@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ set outfile=%2
+ rem First we need to determine the bounding box. below will pick
+ rem the result up from %outfile%
+-gsos2 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=NUL %infile% 2> %outfile%
++gsos2 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -P- -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=NUL %infile% 2> %outfile%
+ rem Ghostscript uses %outfile% to define the output file
+-gsos2 -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=NUL < %infile%
++gsos2 -q -dNOPAUSE -P- -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=NUL < %infile%
+ rem We bracket the actual file with a few commands to help encapsulation
+ echo %%%%Page: 1 1 >> %outfile%
+diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
+index 3cd970a..4bc5217 100644
+--- lib/
++++ lib/
+@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ ps2edict begin
+      userdict /showpage { ps2edict begin epsipage end } bind put
+      userdict /setfont { ps2edict begin epsisetfont end } bind put
+      userdict /setpagedevice /pop load put
+-     //systemdict /.setsafe known { .setsafe } if
+    } bind def
+  /epsifontdict 100 dict def

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