From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun Feb  2 09:17:27 1997
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To: Ian Wynne <>
Subject: Re: ppp
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From: Jay Sachs <>
Date: 02 Feb 1997 12:20:28 -0500
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Can you ping a bare IP address? Try netstat -rn. If netstat -r is
hanging, it's probably on the reverse name lookup. Which makes me
think you haven't set up /etc/resolv.conf properly. Make sure you get
the IP addresses of your ISP's nameservers there.

Also, if you haven't already, disable routed in /etc/sysconfig. That's
important. And, to echo the other responses, do NOT ifconfig tun0 in
/etc/sysconfig (despite what the out-of-date and wrong handbook says).


Ian Wynne <> writes:

> Hello People:
> I'm setting up user land ppp on my FreeBSD 2.1.5R machine.
> The ppp connection works fine, when I dial my ISP the ppp dials up
> and logs in nicely, and the ppp changes to PPP ON> showing the ppp
> interface is up.
> The problem I'm having is a routing problem. I don't have a proper ip
> number for my machine, so I've given it the number in my 
> /etc/hosts file.
> The following is a copy of my ppp.conf file, I've called my isp "z",
> z:
>  set debug
>  set phone xxxxxxx
>  set redial 30 4
>  accept pap
>  set login "TIMEOUT 5 ogin:-\\r-ogin: myname word: passwd ts> ppp"
>  set timeout 0
>  set openmode active
>  set ifaddr 0 0
> The set ifaddr 0 0 allows my machine to have it's ip number allocated by 
> the isp machine. I've looked through the ppp.log file and that works
> perfectly also.
> I have the following line in my /etc/sysconfig file;
> ifconfig_tun0="inet  netmask 0xffffff00"
> The problem occurs after I have made a successful connection, I can't
> ping my isp's machine.
> If I type netstat -r, netstat just hangs, the routing information is 
> being clobbered somewhere. It's my guess that the routing information
> is being clobbered  by the dynamic ip number allocation, however I can't
> think of a way to stop it.
> I've asked my isp to allocate two ip numbers to me permanently, however
> just at the moment he doesn't have the facilities to do that.
> Can somebody please give me some suggestions about what to do, or about
> what I might be doing wrong.
> Best regards,
> Ian Wynne