Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 15:14:19 GMT From: Andreas Kohn <> To: Subject: ports/70176: [NEW PORT] graphics/devil - DevIL Image Library ( Message-ID: <> Resent-Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 70176 >Category: ports >Synopsis: [NEW PORT] graphics/devil - DevIL Image Library ( >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Sun Aug 08 15:20:21 GMT 2004 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Andreas Kohn >Release: FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT >Organization: N/A >Environment: FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #8: Sun Aug 8 10:00:14 CEST 2004 i386 >Description: New port of's DevIL Image Library. >How-To-Repeat: There is no port for DevIL yet :) >Fix: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # devil # devil/Makefile # devil/distinfo # devil/pkg-descr # devil/pkg-plist # echo c - devil mkdir -p devil > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - devil/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >devil/Makefile << 'END-of-devil/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: devil X# Date created: 8 August 2004 X# Whom: Andreas Kohn <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= devil XPORTVERSION= 1.6.7 XCATEGORIES= devel graphics XMASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} XMASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= openil XDISTNAME= DevIL-${PORTVERSION} X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= A full featured cross-platform image library X XLIB_DEPENDS= png.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/png \ X jpeg.9:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg \ X tiff.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/tiff \ X mng.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libmng \ X lcms.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/lcms X XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XINSTALLS_SHLIB= yes XUSE_LIBTOOL_VER=15 X X.include <> END-of-devil/Makefile echo x - devil/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >devil/distinfo << 'END-of-devil/distinfo' XMD5 (DevIL-1.6.7.tar.gz) = 0d0c3842196d85c4e24bedabcd84f626 XSIZE (DevIL-1.6.7.tar.gz) = 3013312 END-of-devil/distinfo echo x - devil/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >devil/pkg-descr << 'END-of-devil/pkg-descr' XDeveloper's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's library to develop Xapplications with very powerful image loading capabilities, yet is easy for a Xdeveloper to learn and use. Ultimate control of images is left to the Xdeveloper, so unnecessary conversions, etc. are not performed. DevIL utilizes Xa simple, yet powerful, syntax. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, Xfilter and display a wide variety of image formats. X XCurrently, DevIL can load and save many different image formats. X XDevIL currently supports the following APIs for display: XOpenGL, Windows GDI, SDL, DirectX and Allegro. XCompilers that can compile DevIL or use it include Djgpp, MSVC++, gcc, XDelphi, Visual Basic, Power Basic and Dev-C++. X XMany people may have known DevIL as OpenIL, but the name was changed due to XSGI's request. X XWWW: X END-of-devil/pkg-descr echo x - devil/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >devil/pkg-plist << 'END-of-devil/pkg-plist' Xlib/ Xlib/ Xlib/ Xlib/ Xlib/ Xlib/ Xinclude/IL/il.h Xinclude/IL/ilu.h Xinclude/IL/ilut.h Xinclude/IL/il_wrap.h Xinclude/IL/config.h Xinclude/IL/devil_internal_exports.h Xinclude/IL/ilu_region.h X@dirrm include/IL END-of-devil/pkg-plist exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted:
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