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Date:      Sat, 27 May 2017 11:14:26 -0600
From:      Alan Somers <>
To:        "" <>
Subject:   CFT: CI for GitHub on FreeBSD
Message-ID:  <>

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I found it mildly frustrating that there was no hosted CI service for
FreeBSD that worked with GitHub projects, so I made my own.  You can
see it in action here:

I'm using BuildBot running within an Iocage jail on a VPS.  I want to
automatically build pull requests as well as commits, so I have it
configured to create a new jail for every build.  That also allows me
to use a shared worker for multiple projects.  I think that this
system could probably scale up to a few dozen projects on the same
server.  Eventually, navigating the UI will probably be the

Awkwardly, I'm using Docker to manage the worker.  That's because both
BuildBot and GitLab have built-in support for Docker.  It probably
wouldn't be too hard to add Iocage support to BuildBot, but it would
be impossible to do that for GitLab's hosted service.  Unfortunately,
the FreeBSD port of Docker has a few bugs, and I'm not sure where to
report them.  The repo at looks
unmaintained.  Is anybody working on Docker for FreeBSD these days?

As an alternative to BuildBot, I tried out GitLab.  It's UI is
superior to BuildBot's, because each project get its own UI and yet
they can still share workers.  However, I ultimately decided not to
use GitLab because there's no free or cheap way to do automated OSX
builds for it, and many of the projects I'm interested in support OSX
as well.  They've become addicted to Travis CI's free OSX builds and
would be loath to give them up.

The service is pretty much ready for beta testing at this point, as
soon as I get a static IP and a DNS entry.  What I need are a few
small projects to test it out.  What I'd like to have would be a more
up-to-date Docker port.  Any takers?


* The IP is dynamic at this point, so the link may be dead if you're
reading this in the archives

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