From owner-freebsd-current Sun Aug 13 11:46:59 1995 Return-Path: current-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) id LAA25025 for current-outgoing; Sun, 13 Aug 1995 11:46:59 -0700 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) with SMTP id LAA24955 ; Sun, 13 Aug 1995 11:46:57 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: Host localhost didn't use HELO protocol To:, Subject: Change is SUP targets Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995 11:46:46 -0700 From: "Justin T. Gibbs" Sender: Precedence: bulk The recent addition of the stable branch has caused the FreeBSD team to restructure the collections of software made availible via SUP. The SUP targets currently used to access the src tree (both the stable and current branchs) will be replaced with a single collection offering two releases. As an example: OLD NEW --- --- bin release=current -> src-bin release=current stable-bin release=current -> src-bin release=stable As you can see above, instead of using the built in "release" feature of SUP, we had unnecessary collections that made SUP maintenance more difficult. The new scheme will allow greater flexibility in the future when a wider variety of releases may be made availible from the same sup collection. To aid in the transition from the old collections to the new, sample supfiles and an upgrade script have been made availible at the following locations: and soon, any of our many mirrors. The files of interest are src.supfile.stable, src.supfile.current, and upgrade.collections. __ Justin T. Gibbs =========================================== Software Developer - Walnut Creek CDROM FreeBSD: Turning PCs into workstations ===========================================