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Date:      Fri, 14 Jan 2022 04:38:55 GMT
From:      "Sergey A. Osokin" <>
Subject:   git: e3af330927c7 - main - nginx-devel/Makefile: update HTTPv3 patch to the recent commit
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by osa:


commit e3af330927c7378919dfa6072aaa30c9c842715c
Author:     Sergey A. Osokin <>
AuthorDate: 2022-01-14 04:30:33 +0000
Commit:     Sergey A. Osokin <>
CommitDate: 2022-01-14 04:30:33 +0000

    nginx-devel/Makefile: update HTTPv3 patch to the recent commit
    The extra-patch-httpv3 contains the README file now, previously a
    diff for that file was omitted.  To avoid a rejection for the README
    file the original file from nginx distribution is going to be preserved.
 www/nginx-devel/Makefile                 |    5 +-
 www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-httpv3 | 1113 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 704 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/nginx-devel/Makefile b/www/nginx-devel/Makefile
index f19f856f6603..8ef92331e4f2 100644
--- a/www/nginx-devel/Makefile
+++ b/www/nginx-devel/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PORTNAME?=	nginx
@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ post-extract-GRIDFS-on:
 	@${RMDIR} ${WRKSRC_gridfs}/mongo-c-driver/
 	@${MV} ${WRKSRC_mongo_c} ${WRKSRC_gridfs}/mongo-c-driver
 		s!%%PREFIX%%!${PREFIX}!; \
diff --git a/www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-httpv3 b/www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-httpv3
index dac679832645..492a7272a828 100644
--- a/www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-httpv3
+++ b/www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-httpv3
@@ -1,6 +1,272 @@
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/lib/openssl/conf
---- a/auto/lib/openssl/conf	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/lib/openssl/conf	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/README b/README
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/README
+@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
++Experimental QUIC support for nginx
++1. Introduction
++2. Installing
++3. Configuration
++4. Clients
++5. Troubleshooting
++6. Contributing
++7. Links
++1. Introduction
++    This is an experimental QUIC [1] / HTTP/3 [2] support for nginx.
++    The code is developed in a separate "quic" branch available
++    at  Currently it is based
++    on nginx mainline 1.21.x.  We merge new nginx releases into
++    this branch regularly.
++    The project code base is under the same BSD license as nginx.
++    The code is currently at a beta level of quality and should not
++    be used in production.
++    We are working on improving HTTP/3 support with the goal of
++    integrating it to the main NGINX codebase.  Expect frequent
++    updates of this code and don't rely on it for whatever purpose.
++    We'll be grateful for any feedback and code submissions however
++    we don't bear any responsibilities for any issues with this code.
++    You can always contact us via nginx-devel mailing list [3].
++    What works now:
++    Currently we support IETF-QUIC draft-29 through final RFC documents.
++    Earlier drafts are NOT supported as they have incompatible wire format.
++    nginx should be able to respond to HTTP/3 requests over QUIC and
++    it should be possible to upload and download big files without errors.
++    + The handshake completes successfully
++    + One endpoint can update keys and its peer responds correctly
++    + 0-RTT data is being received and acted on
++    + Connection is established using TLS Resume Ticket
++    + A handshake that includes a Retry packet completes successfully
++    + Stream data is being exchanged and ACK'ed
++    + An H3 transaction succeeded
++    + One or both endpoints insert entries into dynamic table and
++      subsequently reference them from header blocks
++    + Version Negotiation packet is sent to client with unknown version
++    + Lost packets are detected and retransmitted properly
++    + Clients may migrate to new address
++     Not (yet) supported features:
++    - Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) as specified in quic-recovery [5]
++    - A connection with the spin bit succeeds and the bit is spinning
++    - Structured Logging
++    Since the code is experimental and still under development,
++    a lot of things may not work as expected, for example:
++    - Flow control mechanism is basic and intended to avoid CPU hog and make
++      simple interactions possible
++    - Not all protocol requirements are strictly followed; some of checks are
++      omitted for the sake of simplicity of initial implementation
++2. Installing
++    You will need a BoringSSL [4] library that provides QUIC support
++    $ hg clone -b quic
++    $ cd nginx-quic
++    $ ./auto/configure --with-debug --with-http_v3_module         \
++                       --with-cc-opt="-I../boringssl/include"     \
++                       --with-ld-opt="-L../boringssl/build/ssl    \
++                                      -L../boringssl/build/crypto"
++    $ make
++    Alternatively, nginx can be configured with QuicTLS [9]
++    $ ./auto/configure --with-debug --with-http_v3_module         \
++                       --with-cc-opt="-I../quictls/build/include" \
++                       --with-ld-opt="-L../quictls/build/lib"
++    When configuring nginx, you can enable QUIC and HTTP/3 using the
++    following new configuration options:
++        --with-http_v3_module     - enable QUIC and HTTP/3
++        --with-stream_quic_module - enable QUIC in Stream
++3. Configuration
++    The HTTP "listen" directive got a new option "http3" which enables
++    HTTP/3 over QUIC on the specified port.
++    The Stream "listen" directive got a new option "quic" which enables
++    QUIC as client transport protocol instead of TCP or plain UDP.
++    Along with "http3" or "quic", you also have to specify "reuseport"
++    option [6] to make it work properly with multiple workers.
++    To enable address validation:
++        quic_retry on;
++    To enable 0-RTT:
++        ssl_early_data on;
++    Make sure that TLS 1.3 is configured which is required for QUIC:
++        ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
++    To enable GSO (Generic Segmentation Offloading):
++        quic_gso on;
++    To limit maximum packet size:
++        quic_mtu <size>;
++    To set host key for various tokens:
++        quic_host_key <filename>;
++    By default this Linux-specific optimization [8] is disabled.
++    Enable if your network interface is configured to support GSO.
++    A number of directives were added that configure HTTP/3:
++        http3_stream_buffer_size
++        http3_max_concurrent_pushes
++        http3_max_concurrent_streams
++        http3_push
++        http3_push_preload
++        http3_hq (requires NGX_HTTP_V3_HQ macro)
++    In http, an additional variable is available: $http3.
++    The value of $http3 is "h3" for HTTP/3 connections,
++    "hq" for hq connections, or an empty string otherwise.
++    In stream, an additional variable is available: $quic.
++    The value of $quic is "quic" if QUIC connection is used,
++    or an empty string otherwise.
++Example configuration:
++    http {
++        log_format quic '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
++                        '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
++                        '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http3"';
++        access_log logs/access.log quic;
++        server {
++            # for better compatibility it's recommended
++            # to use the same port for quic and https
++            listen 8443 http3 reuseport;
++            listen 8443 ssl;
++            ssl_certificate     certs/;
++            ssl_certificate_key certs/;
++            ssl_protocols       TLSv1.3;
++            location / {
++                # required for browsers to direct them into quic port
++                add_header Alt-Svc 'h3=":8443"; ma=86400';
++            }
++        }
++    }
++4. Clients
++    * Browsers
++        Known to work: Firefox 80+ and Chrome 85+ (QUIC draft 29+)
++        Beware of strange issues: sometimes browser may decide to ignore QUIC
++        Cache clearing/restart might help.  Always check access.log and
++        error.log to make sure you are using HTTP/3 and not TCP https.
++        + to enable QUIC in Firefox, set the following in 'about:config':
++          network.http.http3.enabled = true
++        + to enable QUIC in Chrome, enable it on command line and force it
++          on your site:
++        $ ./chrome --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-29 \
++    * Console clients
++        Known to work: ngtcp2, firefox's neqo and chromium's console clients:
++        $ examples/client 8443
++        $ ./neqo-client
++        $ chromium-build/out/my_build/quic_client \
++                  --quic_version=h3-29 \
++                  --allow_unknown_root_cert \
++                  --disable_certificate_verification
++   If you've got it right, in the access log you should see something like:
++ - - [24/Apr/2020:11:27:29 +0300] "GET / HTTP/3" 200 805 "-"
++                                         "nghttp3/ngtcp2 client" "quic"
++5. Troubleshooting
++    Here are some tips that may help you to identify problems:
++    + Ensure you are building with proper SSL library that supports QUIC
++    + Ensure you are using the proper SSL library in runtime
++      (`nginx -V` will show you what you are using)
++    + Ensure your client is actually sending QUIC requests
++      (see "Clients" section about browsers and cache)
++      We recommend to start with simple console client like ngtcp2
++      to ensure you've got server configured properly before trying
++      with real browsers that may be very picky with certificates,
++      for example.
++    + Build nginx with debug support [7] and check your debug log.
++      It should contain all details about connection and why it
++      failed. All related messages contain "quic " prefix and can
++      be easily filtered out.
++    + If you want to investigate deeper, you may want to enable
++      additional debugging in src/event/quic/ngx_event_quic_connection.h:
++        #define NGX_QUIC_DEBUG_PACKETS
++        #define NGX_QUIC_DEBUG_FRAMES
++        #define NGX_QUIC_DEBUG_ALLOC
++        #define NGX_QUIC_DEBUG_CRYPTO
++6. Contributing
++    If you are willing to contribute, please refer to
++7. Links
++    [1]
++    [2]
++    [3]
++    [4]
++    [5]
++    [6]
++    [7]
++    [8]
++    [9]
+diff --git a/auto/lib/openssl/conf b/auto/lib/openssl/conf
+--- a/auto/lib/openssl/conf
++++ b/auto/lib/openssl/conf
 @@ -5,12 +5,16 @@
  if [ $OPENSSL != NONE ]; then
@@ -21,7 +287,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/lib/openssl/conf
              CORE_INCS="$CORE_INCS $OPENSSL/openssl/include"
-@@ -33,9 +37,6 @@
+@@ -33,9 +37,6 @@ if [ $OPENSSL != NONE ]; then
@@ -31,7 +297,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/lib/openssl/conf
              CORE_INCS="$CORE_INCS $OPENSSL/.openssl/include"
              CORE_DEPS="$CORE_DEPS $OPENSSL/.openssl/include/openssl/ssl.h"
              CORE_LIBS="$CORE_LIBS $OPENSSL/.openssl/lib/libssl.a"
-@@ -139,4 +140,28 @@
+@@ -139,4 +140,28 @@ END
          exit 1
@@ -60,9 +326,9 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/lib/openssl/conf
 +        fi
 +    fi
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/make
---- a/auto/make	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/make	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/auto/make b/auto/make
+--- a/auto/make
++++ b/auto/make
 @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
  echo "creating $NGX_MAKEFILE"
@@ -76,10 +342,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/make
           $NGX_OBJS/src/mail \
           $NGX_OBJS/src/stream \
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
---- a/auto/modules	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/modules	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
+diff --git a/auto/modules b/auto/modules
+--- a/auto/modules
++++ b/auto/modules
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if [ $HTTP = YES ]; then
@@ -88,7 +354,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
-@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
+@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ if [ $HTTP = YES ]; then
      #     ngx_http_header_filter
      #     ngx_http_chunked_filter
      #     ngx_http_v2_filter
@@ -96,7 +362,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
      #     ngx_http_range_header_filter
      #     ngx_http_gzip_filter
      #     ngx_http_postpone_filter
-@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@
+@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ if [ $HTTP = YES ]; then
                        ngx_http_header_filter_module \
                        ngx_http_chunked_filter_module \
                        ngx_http_v2_filter_module \
@@ -104,7 +370,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
                        ngx_http_range_header_filter_module \
                        ngx_http_gzip_filter_module \
                        ngx_http_postpone_filter_module \
-@@ -217,6 +219,17 @@
+@@ -217,6 +219,17 @@ if [ $HTTP = YES ]; then
          . auto/module
@@ -122,7 +388,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
      if :; then
-@@ -426,6 +439,33 @@
+@@ -426,6 +439,33 @@ if [ $HTTP = YES ]; then
          . auto/module
@@ -156,7 +422,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
      if :; then
-@@ -1035,6 +1075,20 @@
+@@ -1035,6 +1075,20 @@ if [ $STREAM != NO ]; then
@@ -177,7 +443,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
      if [ $STREAM_SSL = YES ]; then
          have=NGX_STREAM_SSL . auto/have
-@@ -1272,6 +1326,60 @@
+@@ -1272,6 +1326,60 @@ if [ $USE_OPENSSL = YES ]; then
@@ -238,10 +504,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/modules
  if [ $USE_PCRE = YES ]; then
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
---- a/auto/options	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/options	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
+diff --git a/auto/options b/auto/options
+--- a/auto/options
++++ b/auto/options
+@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ USE_THREADS=NO
@@ -250,7 +516,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
-@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
+@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ HTTP_CHARSET=YES
@@ -258,7 +524,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
-@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@
+@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ MAIL_SMTP=YES
@@ -266,7 +532,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
-@@ -149,6 +153,7 @@
+@@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ PCRE_JIT=NO
@@ -274,7 +540,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
-@@ -166,6 +171,8 @@
+@@ -166,6 +171,8 @@ USE_GEOIP=NO
@@ -283,7 +549,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
-@@ -211,6 +218,8 @@
+@@ -211,6 +218,8 @@ do
          --with-file-aio)                 NGX_FILE_AIO=YES           ;;
@@ -292,7 +558,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
  $0: warning: the \"--with-ipv6\" option is deprecated"
-@@ -228,6 +237,7 @@
+@@ -228,6 +237,7 @@ do
          --with-http_ssl_module)          HTTP_SSL=YES               ;;
          --with-http_v2_module)           HTTP_V2=YES                ;;
@@ -300,7 +566,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
          --with-http_realip_module)       HTTP_REALIP=YES            ;;
          --with-http_addition_module)     HTTP_ADDITION=YES          ;;
          --with-http_xslt_module)         HTTP_XSLT=YES              ;;
-@@ -314,6 +324,7 @@
+@@ -314,6 +324,7 @@ use the \"--with-mail_ssl_module\" optio
          --with-stream)                   STREAM=YES                 ;;
          --with-stream=dynamic)           STREAM=DYNAMIC             ;;
          --with-stream_ssl_module)        STREAM_SSL=YES             ;;
@@ -308,7 +574,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
          --with-stream_realip_module)     STREAM_REALIP=YES          ;;
          --with-stream_geoip_module)      STREAM_GEOIP=YES           ;;
-@@ -443,8 +454,11 @@
+@@ -443,8 +454,11 @@ cat << END
    --with-file-aio                    enable file AIO support
@@ -320,7 +586,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
    --with-http_realip_module          enable ngx_http_realip_module
    --with-http_addition_module        enable ngx_http_addition_module
    --with-http_xslt_module            enable ngx_http_xslt_module
-@@ -533,6 +547,7 @@
+@@ -533,6 +547,7 @@ cat << END
    --with-stream                      enable TCP/UDP proxy module
    --with-stream=dynamic              enable dynamic TCP/UDP proxy module
    --with-stream_ssl_module           enable ngx_stream_ssl_module
@@ -328,10 +594,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/options
    --with-stream_realip_module        enable ngx_stream_realip_module
    --with-stream_geoip_module         enable ngx_stream_geoip_module
    --with-stream_geoip_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_stream_geoip_module
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/os/linux
---- a/auto/os/linux	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/os/linux	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -233,3 +233,63 @@
+diff --git a/auto/os/linux b/auto/os/linux
+--- a/auto/os/linux
++++ b/auto/os/linux
+@@ -233,3 +233,63 @@ ngx_include="sys/vfs.h";     . auto/incl
@@ -395,10 +661,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/os/linux
 +                  int val;
 +                  getsockopt(0, SOL_UDP, UDP_SEGMENT, &val, &optlen)"
 +. auto/feature
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/sources
---- a/auto/sources	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/auto/sources	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -83,13 +83,14 @@
+diff --git a/auto/sources b/auto/sources
+--- a/auto/sources
++++ b/auto/sources
+@@ -83,13 +83,14 @@ CORE_SRCS="src/core/nginx.c \
  EVENT_MODULES="ngx_events_module ngx_event_core_module"
@@ -415,10 +681,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 auto/sources
  EVENT_SRCS="src/event/ngx_event.c \
              src/event/ngx_event_timer.c \
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/nginx.c
---- a/src/core/nginx.c	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/core/nginx.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -680,6 +680,9 @@
+diff --git a/src/core/nginx.c b/src/core/nginx.c
+--- a/src/core/nginx.c
++++ b/src/core/nginx.c
+@@ -680,6 +680,9 @@ ngx_exec_new_binary(ngx_cycle_t *cycle, 
      ls = cycle->listening.elts;
      for (i = 0; i < cycle->listening.nelts; i++) {
@@ -428,9 +694,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/nginx.c
          p = ngx_sprintf(p, "%ud;", ls[i].fd);
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_bpf.c
---- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-+++ b/src/core/ngx_bpf.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/core/ngx_bpf.c b/src/core/ngx_bpf.c
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/core/ngx_bpf.c
 @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
@@ -575,9 +842,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_bpf.c
 +    return ngx_bpf(BPF_MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM, &attr, sizeof(attr));
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_bpf.h
---- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-+++ b/src/core/ngx_bpf.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/core/ngx_bpf.h b/src/core/ngx_bpf.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/core/ngx_bpf.h
 @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
@@ -622,10 +890,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_bpf.h
 +int ngx_bpf_map_lookup(int fd, const void *key, void *value);
 +#endif /* _NGX_BPF_H_INCLUDED_ */
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_connection.c
---- a/src/core/ngx_connection.c	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/core/ngx_connection.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -1037,6 +1037,12 @@
+diff --git a/src/core/ngx_connection.c b/src/core/ngx_connection.c
+--- a/src/core/ngx_connection.c
++++ b/src/core/ngx_connection.c
+@@ -1037,6 +1037,12 @@ ngx_close_listening_sockets(ngx_cycle_t 
      ls = cycle->listening.elts;
      for (i = 0; i < cycle->listening.nelts; i++) {
@@ -638,10 +906,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_connection.c
          c = ls[i].connection;
          if (c) {
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_connection.h
---- a/src/core/ngx_connection.h	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/core/ngx_connection.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
+diff --git a/src/core/ngx_connection.h b/src/core/ngx_connection.h
+--- a/src/core/ngx_connection.h
++++ b/src/core/ngx_connection.h
+@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ struct ngx_listening_s {
      unsigned            reuseport:1;
      unsigned            add_reuseport:1;
      unsigned            keepalive:2;
@@ -649,7 +917,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_connection.h
      unsigned            deferred_accept:1;
      unsigned            delete_deferred:1;
-@@ -147,6 +148,10 @@
+@@ -147,6 +148,10 @@ struct ngx_connection_s {
      ngx_proxy_protocol_t  *proxy_protocol;
@@ -660,10 +928,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_connection.h
      ngx_ssl_connection_t  *ssl;
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_core.h
---- a/src/core/ngx_core.h	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/core/ngx_core.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+diff --git a/src/core/ngx_core.h b/src/core/ngx_core.h
+--- a/src/core/ngx_core.h
++++ b/src/core/ngx_core.h
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ typedef struct ngx_connection_s      ngx
  typedef struct ngx_thread_task_s     ngx_thread_task_t;
  typedef struct ngx_ssl_s             ngx_ssl_t;
  typedef struct ngx_proxy_protocol_s  ngx_proxy_protocol_t;
@@ -671,7 +939,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_core.h
  typedef struct ngx_ssl_connection_s  ngx_ssl_connection_t;
  typedef struct ngx_udp_connection_s  ngx_udp_connection_t;
-@@ -82,6 +83,9 @@
+@@ -82,6 +83,9 @@ typedef void (*ngx_connection_handler_pt
  #include <ngx_resolver.h>
  #include <ngx_event_openssl.h>
@@ -681,7 +949,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_core.h
  #include <ngx_process_cycle.h>
  #include <ngx_conf_file.h>
-@@ -91,6 +95,9 @@
+@@ -91,6 +95,9 @@ typedef void (*ngx_connection_handler_pt
  #include <ngx_connection.h>
  #include <ngx_syslog.h>
  #include <ngx_proxy_protocol.h>
@@ -691,10 +959,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/core/ngx_core.h
  #define LF     (u_char) '\n'
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.c
---- a/src/event/ngx_event.c	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -266,6 +266,18 @@
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event.c b/src/event/ngx_event.c
+--- a/src/event/ngx_event.c
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event.c
+@@ -266,6 +266,18 @@ ngx_process_events_and_timers(ngx_cycle_
  ngx_handle_read_event(ngx_event_t *rev, ngx_uint_t flags)
@@ -713,7 +981,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.c
      if (ngx_event_flags & NGX_USE_CLEAR_EVENT) {
          /* kqueue, epoll */
-@@ -336,9 +348,15 @@
+@@ -336,9 +348,15 @@ ngx_handle_write_event(ngx_event_t *wev,
      ngx_connection_t  *c;
@@ -731,23 +999,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.c
          if (ngx_send_lowat(c, lowat) == NGX_ERROR) {
              return NGX_ERROR;
-@@ -917,6 +935,12 @@
- {
-     int  sndlowat;
-+#if (NGX_QUIC)
-+    if (c->quic) {
-+        return NGX_OK;
-+    }
-     if (ngx_event_flags & NGX_USE_KQUEUE_EVENT) {
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.h
---- a/src/event/ngx_event.h	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -493,12 +493,6 @@
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event.h b/src/event/ngx_event.h
+--- a/src/event/ngx_event.h
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event.h
+@@ -493,12 +493,6 @@ extern ngx_module_t           ngx_event_
  void ngx_event_accept(ngx_event_t *ev);
@@ -760,7 +1015,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.h
  ngx_int_t ngx_trylock_accept_mutex(ngx_cycle_t *cycle);
  ngx_int_t ngx_enable_accept_events(ngx_cycle_t *cycle);
  u_char *ngx_accept_log_error(ngx_log_t *log, u_char *buf, size_t len);
-@@ -528,6 +522,7 @@
+@@ -528,6 +522,7 @@ ngx_int_t ngx_send_lowat(ngx_connection_
  #include <ngx_event_timer.h>
  #include <ngx_event_posted.h>
@@ -768,10 +1023,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event.h
  #if (NGX_WIN32)
  #include <ngx_iocp_module.h>
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c
---- a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
-@@ -3146,6 +3146,13 @@
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c
+--- a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c
+@@ -3146,6 +3146,13 @@ ngx_ssl_shutdown(ngx_connection_t *c)
      ngx_err_t   err;
      ngx_uint_t  tries;
@@ -785,9 +1040,9 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_openssl.c
      rc = NGX_OK;
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h
---- a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h
+--- a/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h
 @@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
  #include <openssl/engine.h>
@@ -803,9 +1058,9 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_openssl.h
  #include <openssl/hmac.h>
  #include <openssl/ocsp.h>
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
---- a/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c	Tue Dec 28 18:28:38 2021 +0300
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
+--- a/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
 @@ -12,52 +12,37 @@
  #if !(NGX_WIN32)
@@ -868,7 +1123,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      if (ev->timedout) {
-@@ -92,25 +77,13 @@
+@@ -92,25 +77,13 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
          msg.msg_iov = iov;
          msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
@@ -899,7 +1154,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          n = recvmsg(lc->fd, &msg, 0);
-@@ -129,7 +102,7 @@
+@@ -129,7 +102,7 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
@@ -908,7 +1163,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          if (msg.msg_flags & (MSG_TRUNC|MSG_CTRUNC)) {
              ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, 0,
                            "recvmsg() truncated data");
-@@ -137,21 +110,21 @@
+@@ -137,21 +110,21 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
@@ -936,7 +1191,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
              ngx_memzero(&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
              sa.sockaddr.sa_family = ls->sockaddr->sa_family;
-@@ -159,7 +132,7 @@
+@@ -159,7 +132,7 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
          local_sockaddr = ls->sockaddr;
          local_socklen = ls->socklen;
@@ -945,7 +1200,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          if (ls->wildcard) {
              struct cmsghdr  *cmsg;
-@@ -171,66 +144,43 @@
+@@ -171,66 +144,43 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
                   cmsg != NULL;
                   cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg))
@@ -1042,7 +1297,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          if (c) {
-@@ -252,10 +202,14 @@
+@@ -252,10 +202,14 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
              buf.pos = buffer;
              buf.last = buffer + n;
@@ -1058,7 +1313,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
              rev->ready = 1;
              rev->active = 0;
-@@ -263,7 +217,7 @@
+@@ -263,7 +217,7 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
              if (c->udp) {
@@ -1067,7 +1322,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
              rev->ready = 0;
-@@ -286,7 +240,7 @@
+@@ -286,7 +240,7 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
          c->shared = 1;
          c->type = SOCK_DGRAM;
@@ -1076,7 +1331,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          (void) ngx_atomic_fetch_add(ngx_stat_active, 1);
-@@ -298,13 +252,21 @@
+@@ -298,13 +252,21 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
@@ -1100,7 +1355,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          log = ngx_palloc(c->pool, sizeof(ngx_log_t));
          if (log == NULL) {
-@@ -405,7 +367,7 @@
+@@ -405,7 +367,7 @@ ngx_event_recvmsg(ngx_event_t *ev)
@@ -1109,7 +1364,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
-@@ -448,17 +410,17 @@
+@@ -448,17 +410,17 @@ ngx_udp_shared_recv(ngx_connection_t *c,
      ssize_t     n;
      ngx_buf_t  *b;
@@ -1130,7 +1385,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      c->read->ready = 0;
      c->read->active = 1;
-@@ -494,8 +456,8 @@
+@@ -494,8 +456,8 @@ ngx_udp_rbtree_insert_value(ngx_rbtree_n
              udpt = (ngx_udp_connection_t *) temp;
              ct = udpt->connection;
@@ -1141,7 +1396,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
              if (rc == 0 && c->listening->wildcard) {
                  rc = ngx_cmp_sockaddr(c->local_sockaddr, c->local_socklen,
-@@ -521,12 +483,18 @@
+@@ -521,12 +483,18 @@ ngx_udp_rbtree_insert_value(ngx_rbtree_n
  static ngx_int_t
@@ -1162,7 +1417,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      if (c->udp) {
          return NGX_OK;
-@@ -536,19 +504,6 @@
+@@ -536,19 +504,6 @@ ngx_insert_udp_connection(ngx_connection
          return NGX_ERROR;
@@ -1182,7 +1437,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(c->pool, 0);
      if (cln == NULL) {
          return NGX_ERROR;
-@@ -557,7 +512,10 @@
+@@ -557,7 +512,10 @@ ngx_insert_udp_connection(ngx_connection
      cln->data = c;
      cln->handler = ngx_delete_udp_connection;
@@ -1194,7 +1449,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      c->udp = udp;
-@@ -566,6 +524,30 @@
+@@ -566,6 +524,30 @@ ngx_insert_udp_connection(ngx_connection
@@ -1225,7 +1480,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
  ngx_delete_udp_connection(void *data)
      ngx_connection_t  *c = data;
-@@ -581,8 +563,8 @@
+@@ -581,8 +563,8 @@ ngx_delete_udp_connection(void *data)
  static ngx_connection_t *
@@ -1236,7 +1491,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      uint32_t               hash;
      ngx_int_t              rc;
-@@ -590,27 +572,15 @@
+@@ -590,27 +572,15 @@ ngx_lookup_udp_connection(ngx_listening_
      ngx_rbtree_node_t     *node, *sentinel;
      ngx_udp_connection_t  *udp;
@@ -1267,7 +1522,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
      if (ls->wildcard) {
          ngx_crc32_update(&hash, (u_char *) local_sockaddr, local_socklen);
-@@ -636,8 +606,7 @@
+@@ -636,8 +606,7 @@ ngx_lookup_udp_connection(ngx_listening_
          c = udp->connection;
@@ -1277,7 +1532,7 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
          if (rc == 0 && ls->wildcard) {
              rc = ngx_cmp_sockaddr(local_sockaddr, local_socklen,
-@@ -645,6 +614,13 @@
+@@ -645,6 +614,13 @@ ngx_lookup_udp_connection(ngx_listening_
          if (rc == 0) {
@@ -1291,9 +1546,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.c
              return c;
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.h
---- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-+++ b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.h	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/event/ngx_event_udp.h b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.h
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/event/ngx_event_udp.h
 @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
@@ -1371,9 +1627,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/ngx_event_udp.h
 +#endif /* _NGX_EVENT_UDP_H_INCLUDED_ */
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/quic/bpf/
---- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-+++ b/src/event/quic/bpf/	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/event/quic/bpf/ b/src/event/quic/bpf/
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/event/quic/bpf/
 @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
@@ -1488,9 +1745,10 @@ diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/quic/bpf/
-diff -r 67408b4a12c0 src/event/quic/bpf/makefile
---- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
-+++ b/src/event/quic/bpf/makefile	Tue Jan 04 18:14:15 2022 -0500
+diff --git a/src/event/quic/bpf/makefile b/src/event/quic/bpf/makefile
+new file mode 100644
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/event/quic/bpf/makefile
*** 1412 LINES SKIPPED ***

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