From owner-freebsd-hackers  Thu Oct 31 13:33:12 1996
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From: Terry Lambert <>
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Subject: Re: SCO Filesystem
To: (Sexton Robert)
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 14:27:14 -0700 (MST)
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> It depends on which SCO filesystem you mean.  They support the older SysV 
> filesystem, with 1k and 2k blocks, but they introduced the Acer 
> Filesystem a few releases ago.  I think its a SysV filesystem with 
> enhancements to the block layout techniques, as well as support for long 
> filenames and symlinks.  As for as a I know, its proprietary.  I don't 
> recall ever seeing a technical description of the design in print.

I talked to the author of the "ACER Fast File System" at the 1989 SCO
Developers conference (I first met SEF at the 1988).

The Acer Fast file system is identical to the previous implementation,
except that it uses a bitmap for allocation to reduce the amount of
I/O required.  There are a couple of cosmetic changes on top of that,
but nothing as fundamental as the bitmap.

This is a pretty trivial (and obvious) change to make, especially if
you have a developement kit for an Acer FFS system release of an SCO
OS, since the header files include macros for allocation bitmap

> Things get worse, because they introduced two new filesystems in the new 
> release, the DTFS (Desktop filesystem), which includes compression, and 
> HTFS (High Throughput).  One of these includes journaling, I forget 
> which.  Once again, I'd be suprised if they weren't proprietary.

These are FS's which were advertised by a third party in Unix Review
and UNIX World as "add-ons".  The compressing FS is also pretty trivial;
it's not even true block compression.  The "High throuput" FS has a
lot of interesting optimizations, most of which are discoverable using
block profiling.  HTFS has a number of frightening race windows, which
journalling doesn't quite save it from.

When I was at Novell, we considered both of these for a source base
to use in implementing the NetWare eXtended File System (NXFS), an
attributed UNIX FS containing NetWare attributes, AppleTalk attributes,
and OS/2 extended attributes and Mac Resource forks.  We went with
FFS (UFS) in the end (I was principle engineer for the thing).

There is nothing "magical" about these implementations, except our VFS
interface is still pretty poorly suited to adding new FS's without a
lot of work to get around layering problems, a lot of code which has
to be duplicated per FS which belongs in upper layers, and a full
kernel recompile because the vfs_init still gets its side from the
UFS vnops and vfsops structures intead of from a sizeof() in vnode_if.c.

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.