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Date:      Sat, 27 Oct 2001 07:48:45 -0700
From:      Luigi Rizzo <>
To:        Soren Kristensen <>
Cc:        net@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: NEW CODE: polling support for device drivers.
Message-ID:  <>
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References:  <> <>

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On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 01:43:44AM -0700, Soren Kristensen wrote:
> Luigi and all,
> That looks very interesting to me.... I would like to follow up with a
> question, just because of my interest in getting maximum packet
> forwarding performance out of FreeBSD....
> As I see it, the advantage of the polling code is to avoid interrupts
> and context switches.

There is in fat more than that.
I will post later another (longish) message to explain things in
more detail.

> Is it possible to implement all the basic packet forwarding to run to
> completion at interrupt, ie, when a packet comes in, the interrupt code
> would run until the packet has been sent out on another interface, and
> then loop back to see if there's more incomming packets, in a polling
> fashion.

This seems to be a common question :)

If you have fastforwarding enabled (sysctl net.inet.ip.fastforwarding=1)
this is actually how network drivers already work now -- they loop
around the interrupt status register, and each incoming packet is
processed up to the call to XX_start() on the output interface.

Without fastforwarding, processing stops much earlier, i.e.
when the packet is queued into the ipintrq, and then a software
interrupt is scheduled to process ip_input().

 Luigi RIZZO,  . ACIRI/ICSI (on leave from Univ. di Pisa)  . 1947 Center St, Berkeley CA 94704
 Phone: (510) 666 2927

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