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Date:      Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:26:40 +0000 (GMT)
From:      Jan Grant <>
Cc:        freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: how do you actually download an up date for KDE
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On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, hawley wrote:

> How do you actually download an up date for KDE. I have been playing with
> Freebsd off and on for 3 yrs now. At present I have "DSL" internet access. I
> am running a 500 meg Hz intell machine. I have read untell my eyes bleed and
> tryed things untell my fingers cramped: NOTHING EVER WORKS!!!! I am now to
> the point where I would pay to have someone walk me through a successfull
> download. Any thoughts?

If you can afford the time for a compile, the simplest approach is to
utilise cvsup to keep your ports tree up-to-date (you may already be
doing this to update your kernel and base userland system). Details of
this are in the handbook. From an up-to-date ports system, install
"portupgrade". It's a handy tool which will help you to automate the
maintenance of your installed packages. You can tell portupgrade to try
to fetch binary packages to upgrade, or (if none are available) it can
grab the sources for the packages you need and build them for you.

There tends to be a teething period as you switch to portupgrade (if
you've been doing things by hand up until now) but it is definitely
worth persevering with. There's plenty of advice on using it contained
in the archives of this mailing list (also on freebsd-stable).

Note that a from-source rebuild of KDE and its dependencies, while
generally painless, will take quite a bit of time on your machine - but
somewhat less than three years :-)

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112
On modesty: whoever said "it's hard being perfect" obviously wasn't me.

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